Saturday, 14 October 2023

Empowered by Faith: Overcoming Challenges with Luke 10: 19

"Luke 10:19 (RSV) reassures us: 'Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall hurt you.' This profound scripture not only instills faith but also encourages us to recognize the abundant opportunities that often go unnoticed amidst life's challenges. As a devoted Christian, I may not have physically encountered serpents or scorpions, but in the spiritual realm, I have triumphed over numerous challenges. This scripture is a beacon of hope, reminding me that God has bestowed upon me the authority to overcome all obstacles. The knowledge that I possess the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions, coupled with the assurance that I am shielded from harm, emboldens my spirit. The concept of 'nothing shall hurt me' resonates deeply within me, serving as a constant reminder of God's unwavering protection. This assurance empowers me to face each day with courage, embracing new projects and experiences with a heart full of faith. I find solace in the incredible truth that I am not alone in my endeavors; the Lord, in His infinite wisdom, strengthens me. All glory and honor belong to God, for I am merely an instrument of His divine will. Through Christ Jesus, I draw strength, recognizing that my abilities are magnified through His grace. With this understanding, I approach life's challenges with confidence, trusting in God's promise that nothing shall hurt me." Heavenly Father, I come before you in gratitude, centering my thoughts on Your Word. I am thankful, Lord, for the assurance that "nothing shall hurt me." Your protective hand is stretched out over my life, guiding my path and shielding me from harm. I humbly seek your divine guidance, trusting that you will illuminate the right doors of opportunity for me and my family in the days to come. May your wisdom direct our steps and may we walk in the light of your blessings. In the holy and powerful name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Friday, 13 October 2023

Letter to my friends

Dear Beloved Friends in Christ, I hope this message finds you in the peace and grace of our Lord. Today, I am compelled to share with you a powerful scripture that has been resonating in my heart. In Lamentations 3:21-22 (RSV), it is written, "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end." As we meditate upon these words, let us be filled with awe and gratitude. Amid life's challenges, it is truly astounding to know that our hope rests in the unwavering love of the Lord. We must remind ourselves that we can find hope in the Lord's love, which is boundless and everlasting. His love never ceases; He will never cut us off. His mercies are inexhaustible and never come to an end. In these trying times, it is crucial to immerse ourselves in the Word of God. By doing so, we renew our minds and become like sponges, absorbing His teachings and wisdom. When life squeezes us, and we face trials and tribulations, what spills out of us is the beautiful aroma of God's love and grace. This fragrance is refreshing, and it stems from being filled with the Lord's Word. I have observed a lack of care and mercy in our interactions with one another. It pains my heart to witness the absence of essential virtues such as mercy and respect among us. In our journey as Christians, let us not forget to extend these qualities to others, just as the Lord extends His mercy and love to us. Let us bow our heads in prayer: "Dear Lord, we come before you with humble hearts, seeking your guidance and strength. Help us not to lose hope, even in the face of challenges. Teach us to place our trust in You and Your sacred scriptures. Grant us the wisdom and patience to navigate every situation life throws our way. Lord, we love and worship You, and we place our lives in Your hands. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen." May the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each one of you, comforting and sustaining you in every moment. In Christ's love, Yvette

Thursday, 12 October 2023

Affirmation in the Almighty God

In the sacred verses of Exodus 35:35, I find affirmation that the Almighty has endowed me with creativity, a divine gift meant to be celebrated and utilized. It is a profound calling, one I believe I am meant to fulfill through various channels. God has whispered His purpose into my soul, guiding me to serve Him through my passion for baking, crafting intricate cake toppers, chronicling my thoughts in a blog, and expressing my love through embroidery.
As I immerse myself in these creative endeavors, I am reminded of my earnest desire to remain in His divine presence. Proverbs 23:7 cautions me about the power of my thoughts, urging me to align them with the purity of His teachings. I long to shed the cloak of negativity that has draped my mornings and conversations. Thus, I declare my willingness to be taught, to open myself to the transformative touch of the Holy Spirit, and to renew my mind with the Word of God. Though I have fashioned charming fondant animals and crafted exquisite cakes, I yearn for more. I crave the ability to nurture creative thinking, to birth extraordinary ideas that could reshape my destiny. Lord, grant me the grace to perceive Your messages not just spiritually but also through the tangible world around me. Help me develop the vision that Joel 2:28 speaks of, for I confess that I have lost the art of dreaming. Repeated discouragements have dimmed the light of my aspirations, leaving me feeling stagnant and unfulfilled as I approach my 60th year. Yet, I hold onto hope, for I know Your timing is divine. I await Your vision for my life, yearning for the revelation of Your purpose. With an open heart and a spirit receptive to Your guidance, I surrender my anxieties. Lord, I pray for Your wisdom to discern the path You've laid out for me. In this moment of seeking and listening, I rest my soul in Your hands, trusting that Your divine plan will unfold in its perfect time. Amen.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023

