Wednesday 20 August 2014

Mistakes I don’t want to make again.

Acts 28: 26 – 27 (ESV)
26 “‘Go to this people, and say,
“You will indeed hear but never understand,
    and you will indeed see but never perceive.”
27 For this people's heart has grown dull,
    and with their ears they can barely hear,
    and their eyes they have closed;
lest they should see with their eyes
    and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart
    and turn, and I would heal them.’

As I sit here and think about hearing it reminds me of a couple of weeks ago when I was totally deaf in my left ear.  Being stubborn and not wanting to go to the doctor I thought ‘this too will pass’, and it did not.  Plucking up the courage I decided to see the doctor.  He told me it’s nothing serious; my ear was blocked and it can be remedied with “waxol”.

During that period I didn’t hear much and it was really peaceful, as I used to try and listen to what the kids were saying and keep up with their gossip.  This made me think a little and it came to mind that I have been really deaf to the Word of God.  I have been stubborn and didn’t really pay attention.  On reading this passage today it made me sit up and think about mistakes I really don’t want to do again.

One is to not judge people immediately and give them a chance to prove themselves.  Another is to show compassion and take in what is being said.  Something else that I truly want to avoid by all costs is to be jealous and throw tantrums.  My jealous nature is really one that can drive me insane and it gets my suspicious mind watching every move my darling husband makes, turning me into a spoilt teenager throwing tantrums. 

Humbly I pray the Lord to renew my mind and help me keep away from old habits and bad mistakes, helping me cope and change as I grow older.  

Lord as I know I have been deaf and blind simultaneously I humbly pray and ask You to please renew my mind and soul, create in me a clean heart and pure spirit.  Help me make good choices as I go through me day, in the Holy name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Regular Prayer for family and friends ....

Acts 16: 31 (AMP)
31 And they answered, Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ [[d]give yourself up to Him, [e] take yourself out of your own keeping and entrust yourself into His keeping] and you will be saved, [and this applies both to] you and your household as well.

Abba Father, humbly I come before You asking for the salvation of family and friends that do not know or have a personal relationship with You.

2 Corinthians 4: 4 (AMP)
For the god of this world has blinded the unbelievers’ minds [that they should not discern the truth], preventing them from seeing the illuminating light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ (the Messiah), Who is the Image and Likeness of God.

Please Lord I pray that You will reveal Yourself to my family and friends and that Your Holy Spirit will open their eyes and ears to Your word, so that they may experience Your abundant love for them.
As I bring these members of my family and friends before I pray that You will hear my heart’s desire and save them as per your Word in Psalm 21: 2.


Monday 18 August 2014

Power in the Name of Jesus

Proverbs 18:14Amplified Bible (AMP)
14 The strong spirit of a man sustains him in bodily pain or trouble, but a weak and broken spirit who can raise up or bear?

Blow after blow I endured for some many years and this year it struck me to such an extent that committing suicide would have been the best answer for me.  My weak and broken spirit could not move forward any more.  I was constantly crying and everything seemed to be against me.  I finally spoke to my husband and my daughter, telling them the overwhelming feeling of despair that was haunting me constantly.  It seemed that my life was falling apart and the even God had abandoned me.  

 A couple of weeks ago I decided to get my house in order as I was sure I would not make this year going forward, I told my husband, I wanted to get all my project in order and sort things out as I was certain I was going to die.

In the meantime I have been to my GP who has given me medication to help me deal with my daily stress which by the way aren’t earth moving problems.  Just a daily life.

Psalm 38 (amp) spoke to me personally and it seemed that God had let me down.  I started focusing on my Lord, ‘Matthew 6:33 But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.’  

I made it my mission going forward to focus on God and stay in the word, when feeling down I would listen to Gospel music my daughter forwarded to me via Whatsup and when life felt too heavy for me, I would read my Bible, looking constantly to draw near to the Lord.  

Today after so many months of anxiety I feel confidant to look forward and trust in the Lord, to change my future and know that my God loves me with mercies untold.  I know that each and every chain is being broken by my Lord Jesus.

'My favor, pleasure, and goodwill I have had mercy .....'

Isaiah 60 Amplified Bible (AMP)
10 Foreigners shall build up your walls, and their kings shall minister to you; for in My wrath I smote you, but in My favor, pleasure, and goodwill I have had mercy, love, and pity for you.

As I read this I must tell you that for a very, very long time I felt as though my God had forgotten all about me.  I was praying but it felt as though my prayers were hitting a bronze dome not allowing my prayers to get through to the Lord.  I then started to look at my life with a microscope and investigate what was wrong and how I could rectify my situation.  

 Not that I have the power to do anything but I started eliminating all the things I felt was sinful in the sight of God.  I started making amends and asking for forgiveness and coming clean before God and man.

It has taken a couple of years to bring me to the place I find myself.  You don’t have any idea how difficult and embracing many of the things are to be asking for forgiveness and repentance of these things.  When I read this verse and realized that God has been looking out for me.  Yes I sinned and finally came to my senses, God is faithful and was standing behind me watching and waiting.  I kept at it until things started changing.  I am pleased to tell you that I believe God has mercy, love and pity for me and you.   

Come clean with what you know is wrong, repent from it and take up the cross again.  Jesus died on the cross for you and me, let us not give up now, life is so short.

Take care, in the Love of Jesus I greet you.

Friday 15 August 2014

Vroue wat glo Bybeldagboek

 oh wow

My God is awesome, please check out this book if you can, I
have been published, thank you Lord

Vroue wat glo Bybeldagboek

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