Monday 18 June 2012

I Love the Lord my God, Jesus Christ

If you love me, you will obey my commandments.’ John 14: 15

In humility I come before the Lord God and I stand and accept the commandments in humble obedience to my Lord Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour.  I also declare and state that I love the Lord my God with all my heart, body and soul.  

I find myself in the wilderness, I entrust my life into the hands of the Lord my God.  I believe that I am the head and not the tail.  I declare that I am the righteousness of God in Christ.  I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that He rose from the dead in 3 days.  I have eternal life and I can stand before the Lord God through Jesus Christ.

In humility I ask Lord search my heart and mind and help me to repent of any sin that may be within me that which I am aware of as well as that which I do not know of.  I declare Psalm 145: 9 ‘The LORD is good to all; and his tender mercies are over all his works.’  I believe that I am a work in progress and God is still working with me forming into His desired plan.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Normal - is over rated.

‘I am the first, the last, the only God; there is no other god but Me.’ Isaiah 44: 6

Thinking about this the Lord God was the first, is the last and the only God on this earth.  I don’t believe we really can understand the greatness of our true God.  Tonight it is my desire to draw near to the Lord God and become more and more like the Lord.  God sent His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die on the Cross for our sins.

Thinking back to a time in the early days of the year 2000 my ex-husband and I with our three children were invited to attend act of a hypnotizer.   The poor man just could not get the people go under and from the stage he walked straight to me and said ‘Stop praying, this isn’t a evil thing I am doing.  It’s just for fun and we don’t want to harm you or anybody else.’  I was shocked at this reaction and couldn’t believe his outburst.  The fact of the matter is that the magician wasn’t able to get the people to go under hypnosis and that made the audience angry as well as the hypnotiser.  We left the theatre and went home, my ex-husband was very angry with me and told me I should stop my nonsense and behave like any normal person.

Anyway long story short, it seems I am not a normal person as I still love the Lord God with all my heart, body and mind.  I still believe God is in control over my life and He is my everything.  My life cannot change unless my Lord permits it to and that sits well with me.  I am blessed and the righteousness of God in Christ.

A Mindset of Greatness

A Mindset of Greatness

Friday 15 June 2012

Me in the News Paper!

Witbank News, Friday 15 June 2012, Berta and Yvette

I must tell you I have moved to Witbank and am living here about two years and this is a tight knit community.  You don’t just make friends with the people around here.  Nevertheless I made a friend one evening while I was attending a Karate Grading for the children.  My new friend Berta van der Spuy was outside in the cold just like me waiting for her grandson.  We started to chat as I invited her to take a seat next to me on the bench before one of the large windows looking into the Dojo.  Well we talked about all kinds of events and the things the kids got up to.  She invited me to go and visit her at her Clinic.  I decided to pop around her place one morning and then she said to me would you like to join us for a ‘Pyjama Party’.  I said sure I can make a plan with the kids and come along.  

So it was arranged my husband works most weekends and would not be home on the Friday evening and I left the two kids at home and went in my pyjamas to this party.  We had a great time, a lot of laughter and fund.  It was a party to raise some funds for the needy and to get the community involved.  I pledged my time to bake a lovely cake and do some typing.  One of the doctors bought my pledge and said she would call on me when she needed to have something typed up for her.

Nice ladies, all very professional and very wealthy, one of the ladies that stood out for me was of course my friend Berta.  She is very down to earth and very sweet, always laughing and she seems so happy with her own life.  I have decided to write a review on her life and how she managed to become so successful.  I am compiling some information about her and then will write an article about her life’s success.  

The other ladies I thought were also most gracious and very kind are Wilma Erasmus, she is the chairperson of the SACBW in Emalahleni (The South African Council for Businesswomen).  She is open and kind and has a lovely way about her.  Once I get to know her a little better I will try and get some of her time and write a review on her too.

See you soon!!

Thursday 14 June 2012

I am not sure what my purpose is?

Jack my teddy

Helen Keller wrote:  ‘When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long ant the closed door that we do not see the one which God has opened for us.’ 

Warning about worry
22 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Therefore, I say to you, don’t worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. 23 There is more to life than food and more to the body than clothing.” 

I am at a stage in my life that I am unsure of where I am heading, I don’t know what tomorrow brings for me and I am not sure what my purpose in life is right now.  Thinking about what Helen Keller wrote I wonder if I am not looking at the closed door and cannot see the door which God has opened for me.  I also remind myself of what Jesus said to the disciples that they should not worry about anything.

Why do we let ourselves worry when we have someone so great to stand on?  I can only ask the Lord Jesus in humble prayer to show me the way forward and show me the purpose to which He has called me.  If you have good ideas and want to share them with me and help me find out what my purpose is let me know.

God bless you as you read this message today.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

A tribute to my Dad – Paul J. Britz

With “Father’s Day” fast approaching I think of my Dad a man I thought the world of.  My Dad as far as I can remember is someone dependable and someone I could trust.  I loved listening to him when he used to call me every Sunday morning at 07h30.  Well as you know life has a strange way of dealing with all of us.  My Dad passed away 31 March 2008 at 12h00.  My sister was the first to hear of his passing and then she called me and told me.  We all drove down for the funeral which was in Port Elizabeth.  It is an 11 hour drive from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth and my mom and her husband also came along with us.  My daughter and her husband and my two sons drove down to support us in our time of grief.

As for remembering my Dad, I think that my Dad was a hardworking man; his hobby was his birds and his gardens.  I know he loved to read “Readers Digest” and bought that magazine religiously.  I also know my Dad kept a diary and wrote in it all the time.  He also sold puppy for a friend of his that lived on a Farm in the Eastern Cape.

My brother left South Africa and immigrated to Canada and just before my Dad passed away he relocated to Australia.  We tried to phone him and could not get hold of him; he was having family problems at the time.  Something happened there I do not wish to talk about but the fact remained that people stop us from getting hold of him on time to let him know.  The sad part is that he finally got the news from the same people who kept it from him the day we had the memorial service for my Dad.  I also felt hurt that he thought we would be so mean as not to try and get hold of him but it was a sad time and I suppose he felt let down by us.  So sadly we lost our brother too because I think he blames us for not letting him know the sad truth.  Well, to cap it off we don’t talk much to him as he has isolated himself from us and doesn’t want anything to do with us because of this matter.

Life sure can come and knock the wind out of you.  I also was disappointed in the eulogy for my father.  It seemed as though no one wanted to say something nice about him.  Looking at the little pamphlet that was made for my Dad, just an old and ugly photo with only a date of birth and death.  How sad, nothing telling about what he did and how he lived. 

Here is my tribute to a man that raised me, my sister Zelda and my brother Paul.  Dad if we could ever say thank you for the time you did spend with us we would.  Our DAD? Dad you where someone that thought about us all the time, you understood us and you had time for us, you were kind and we could always call on you.  You never seemed to mind when we came all the way from Jo’burg to come and visit and eat up all your food and enjoy ice-cream on the beach with you and Willemien.  You would listen to the things we talked about, give sound advice and praise when needed, ready and always willing to give us a helping hand.  We really love and miss you and may the Lord keep you safe till we meet you again.

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