In Him (Jesus Christ): Embracing the Transformational Power of God's Love

by Yvette van Niekerk In the depths of Romans 5:9 (NLT), we find a profound truth that echoes through the ages: "We have been made right in God’s sight by the Blood of Christ." As I delve into the pages of the Bible, I'm astounded by the magnitude of God's love – a love so immense that He sent Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. This love transforms us, making us right in His sight through the redeeming power of Christ's blood. It's a profound realization that brings me both awe and humility. How incredible it is to be embraced by God just as we are, faults and all. But recently, I've grappled with a challenging concept: the difference between my position in Christ and my daily condition. I confess, there are moments when I fail God, when I miss the mark. In these times, I find solace in 2 Corinthians 5:21: "God made him (Jesus) who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." It's a reminder of my position in Christ – a position of righteousness. Yet, the struggle lies in my daily condition. Here, I've discovered the role of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit, the transformative force, works tirelessly to align my condition with my position. Through repentance, confession, and the cleansing power of God, I am constantly changing. I find hope in 2 Corinthians 3:18 (NLT): "The Lord who is the Spirit makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image." It's a promise of ongoing transformation. In moments of weakness, I turn to God, acknowledging my flaws and seeking His forgiveness. I trust that He is working in me, refining my character, molding me into His likeness. This journey of change is not without its challenges. There are days when disappointment clouds my heart, when I question the path set before me. But in those moments, I remember His promises, such as Isaiah 66:12: "I will bring you lasting prosperity; the wealth of the nations will flow to you like a river that never goes dry." Dear Lord, I come before you, acknowledging my shortcomings. If I have sinned knowingly or unknowingly, I ask for your forgiveness. I surrender my disappointments and struggles to you, trusting in your greater plan. Please, Lord, do not forget about me in my time of need. I hold onto your promises, knowing that your love and transformative power are guiding me through this journey. In Jesus Christ's name, I pray. Amen.

Tuesday, 10 October 2023

Humbling Myself Under the Mighty Hand of God: Finding my Destiny at 60

by Yvette van Niekerk
Introduction As I approach my sixtieth year this November, I find myself reflecting on life's purpose. Have I missed my destiny? It seems like those in their early twenties to late forties are diligently preparing for their futures, while I grapple with uncertainties. Could it be that I faltered in the Pride test? I can't even articulate my current dreams. Financial troubles loom. Yet, in Jeremiah 29:11, I find assurance: "For I know the plans I have for you..." The question remains: how do I align myself with God's greater dream? Discovering God's Dream for Me The key lies in truly knowing God. As Psalm 103:7 imparts, "He made known his ways to Moses..." Getting to know God and understanding His ways will unveil His dream for my life. His plan surpasses my own, for His greatness far exceeds my understanding. The challenge is to step aside and allow His dream to take precedence. The Pride Test: Numbers 12:6 reveals how even the most faithful, like Moses, can communicate with God. My journey, however, has been marked by pride. How can I amend this? Can I rectify my past missteps? Silencing the Ego, Embracing God's Plan My destiny is not confined to a singular dream; it's about moulding my character. Pride thrives on self-promotion, but Matthew 12:34 reminds me that it stems from the heart. My words reflect my heart's condition. It's time to cease the self-centred narrative. Reflecting on the past, I acknowledge my folly in boasting about supporting my family and Warawa. God, in His grace, is at work in my life. Rooting Out Pride: Embracing God's Confidence Pride's root lies in feelings of inadequacy. I currently find myself in this space, grappling with a perceived lack of skill. But I recognize that God, not self, is the source of my strength and wisdom. In becoming more confident in the Lord's abilities working through me, I'll shed pride. This starts with daily humbling myself in His presence. The story of a Prince disguising himself to win his beloved's heart resonates with me. It mirrors Jesus' sacrifice, leaving heaven to walk among us. Like the Prince's bride, I must remember where I come from. A Royal Identity: Overcoming Insecurities As a child of the King, I'm secure in my identity. In Him, I find the strength to tackle any task He sets before me. Knowing I'm adopted into His royal family, I remain free from the chains of pride. I must first pass the Pride test to fulfil the destiny God has designed for me. Conclusion As I journey towards my sixtieth year, I cling to the promise in Jeremiah 29:11. God's plan for me, though beyond my comprehension, is infused with hope and purpose. My path forward lies in humbling myself daily before the Creator, for in His presence, my pride diminishes. I embrace my identity as a child of the King, ready to step into the destiny He has ordained.

