Friday, 24 March 2017

Two free cake recipes that really work for me ;-)

Please note the height of this cake is 6cm and its 30cm wide

Recipe Top Deck Cake

One Large Chocolate Cake

125 ml of Oil
250 ml Castor Sugar
3 large eggs (divided egg yellow separated from egg whites)
250 ml boiling water
2 teaspoons of coffee
30 ml of apricot jam
500 ml self-raising flour (all purpose)
1 teaspoon of bicarb
45 ml cocoa
2ml teaspoon of salt

  1. Pre-heat the oven at 1800C or 1700F
  2. Beat the egg whites until stiff and set aside.
  3. Beat the egg yellows with the castor sugar until light and fluffy, add oil and the smooth apricot jam and mix well.
  4. Add the coffee to the cup of boiling water let it rest.
  5. Sift the flour, cocoa and bicarb and salt three times, makes it fluffy, this is the flower mixture.
  6. Mix the flour mixture a little at a time into the egg yellow-castor sugar bowl adding a little coffee to the mixture until all the dry ingredients are mixed.  Now fold the egg white into the mixture, divide the mixture into two 20cm baking tins. 
  7. Place in the middle of your oven and bake for approximately 30 to 35 minutes.  Let the cakes cool down before you flip them over.

100g of soft margarine
500 ml of icing sugar sifted
45 ml of cocoa
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
20 ml of milk

  1. Beat the margarine and sifted icing sugar and cocoa until light and creamy, adding the vanilla essence and milk if necessary.
  2. Split the mixture in half using half for the inside of the cake and the other half to cover the cake.

Second Cake Vanilla

½ cup of plain flour
1 ½ cups of self-raising flour (all purpose)
1 cup of castor sugar
150 ml of oil
150 ml of milk mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar
3 large eggs (divided egg yellow separated from egg whites)
30 ml of apricot jam
2ml teaspoon of salt

  1. Pre-heat the oven at 1800C or 1700F
  2. Beat the egg whites until stiff and set aside.
  3. Beat the egg yellows with the castor sugar until light and fluffy, add oil and the smooth apricot jam and mix well.
  4. Sift the flour and salt (three times), this makes it fluffy, this is the flower mixture.
  5. Mix the flour mixture a little at a time into the egg yellow-castor sugar bowl and add the warm milk mixture.
  6. Now fold the egg white into the mixture, divide the mixture into two 20cm baking tins. 
  7. Place in the middle of your oven and bake for approximately 35 to 45 minutes or until the cake turns a light brown.  Let the cakes cool down before you flip them over.

100g of soft margarine
500 ml of icing sugar sifted
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
20 ml of milk

  1. Beat the margarine and sifted icing sugar until light and creamy, adding the vanilla essence and milk if necessary.
  2. Split the mixture in half using half for the inside of the cake and the other half to cover the cake.
  3. Now you are ready to start with the decoration of your cake.  You will need 1kg of white fondant, and buy some cake toppers of your choice.  Placing the fondant onto your cake and making sure it is smooth. 

God forgave me my sin

I believe with all my heart, body, soul and mind that the Lord my God of Israel has forgiven me all my sins.  According to His word in 1 John 1 verse 9 "If [I] we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  Now God sees me as a completely new person.  I am clean, washed with pure water; whatever I may have done is forgotten and put away according to Psalms 103 vers 12 "as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed [my] our transgressions from [me] us."  Based on all of the above I take the Apostle Paul at his word as he said in Romans 8 verse 1 "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,"

Thank You Abba Father, I am Your child and I will embrace Your word in my own life.  I am a new creating and You bought me with the precious blood of Your only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  I am a Child of the Living God of Lights.  In the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen

God’s Kingdom

Proverbs 26: 12 “Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes?  There is more hope for a fool than for him.”

