Monday, 13 June 2011

What’s in a name?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately.  What does my name actually mean, when did my name come into being?  Well I thought about it and looked it up on the “net”.  Yvette came into being in 1880 and the meaning of my name is “restful place, yew tree, forgiveness, home, stone, willow, wise child, the one with the beautiful body, profile.”  

Proverbs 11: 22 “like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman without discretion”.  Let me see, my name is important as it defines who I am.  Your looks don’t always make up for who you really are.  I have been watching some of these beautiful young girls and I must be honest I am surprised at the way they react.  I see that they have no discretion; they are so foolish and act like empty vessels with nothing inside of them that defines them from the rest of the world’s woman.

We need to draw near to the Lord so that we may learn discretion, so that we may learn to have sober habits and that we may be able to stand out and be holy.  Set apart and different from the normal run of the mill. 
Lord I want to be gracious, I need to grow spiritually and I want to have a discerning spirit and know that I am Your child. 

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Maintaining Balance

I have heard about maintaining balance in one's life but it really does take practise.  I seem to struggle very much with that kind of thinking.  I try and try and often I fail.  I was thinking about it and it struck me the only way I can survive and live my life is by staying committed to the Lord Jesus.  It isn't that easy, I get busy and then I get side tracked.  I get upset with myself and then I start getting impatient with the people around me.  You cannot think that this would change who you are but it actually does.

My life is not worth much, these are thoughts that go through my mind constantly.  I am not the best wife or mother, I should have done more.  I then start feeling so guilty and then I start fighting with everybody around me.  I find that the more unhappy these thoughts make me the more unhappy I want to make the people around me.  How to remedy this?  I get back down on my knees and start praying, start looking for answers in the Bible.  Lord Jesus, please help me, my life is just not that great.  I seem to be so full of myself.

Again I am reminded, Epehsian 3: 18 - 19 "Yvette may you be able to feel and understand, how long, how wide, how deep, and how high His love really is;  and to experience this love for yourselves, though it is so great that you will never see the end of it or fully know or understand it.  And so at last you will be filled up with God Himself."  Lord fill me up so that I may become more like Jesus Christ and less the person I am right now.  I just cannot face the day without You Lord.

So I take the plung, get back down on my knees and pray for the Lord to help me.  I just cannot face this day without Him.  I cannot focus and stay focused, the people are just to fickel and I dont always like them never mind myself.

Have a great evening and a wonderful day.

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