Cultivating Grace: A Journey of Transformation and Divine Favor

by Yvette van Niekerk In 1 Corinthians 15:10, it is written, “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them – yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me.” Often, I hear the phrase “it is what it is,” and I resonate with the sentiment of being content with oneself. There is no one quite like me – in appearance, actions, or thoughts. I often ponder my past actions and wonder why I acted in certain ways. Reflecting on the life of the Apostle Paul, I am struck by his deep understanding of God's divine secrets. He possessed the keys to a fruitful, victorious, and power-packed Christian life, fueled by the grace of God. I long for that kind of grace in my spiritual journey, believing it would fortify me during my most challenging times. As I look at Paul's life, I marvel at his dedication – preaching, teaching, and proclaiming the gospel despite intense pressure and persecution. I wonder if I could ever reach such heights in my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. How did Paul do it? He comprehended that it was not his strength but the grace of God working through him. I aspire to reach that level of understanding, to fully know and comprehend God. I yearn to tap into God’s supernatural kindness, favour, and spiritual power – His grace. Presently, I find myself in a difficult situation. Despite the presence of my husband and children, I feel an overwhelming sense of loneliness. I am beseeching the Lord God for wisdom, insight, and above all, understanding. My life has shifted dramatically, and I am struggling to cope. Every day seems daunting, and I cannot face it without the Lord by my side. I need His supernatural favour and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Lord, I implore you to grant me Your grace today. I cannot navigate this day without You. The pressure is immense, and I yearn to perform flawlessly, to make You proud. I want to transform my thinking, cease my complaints, and mature in my walk with You. Please renew my mind, break the patterns of negative thinking, and help me change my speech. I am trapped in a cycle of negativity; Lord, please forgive me. I am here, Lord, seeking Your grace to renew my life. Your grace is all-encompassing and sufficient for every need and challenge I face. Father God, I acknowledge that I am what I am solely by Your grace. Today, I strive to work diligently to align myself with Your will. But I am only human; I need Your assistance to bear fruits that are pleasing in Your sight. I implore You for supernatural favour in my relationship with You and with others. Open doors for me and my family, Lord; we are desperate for Your grace. Hear my plea, Lord. Amen.

