Tuesday, 11 February 2014

People I draw towards myself

One of the problems I have is that I am a very judgemental person.  I can listen to a conversation in within minutes deduct what kind of person I am dealing with.  The problem with that is that I have become too judging.  Now the Lord truly has a good sense of humour, He gave me to look after a teenager who is just so judging.

My problem isn’t the fact that I can discern what the person is like, my problem is that I draw these kinds of people towards me constantly.  I need help because I need to learn the lesson and move on.  What must I do to stop the judgemental attitude?
Lord help me!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Ruth - changed the outcome of her life dramatically

Praise the Eternal One, He has not abandone you.  He did not leave without a redeeming guardian.  May your offspring become famous all through Israel.  Ruth 4: 14

Ruth is one of my favourite classics in the bible.  As I look at her life I admire her for her tenacity in being able to take a decision on where she wants to be and what her motives are.  She leaves behind her own country and countrymen going to a new country.  With her mother-in-law going with her whom had lost everything, her husband and both her sons.  Naomi is faced with a new challenge, as she speaks to her friends she tells them how disappointed she feels.  All the important people in her life had passed away, she feels God deserted her.  Then Ruth comes with her to her mother-in-laws country and she starts working in the fields gathering food for the both of them.  Ruth finds favour in the eyes of a very important relative of Naomi now named Mara.  Now Boas the owner of the field asked about Ruth and gave orders that Ruth be treated fairly.  Boas really looked out for Ruth and she received his favour by being able to follow his workers and eating with them.  On telling her mother-in-law she is told to be kind and sleep at the feet of Boas.  Boas woke up in the night and saw her on speaking to her he told her he would speak to the elders of the community and the other relative who would have the right to buy the land her mother-in-law was selling.  

As the practice was in the town, he asked a couple of the elders from the town to sit with him as he waited for the relative to come into town.  On spotting the relative he called him over and told him that Naomi was selling her land and that he was first in line to buy the land.  The relative said yes he was interested.  The Boas said there was the matter of Ruth the Moabite woman that would have to be taken in as part of the deal.  Considering the situation the relative decided not to accept the offer and said that he would not want to buy the land.  Boas stated that he intended to buy the land and that he would marry Ruth.

All done and said he gave his sandal as confirmation of the deal and took Ruth as his wife.  Ruth made her mother-in-law really happy when she fell pregnant with a son whom she named Obed and the best of all is that Obed then became Jesse’s father in turn David’s father.  

The Lord is awesome and HE knows best.  Bad things happen to good people but the outcome is always pleasing.  If you are facing a difficult time in your life, take time to fast and pray and see how the Lord works in your live and saves you with an awesome outcome.

Friday, 7 February 2014

Rest in the Lord

‘When the Son of man comes, will he find faith on earth?’ Luke 18: 8

I hear of all the devastation and all the weather changes and not forgetting the economy, everyone is fussing and doing their best.  People seem to be concerned about the climate and also the economic climate.  Would you say we are going into the last days?  Are we going to see more and more disasters?
When the Lord Jesus Christ returns on the clouds with He find faith on the earth?  Will the people still be serving Him or will they have fallen away?  

Shall we go and sanctify our lives before the living God and shall we come before Him and pray for His grace to cover our multitudes of sin.

My prayer is that you and I shall sanctify our lives and believe in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, resting in the faith and waiting for His arrival.   God bless you today!  Rest in the Lord Jesus and wait for his coming.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Renewing my mind

Deuteronomy 15:5
The Voice (VOICE)
4-5 However, ideally, there shouldn’t be any poor people among you. If you listen attentively to the voice of the Eternal your God and carefully obey all the commands I’m giving you today, then the Eternal will bless you with great prosperity in the land He’s giving you to live in and pass down within your family.

Changing the speech in my mind to fit into God’s word.  I have been plagued with negative thoughts for so many years, I really don’t know how to rectify it but this year I am to spend more time in the presence of the Lord my God and start to live my life according to God’s word.  The thoughts of negativity that plague me are something like ‘you’re just not good enough and things like this.’ 
I have decided to focus my thoughts around thoughts of God will bless me with great prosperity in the land He is giving to me to live in and pass down within my family.  I am not going to listen to negative thoughts any longer.
I intend to stay focused and stay close to the Lord.  I have so much going for me and I want to get to my goal.
I have a couple of things I want to pursue and I want to pray and give my ideas into Gods hand this year and see how He will bless me.  My life as I knew it is over and I am aspiring to grow closer and work with God this year.  Believing that God is going to change my thoughts and my spirit will grow.

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