Proverbs 29: 7 “The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” 

I wonder if you have met anybody who believes they “know it all?”  You know while you are speaking to this person, they will have all the answers.  You will not be able to get two words in edgewise because they are so well versed.  They are probably one of the most dangerous people in this world because the truth of the matter is that these people have a tiny bit of knowledge and because they read something they believe they “know it all.” 

So they only have a little information and with that they believe they have all the answers and no one can tell them anything else.  On speaking with these kinds of people the best is to rather keep quiet and nod and wave, you won’t be able to get their attention anyway.

We all know people who are struggling and going through tough times, we also know that there are people able to assist in times of need.  The only thing I can say is when you are in a position to help the poor and needy, make it your business to help.  One day God will return the favour.  You are banking in the Kingdom of God and the returns are overwhelming.

It is my heart’s desire that one day I may be able to assist and help other people where I can but until that day.  I can only pray for them.

Be blessed and thank you for taking time to read my thoughts.  

Thursday, 23 March 2017

You know #God#is#awesome!

“You do the asking, and I will do the doing.”  John 14: 14

Awesome, today I came to realize God uses each one of us.  I had a strange statement on my blog post, “God does not exist.”  And then “Prove God exists.”

First off I wasn’t sure what to say, then I started with a long drawn out story, and then I realized something I can talk my head off but this person will not understand.  He doesn’t see the point and it isn’t up to me to prove that God exists.  I know God exists because I believe in Him and I have seen Him work in my own life.

On my program today I wanted to discuss a whole string of things concerning, putting God first.  But while I was still speaking to the people my mind changed.  I was listening to a song and then suddenly I heard a violin playing in the song.

Light bulb!  I spoke to the person who feels that God does not exist and I was immediately reminded to speak about my conversion to Christianity.  I was in my early twenties, and we attended a service with Pastor Eddy O’Neil in Welkom AFM Church.  The pastor played this violin so beautifully.  I then recalled how I became a Christian and also ask if there were people who need to convert.  I prayed a prayer and I believe without a doubt that the Lord Jesus wanted to speak to someone specific today.  I wanted the Lord to lead the program and He did.

Isn’t that awesome?  I felt so wow, you know sjoe.

I did ask and God did.  Awesome.  Bless you and may you enjoy a blessed evening.  

Good Morning!!!! #ABBA #FATHER

Sorry guys, this week has been hectic and I literally have been running off my feet.  I just want to ask you to please tune into my program today at 12 CAT.  I also want to share something with you.

I baked a cake and am busy decorating it, "Top Deck" inside meaning chocolate and vanilla cake.  Covered in White fondant with beautiful cake toppings.  I will put a pic up for you to see later.

Here is a question for you today:  "How am I settling for what is good when I could have what is better?"  Where do you find yourself?

Something else I am dealing with my mouth, my attitude and my way of thinking, I wish I was so forgiving as Moses was.  The Prophet Hosea gives us 3 keys to use in becoming happy

  1. are you willing to return to God?
  2. do you love God and His commandments?
  3. are you waiting for God and do you put your faith in Him?

Wow what an awesome God we serve.  I am working on these questing and keys for my own life.  May this day be a blessing, remember you need to also praise God.  We all grow spiritually with praising God.

You are a blessing thank you for reading my thoughts today.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Hello World! Yvette's Inspirations

Exciting news guys come and listen to my program at 8 CAT tomorrow morning, you won't be disappointed.


Book Review: The Power of Spoken Faith

Name of the Book:                                        The Power of Spoken Faith
Author:                                                               Don Gossett / E.W. Kenyon
Personal Quality Ration:                           5

[Remember, the Personal Quality Rating is a score that I give to the book on a scale of 0 to 5 based on my personal liking/disliking of the book.  0 is bad and 5 is great!]

This is a novella on spiritual living and the writer enjoys sharing his own life experiences with the reader.  I believe the writer's aim was to help newborn Christians and other Christians to learn how to use the scripture to grow not only their faith but a spiritual relationship with the Lord Jesus.

The writer knows what he is talking about and has written the book in such a manner that the reader can utilize all of the information to the readers best advantage.  I would say this book is a must for all Christians.