Monday, 9 October 2023

Embracing God's Mercy and Love

by Yvette van Niekerk
At meal times, we pause to say grace. Yet, I find myself pondering - do I truly grasp the depth of God's grace? The scriptures define it as an action of divine favor, a force that washes away sin and absolves guilt. It's the love of God, given freely, when I least deserve it. His grace stands as a beacon of forgiveness and acceptance, sufficient for every day. All I need to do is ask for it. Let's turn the spotlight on me for a moment. I am far from perfect. I've lied, stolen, gossiped, and even cheated. Each transgression carries its own weight of consequences, and guilt swiftly follows. There were times when I hesitated to seek God's grace, comparing my shortcomings to others', thinking mine were somehow worse. These experiences left scars, yet I continued to function. I once embarked on a journey to earn God's forgiveness, convinced of my own unworthiness. Though I might have appeared righteous on the surface, my soul felt as dark as pitch. I began by tentatively approaching the Lord, tears in my eyes. How could He, I wondered, even look upon someone like me? Soon, it dawned on me that Grace isn't a carte blanche to evade the repercussions of my actions. It doesn't grant me immunity to sin without consequence. Instead, it shifted my focus from my wrongdoings to God's word. To realign my life, I had to dive into the scriptures, rebuilding my connection with Him. I had to allow His grace to wash over my guilt, to accept it. How? Romans 4:17 reminds me, "I have made you the father of many nations." And Romans 5:8 resonates, "but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Following that, Romans 6:15 sternly warns against using grace as an excuse to sin. God's grace beckons me, and I want to draw near. Lord, I believe, and I accept Your Word, as Hebrews 4:16 encourages, "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in times of need." What have I learned? Guilt leads to condemnation. I yearn to live in conviction, where God uses my guilt as a compass, guiding me towards His Grace, leading to spiritual growth. How do I achieve this? I must grant God access to my thoughts, allowing Him to renew my mind. I need His Spirit to unveil my sin and expose its true nature. I must grow to abhor my sin, to desperately yearn for God, to cling to Him for forgiveness. I've grieved over my actions, but I've struggled to accept that God loves me, and His grace is sufficient. Often, I hear the cruel refrain, "you are nothing, a nobody, a total loser!" Yet, I also hear the comforting words, "Jesus forgives you!" Help me transform my thoughts, Lord, and renew my mind. I aspire to be elevated into holiness and truth. I now understand that God's convictions require effort. I must remain steadfast in Him, dwell in His presence, and cultivate my personal relationship with Him. I must relinquish my finances, health, and discipline to God. By allowing God full access to my life, I will be renewed in my mind, and my relationship with Jesus will be reborn. I yearn to overcome my past and live victoriously with the Lord Jesus by my side and within me. I desire to embody the words of Romans 6:22 today, "But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life." And let's not forget to stand on Hebrews 8:12, "For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more." What an awe-inspiring and magnificent God we serve. As I contemplate this, I declare with conviction James 4:7, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." This is my belief and my present prayer for my own life. Grace is a potent force of liberation. I long for transformation, to become a better person, more pleasing to God and to those around me. I walk in the footsteps of Jesus, striving for perfection, though I recognize my imperfections. I willingly yield control, Lord Jesus, inviting Your grace to conquer my guilt and liberate me from past sins. I do not wish to deny You, Lord Jesus, as Peter once did in Matthew 26:69-75. Please, Father God, grant me the strength to seek Your forgiveness. My burdens have become too heavy to bear alone. You know the battles I face and the anger within me. Lord, how can I shed this weight of guilt and release these sins that haunt me daily? Today, I surrender my life completely into Your hands. Lord Jesus, I embrace You as my Lord and Savior. Holy Spirit, renew my mind and align me with the teachings of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Overcoming Parental Guilt: Embracing God's Grace

by Yvette van Niekerk
Introduction Guilt is a powerful emotion that often finds its way into my thoughts, especially in the quiet moments of early morning or late at night. It clings to me, stemming from a sense of not being there enough for my children, even though they are now grown and parents themselves. While my youngest son has offered forgiveness, my eldest is still navigating his own challenges, and my daughter, she holds her feelings close. Her love for me, however, is unwavering. The Burden of Guilt It's become clear that this guilt is holding me back spiritually. It clouds my judgment and distorts my sense of purpose. At times, I feel undeserving of God's boundless grace and mercy. Yet, I turn to the scriptures, to Psalms 103:10-11, which reminds me: "He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him." Seeking Forgiveness In 1 John 1:9, I find solace: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." It's a constant process, of acknowledging both known and unknown transgressions. I implore the Lord for His mercy and forgiveness. Freedom from Sin Romans 6:7 offers a glimmer of hope: "For one who has died has been set free from sin." Yet, releasing the grip of guilt is not always easy. It sneaks up on me when I least expect it, leaving me feeling abandoned and alone. Confronting Condemnation In recent months, I've found myself trapped in a cycle of self-condemnation. Feelings of unworthiness and a belief that this is what I deserve have taken hold. But is this truly what I believe? Is this the life I'm meant to lead? Is God punishing me, withdrawing His favor because of my past? Discovering God's Love I yearn to understand God's love for me. To recognize His hand at work in my life, even amid adversity. Perhaps these trials are a season of grace, a period that will ultimately lead me to a deeper understanding of His love. Embracing Forgiveness I hold fast to the belief that Jesus Christ has the power to transform my life. His forgiveness can replace my guilt with grace, time and time again. I'm ready to leave my guilt in the past and move forward. Stepping into Grace In Romans 12:1, I'm reminded to present myself as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. And in Romans 8:1, the assurance echoes: "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Reflecting on Romans 7:1, I understand that the law only binds us as long as we live. Conclusion As I navigate this journey of faith and self-forgiveness, I trust in God's unfailing love. Through His grace, I will find the strength to let go of guilt, embrace forgiveness, and move forward in His light.

