Showing posts with label Confessing sins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confessing sins. Show all posts

Thursday, 7 April 2022

How can I clear the slate?

by Yvette van Niekerk
Ezekiel 18: 31 MSG “Clean house. No more rebellions, please. Get a new heart! Get a new spirit! Why would you choose to die, Israel?” When we are unable to confess our wrongs and sins, our countenance changes. We have darkness over our faces, and it may seem we are sad. Then we experience condemnation. We fail to repent and ask for forgiveness of my sin, our countenance changes. Psalm 34: 5 MSG “They looked to Him and were radiant; their faces will never blush in shame or confusion.” Confession is good for my soul. I need to repent of things I may have said or done. I do not want to build a wall between myself and God. I am honest when I confess anything I did and I receive God's forgiveness. I want a direct line to God and I can only achieve it by confessing my sins. Repentance: means "turning away and deciding not to do it again." I am saying "Yes, I did this, I am sorry and won't do this again." Ezekiel 20: 43 "Then you will look back at all your sins and loathe yourselves because of the evil you have done." Yes, it's true I struggle with self-loathing when I know I have been doing something wrong. I cannot move past it and it makes me feel miserable and I am frustrated. My self-esteem is down the drain, condemnation trails behind me. Life looks bleak and miserable. I seem to be going down the road of destruction in my life and only when I confess my sins, there is a relief. I realize that I cannot do this on my own, I have and always ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything I should be confessing. God is faithful and He does show me my iniquities, giving me a chance to confess and repent. The experience is my heart feels lighter, freedom and joy come to me. God knows the secrets of my heart Psalm 44 verses 21. Prayer Father, Lord as King David prayed, "Wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation." Psalm 51. Please show me anything I am hiding and help me to see it and confess it to you, so that I may repent and receive Your forgiveness. Psalm 31 says "blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered." Please help me to always confess my sinfulness so that I am able to say "see if there are any wicked ways in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Please forgive me, in the name of Jesus Christ. Father God today I want to be obedient and accept the gift that You have given me. I am trading my tired and worn-out life for a new one today with Jesus Christ. Today I surrender all my faulty plans for Your perfect plan. Lord, please help me to abide in you so that you can abide in me. Father today I am embracing the new life available to me. I don’t know how things will work but I beg You hear my call. I accept the Lord Jesus Christ to renew my life today. Amen

Monday, 20 July 2020

Is your heart on fire for God? #heartonfire

by Yvette van Niekerk

2 Timothy 1: 5-7 MSG

"That precious memory triggers another: your honest faith - and what a rich faith it is, handed down from your grandmother Lois to your mother Eunice, and now to you! And the special gift of ministry you received when I laid hands on you and prayed - keep that ablaze! God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible."

When I see fire, I am automatically interested and stare at it, the flames licking and flickering up and down. When we have a braai (barbeque) most of us like to gather around the fire and chat, it nice and warm and very inviting. Fire keeps us warm and illuminates our interactions, it is the focal point, that brings us together.

Thinking of fire as a metaphor, it reminds of passion, burning and consuming desire, which is unquenchable. And fire can also be associated with our faith, burning and consuming desire to learn more of Gods word. I pray my heart and yours catches fire. The Holy Spirit coming in blazing and cleansing our hearts, souls and minds. I am asking God for purpose, passion and a promise in my life, the Holy Spirit to move and shake me.

Looking to God to His Kingdom and His coming. I want to have a deep conviction, almost simple assumption. The only way, I can experience the power, in my life through the Holy Spirit, and my ministry will go deeper in practising prayer in my life.


Father, I want to come into Your presence with a joyful song of praise. I am asking You to ignite a passion in my spreading the gospel that is underscored by a sense of prophetic immediacy and urgency. I am praying for a powerful but natural merging of evangelism and compassion, of help and of hope and sharing the Word, Your Gospel with the kind assistance of a good friend. In Jesus Christs Name, Amen.

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Wednesday, 29 April 2020

How does prayer change your life?

by Yvette van Niekerk

I believe when we pray that we are in communication with the Lord Jesus. We want to build our relationship with Him, and we need to speak to Him. Even when we don't know what we want to say we still just come into His presence and be still.

There are so many formulas and so many prayer guidelines available to us, which can help us, but from my point of view, just being honest, and speaking to God from my heart. I believe God hears these prayers.

We need to praise the Lord when we come into His presence. Giving Him praise, saying thank You, and blessing the Lord is good for our soul and helps us go into right standing with God. Then because we are fallible and have sins present in our hearts and lives, I believe we should be confessing our transgressions. Then we need to repent of our sins.  Reading the Word, we know that in Isaiah 59 verses two says "Your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear." It's no use trying to hide your sins, or the things you know aren't acceptable to God. He knows you and can see what you have done. Hebrews 4, verses 13 says "There is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account." So true confession is admitting to all your evil deeds and asking God to forgive you with a repented heart.

This type of prayer is good for our soul; we feel relieved and can breathe after this. Lifting heaviness from our shoulders and creating a renewing; in our hearts and mind because God knows the secrets of our heart. Prayer changes my perspective of life, and God is waiting for me to speak to Him.


Heavenly Father, humbly I come before You, asking You Lord God, please forgive me. Create in me a clean heart and forgive me every fault. Please renew a right spirit within me. O LORD, You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness. Please forgive me for taking advantage of your graciousness and mercy. Please Lord, have mercy upon me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to the multitude of Your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquities and cleanse me from my sins. I want to receive Your forgiveness of sins and ask for refreshing in my life. Amen

Yvette van Niekerk

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