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Showing posts with label #grace #transformation #divinefavor #jesuschrist #forgiveness #supernaturalfavor #wisdom #understanding #kindness #struggling #cope #flawless. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Cultivating Grace: A Journey of Transformation and Divine Favor

by Yvette van Niekerk In 1 Corinthians 15:10, it is written, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them – yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.” Often, I hear the phrase “it is what it is,” and I resonate with the sentiment of being content with oneself. There is no one quite like me – in appearance, actions, or thoughts. I often ponder my past actions and wonder why I acted in certain ways. Reflecting on the life of the Apostle Paul, I am struck by his deep understanding of God's divine secrets. He possessed the keys to a fruitful, victorious, and power-packed Christian life, fueled by the grace of God. I long for that kind of grace in my spiritual journey, believing it would fortify me during my most challenging times. As I look at Paul's life, I marvel at his dedication – preaching, teaching, and proclaiming the gospel despite intense pressure and persecution. I wonder if I could ever reach such heights in my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. How did Paul do it? He comprehended that it was not his strength but the grace of God working through him. I aspire to reach that level of understanding, to fully know and comprehend God. I yearn to tap into God’s supernatural kindness, favour, and spiritual power – His grace. Presently, I find myself in a difficult situation. Despite the presence of my husband and children, I feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness. I am beseeching the Lord God for wisdom, insight, and above all, understanding. My life has shifted dramatically, and I am struggling to cope. Every day seems daunting, and I cannot face it without the Lord by my side. I need His supernatural favour and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Lord, I implore you to grant me Your grace today. I cannot navigate this day without You. The pressure is immense, and I yearn to perform flawlessly, to make You proud. I want to transform my thinking, cease my complaints, and mature in my walk with You. Please renew my mind, break the patterns of negative thinking, and help me change my speech. I am trapped in a cycle of negativity; Lord, please forgive me. I am here, Lord, seeking Your grace to renew my life. Your grace is all-encompassing and sufficient for every need and challenge I face. Father God, I acknowledge that I am what I am solely by Your grace. Today, I strive to work diligently to align myself with Your will. But I am only human; I need Your assistance to bear fruits that are pleasing in Your sight. I implore You for supernatural favour in my relationship with You and with others. Open doors for me and my family, Lord; we are desperate for Your grace. Hear my plea, Lord. Amen.

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