Monday 1 July 2024

May we soar like eagles today. 30 June 2024

Good morning, Abba Father.
Lord, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” I praise Your holy name, for You are holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty. There is none like You. Thank You for a new day, for keeping me safe, and for guiding me through each day. I acknowledge that I cannot do life on my own. This morning, I humble myself before You, Abba Father, my LORD. You are worthy of my praise. I love and worship You. Come into my life today; I want to fall deeply in love with You. “For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison” (2 Corinthians 4:17). LORD, as I reflect on this verse, I admit that as I age, fear grows within me. I am less inclined to take risks and more prone to worry about the past, present, and future. I recognisse my afflictions are temporary and preparing me for eternal glory. You know my struggles with debt and my inability to overcome them alone. Please help me, granting me wisdom, insight, and understanding. Open my eyes, ears, and heart to see opportunities clearly, for I feel veiled and unable to see. This morning, my heart yearns to fall deeply in love with You, LORD. I wish to grow spiritually and become a mature child of God. Help me to pursue You daily. I do love You, LORD, and I seek Your presence, O Holy Spirit, how I need You. LORD, please let me receive Your peace today. Let me bask in Your presence, knowing You are all around me. I am grateful that You never give up on me. Even when I don’t feel near to You, You are never far from me. You actively pursue me and never fail me. Thank You! In Your presence, I find joy, and today, I choose to draw closer to You. I want to stand in the gap for my family and friends today. I dedicate them to You: Andus, me, Alezandra & John, Pieter, Andus Jnr., Jacques, Didi, Gizel, Cuba, Devan, Johan, Odette, Anabelle, Briana, Jean, Jacklyn, Mom, Oom Frik, Elsa, Llewelyn, Zelda, Sean, Patrick, Duane, Nikita, Matthew, Elijah, Paul, Carla, Jadyn, Adam, Jocelyn, Aurther, Dante, Benjamin, Violette, Alison, Elma, Alette, Peet, Elmarie, Ben, kids, Douw, Zayeen, Megan, Josh, Hannelie, Alan, Rina-Hannes, Karina, Petro, Bianca and daughter, Wilma, Koos, Saddika, Kevin, Moosa, Aneesa, Lorraine, Kiewiet, Deon, Veronica. I speak Jesus Christ over each name I bring before You this morning. LORD Jesus, I ask You to protect each person and surround them with Your precious blood. You are the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. You do not grow tired or weary, and Your understanding is beyond fathoming. You give us strength and increase our power. Even though we grow tired and weary, and we may stumble and fall, our hope is in You, LORD, who renews our strength. We will soar on wings like eagles; we will run and not grow weary, we will walk and not be faint. May we soar like eagles today. Help each one of us in Jesus Christ's name. LORD Jesus, help me to explore the transformative power of Your Word so that I can understand the power of Your love, which goes beyond my personal desires and encompasses the well-being of my family and friends. Teach me to be selfless in love in my marriage and to prioritise my husband's needs above my own. Grant me Your unconditional love for everyone in my family. You know I struggle with humility towards others. Help me to love beyond myself, be humble, and serve willingly. Teach me to prioritise the needs of others. LORD Jesus, help me emulate Your example of selflessness and compassion. Today, I commit my entire day into Your hands. I ask for Your help as I trust You, LORD. I seek Your face this morning and ask You to remove the veil from my eyes so that I may see You. LORD, what are You teaching me today? Reveal Yourself to me today in Jesus Christ's name. LORD, I ask for Your light in my life. Touch my heart and give me the necessary wisdom and insight to face today. I belong to You, LORD Jesus Christ. Amen.

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