Monday, 23 May 2011

Sad and heartsore

In South Africa, Wednesday 18 May 2011, we all went to the Voting Stations, my first stop was at the Veterinary.  My little Yorkshire Terrier, Dawie run out of the yard and into the yard of our neighbours and their dog bit my poor little puppies mouth off.  Dawie came home full of blood and everybody at home was upset.  We rushed off to the Vet and he looked at Dawie and apologised to me saying that he could not safe my puppy.  We had to say goodbye to our beloved little Yorkshire Terrier, he will not be following me around the house any longer.  Lord please keep my puppy safe in heaven. 
A vibrant lively little dog with a whole lot of spunk.

Thursday, 12 May 2011


Boring ....

What if?

“what if” and you know how it goes, you think what if I did this and that, how would my life have turned out.  Ahhh, the what if’s can drive you crazy and to top it off I am frustrated with my situation and then I also seem to be suffering with feelings of feeling lost and I just seem to be thinking how can I fix everything.  My attitude leaves much to be desired, snapping at people and just being so difficult.
I need to bow my knees and thank the Lord for his Grace in my life, Grace to face another day, Grace to realise that something good will come of what I am doing, Grace to know that the Lord is in control over my life and I don’t have to fear tomorrow. 
I received a message on face book, ‘Compliments of the day and hi, you look gorgeous, do u mind my friendship.’  My goodness, I am flattered and then I remember the Mentalist also commented on my wall “so beautiful” Patric Jane is cute.  So is my life boring?  Is it?  I wonder.  ….

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


The kids have been dropped off at school, Andus went to work and now its time to sit and reflex a little.  Today I dedicate my life into the hands of the Lord because I doubt I can make the day on my own.  I find it is becoming more and more difficult to do things without trusting in the Lord.  I see that on my own I mess up good and solled.
Today if possible I want to check out some sites on how to draw and start doing something in the meantime until the teacher let me know when they can fit me in.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Another day in Paradise ... my paradise

Another day in Paradise …  my paradise

Hmmm I wonder if there is anybody that can relate to my paradise.  Wake up in a mood, your husband has a headache, the kids are trying.  Getting into the office you find that the people you work with are just as bad.  What is wrong with my world?  Why is it so horribly upside down?  I had my quiet time in the morning, I have been taught “bow down before the Lord and stand before kings”.  My goodness it has truly been a terrible day, guess what?  It’s over and tomorrow will be a better day, I am sure.  Each day the sun shines and tomorrow won’t be any different, unless it rains but then I get a beautiful rainbow afterwards. 
So yes it has been a trying day and the most people I dealt with were glum and miserable at least I can go home and just relax.  It is a pitty I missed my Art class, too little people attending.  Ahhh that would have been fun, learning a new skill.  I so wish I can paint a beautiful picture.  Hmmmmm that’s a dream I will follow.

Monday, 9 May 2011

Monday Blues .... sjoe

Monday Blues

It seems we all suffer with Monday Blues, or is it just me.  I had the runs today and my stomach is playing havoc with me.  Then I get to work and my employer insults me with a lamb joke.  I finally get home and make supper, its cold and I am feeling miserable this evening.  My husband come in and said just breath everything is going to be alright.  Hmmm the way I feel I wonder.
Looking up I see one of the posters on the wall and I am starting to feel a little better.  “Ephesians 3: 18 – 19 ‘May you be able to feel and understand, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His love really is; and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great the you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it.  And so at last you will be filled up with God Himself.’”  I believe God wants me to experience His love toward me.  I believe God is here for me tonight.  I am not alone and God loves me.  Tonight He is here for me. 
I am feeling better, I just need an attitude adjustment and I want to break this feelings of feeling sorry and alone tonight, I have a wonderful husband and great kids in my life, I cannot be suffering with feeling of loneliness and anxiety.  It won’t do.   
Lifting up my chin and facing this evening with the family and knowing that I am able to do anything through the Lord Jesus Christ and I am not afraid.  My life is in the hand s of the Lord.  Moving forward and looking life in the face I am able to handle it.
Not actually sure that I can inspire anybody but I have come to realise that I must be an inspiration to my husband because he doesn’t suffer that much with depression as he did before we got married.  It must be the Lord healing his broken heart and mine. 
Monday Blues, you’re out, Sun shine and smiles are in this evening.
Yippy and best of all tomorrow night I start my classes with Fine Arts, learning how to draw and then hopefully I will paint a beautiful painting.  Hmmm that sounds like fun!!  The old lady is getting new interests and looking forward to it. J

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Saturday evening

Not sure about your live but I feel I have a very busy live and I run around all day.  We woke up this morning with the frontdoor bell ringing.  I walked to the frontdoor opened it and there was my maid, Elina.  Good morning, she said.  I greeted here and she came in.  I walked to the kitchen and switched on the kettle to make some coffee.  The kids were running around and Lady chasing after them, Dawie also came in and as usual marked the wall at the beginning of the passage.  Andus was furious and gave him a spanking.  He ran out side crying and I went into the bedroom, pulled off all the bedding as it is time for a wash.  Took a nice hot shower and Lady came into the bathroom.  Andus gave her to me, I put her under the shower and washed her too.  She hates the water but her hair is so long it needs washing regularly.  After I washed her I gave her to Andus and he passed her onto Alex to dry her.  I got out of the shower and got dressed.  Running around clean here and there, made the bed.  Andus brought me the think warm blanket and placed it on the bed.  Tonight we will be sleeping in a nice warm bed, it sure is cold in this place.
We went into town and done some banking business, I am going to start an art class on Tuesday so my life is really busy.  I am excited and looking forward to this new venture in my life. 
I phoned mommy and had a chat to her, I phoned Odette and had a chat with her and I am happy.  Tomorrow is mothers day, I will phone mommy again and chat to her.  So, this is another day in my life.  hmmm

Thursday, 5 May 2011

The Honeymoon ... another day

How do you measure your worth?  Is it in the amount of money you earn, is it in the amount of things you collect, is it the number of people you know?  How do you measure your worth?
If I had to measure my worth according to the amount of money I earn then to be honest I am worthless, the money that I have received in the past couple of months is shocking and it really is difficult to get out of bed with a big smile and face the day.  We all are so used to getting up, getting dressed and walking into a smart office and knowing that the end of this month I would be earning in the thousands of Rands.
Today I came to realise that I cannot be measured by my earning, it is so little my husband said that it would not even cover the groceries for the month.  I am worth so much more but the economy and work that is availalbe in Witbank doesn't allow for more.
Chin up and I will face the world even though I dont earn what I used to, I am worth so much more and thank the Lord Jesus that I have a husband who loves me and stands by me.  I can face this day with a smile and give my best until something better comes along.  So world you may think I am not worth much but I am sure that I am worth so much more and when the time is right, God will lift me up and let me stand on the mountain again.  I am worth more than you can ever imagine.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Still in the "Honeymoon" phase

Life is strange, when I was in school I was taller than my husband and we were friends from Grade 6 up to Grade 9.

Time passed and we both got married and life happens as you know, I had 3 children and he had 3 children and then we both had some bad luck and things changed for us.  I put my name on Name Base and he spotted my name and sent me an email.  We chatted on email and we met for lunch one Sunday afternoon.

I had no idea that I would remarry and not even to Andus.  Really we were in school together and I thought I am too tall for him.  To my surprise he actually grew taller and of course is still as handsome as ever.  Well, we started dating and one day I realized that we would get married and so we did.

We got married in September 2010 and so far we are still in the Honeymoon phase, and I am still very happy with my wonderful husband.

hmmmm, live is bliss ......

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