Friday, 6 October 2023

Father God, help us, send your Angles

Heavenly Father,
We come before you with humble hearts, seeking Your guidance and strength. We acknowledge the truth in Your Word, that Your angels encamp around those who fear You. In moments of trouble, when we face the unknown, Your angels are dispatched to rescue, guide, and comfort us. We look to the stories of old, where Your divine messengers intervened in the lives of Your faithful ones, delivering them from peril, changing their life's course, helping them face insurmountable challenges, and strengthening them in their weakest moments. Just as Lot was rescued from the impending destruction of Sodom, just as Moses found purpose in the flames of a burning bush, just as Joshua received a divine plan to bring down the walls of Jericho, and just as Elijah, in his weariness, was touched and comforted by an angel, we too trust in Your divine intervention. We are reminded of Daniel, whose faithfulness led him into the lion's den, yet Your angel shut the mouths of the lions and brought him out unharmed. In our moments of doing what is right, battling temptation, and carrying burdens too heavy to bear, we seek Your angels' presence. We find solace in the knowledge that Jesus Himself, in His deepest anguish, was strengthened by an angel from heaven. Lord, as we face the challenges of our daily lives, we lift up our needs before You. We ask for Your wisdom and understanding as we navigate our work and personal responsibilities. We admit our weaknesses and boldly request Your angelic assistance. We trust in Your provision, knowing that You are aware of our struggles and needs. Grant us the strength to persevere, the wisdom to make the right decisions, and the faith to trust in Your divine plan. We place our trust in You, knowing that when we call upon You for help, Your angels are already on their way. We ask all these things in the powerful name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Thursday, 5 October 2023

God's Angels at Your Side

Psalm 91:11 (NLT) assures us that God will command His angels to protect us wherever we go. Have you ever wondered when God sends His angels to assist us? Here are a few instances: When Loved Ones Disappoint: Think of Hagar, betrayed and abandoned after fulfilling God's promise. Despite her despair, God sent an angel to assure her that her son, Ishmael, was destined for greatness (Genesis 21:18). In Times of Public Humiliation: Consider Mary, facing disgrace for a pregnancy outside wedlock. God sent an angel to affirm her place in His divine plan, protecting her from societal judgment (Luke 1:34-38). Amidst Grief and Fear: Reflect on Mary Magdalene, mourning Jesus’ death. In her sorrow, God sent an angel to declare the miraculous truth: “He is not here; He is risen” (Matthew 28:6). Remember, Hebrews 13:2 reminds us that some have unknowingly hosted angels through their kindness. Despite the world's cynicism, it's essential to trust that God's love for you is genuine. He cares deeply, even sending angels to assist and comfort you in your times of need.

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

When God Sends His Angels

by Yvette van Niekerk Hebrews 1:14 NIV reminds us, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?”
God's presence can manifest in countless ways. Just as the disciples mistook Jesus for a ghost during the storm, our human understanding can sometimes cloud our faith. The Scriptures affirm that angels are "ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation." Have you ever encountered an angel? They don't always appear in resplendent white robes with grand wings. Often, they blend so seamlessly with the ordinary that we may overlook them. Hebrews 13:2 urges us, “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” Perhaps you wonder why God sends angels when He has blessed us with His Holy Spirit for help, protection, and guidance. It's crucial to remember that God dispatched an angel to rescue Peter from prison just before his execution. Likewise, on his journey to Rome, Paul found himself on a ship battered by a fierce storm. In that dire moment, God sent an angel to assure him of survival. Paul later shared with the crew and passengers: “Take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship. For there stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve, saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul’” (Acts 27:22-23). While I may not have seen angels with my own eyes, deep within my heart, I hold steadfast faith that they watch over me. Their gaze never wavers; they are God's messengers, sent to guide, protect, and bring us comfort in times of need.

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