Social / Historical Context

The writer is writing from his own life experiences and how the scripture and a living relationship with the Lord of lights have affected his life.  The writer enjoyed writing this book, there are times in this book that I actually cried.  There are also times in this book that I laughed.  I had an epiphany experience with some of the scriptures that actually has come to life for me.  The writers want to help Christians in drawing closer to the Lord.  When you purchase this book, you will never regret it because it is a book that you will keep next to your bedside forever.  The learning in this book is awesome.

Writing Style

I believe the writing style in this book is definitely evocative and some common place.  The book is writing in the first person and depicts many life experiences the writer enjoyed and lived through.  From a personal perspective, I feel that it has enriched my spiritual life immensely.

My Thoughts

The book is well written, it is easy to read, the scriptures are very insightful.  The writer knows his topic and I believe that the writer is a Christian who is born again and living a spirit filled life.  The entire book grabs your attention and it’s difficult to put the book down because you feel that you might lose some insights. 

I would definitely advise that you go and buy this book, it will change your life for the better, I have been struggling with so many problems and now I know the answers to them.  Read this book.

I'm like a slice of lime ;-)

I’m like a slice of lime … incredibly refreshing but not meant for the weak.

This is so cute and I tend to agree with this statement, it seems I can be more like a “slice of lime” in more ways than other.

My family understands my confidence, I am not a fearful person, I have learned to stand my “Man” when times drove me to it.  My confidence I find in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I believe that what Mark said in chapter 11 verse 23 “[You] shall have whatsoever [you] saith.”

So hear my words I am a daughter of the Most High God, no weapons formed against me shall prosper.  My Father in heaven is watching over my life, every need is being addressed by my Lord Jesus Christ.  I stand on God’s word today, that I am His child.  Born again and bought by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 

In all humility I come before my heavenly Father, Abba Father please place a guard over my thoughts, my mind, my words and my heart.  Let my words and thoughts and mind be acceptable in Your presence.  I bind any pride that I might be holding onto in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and hold onto Your words “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”  According to James 4 verse 6. 

In my words, actions and speaking today Lord please guard my mouth and watch over me in Your Holy Name.

As you can see I believe that I am more like a slice of lime, I am not all bitter and twisted, I am refreshing.  I am loving, I am kind, I am friendly, I am always willing to help and I know that with the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Awesome!!

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Keep my lips away from calamity things.

I listen to people and I have notice that isn’t easy for people to stay positive and to speak positively.  Yes, we live in a world that is broken and people all around us are hurting.  The difficult part is to keep our words away from calamity things.

It is easier said than done, we need to learn to speak words of encouragement, words to help people turn their thoughts and minds away from a difficult situation to a more positive possible situation.
It is your job and my job to be the person who doesn’t go around speaking about calamity things.  Sending the disastrous message further, when and if you hear about something that is disturbing don’t you go and repeat it and broadcast it to everyone.  Let it die in your presence; change the message to a positive one. “Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth; thou art taken [captive] with the words of thy mouth.” Proverbs 6: 2. 

Since we have the power over our thoughts and mind, we also have the power over each and every word that leaves our mouths.  “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from trouble.”  Proverbs 21: 23  Key to this verse and important for each one of us whom believe in the Lord Jesus a reminder in Romans 8 verse 28 “all things work together  for good to them that love God.”

Reset your mind with these most important key words from Mark 11 verse 23 “[You] shall have whatsoever [you] saith.”

Think about these morsels of positive words.

Thank you for spending your time with me today.  You are a blessing, God bless you.

Please remember to join me today at 5 CAT and listen to my Broadcast on Rainbow Gospel Radio. 

Friday, 17 March 2017

The Challenge is on.

Matthew 13: 34 “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.”

This is so true, I have come to realize that my heart is literally dry, I have truly become so negative that when I open my mouth I will speak negatively.  So for the past couple of weeks, I have literally become aware of my speech.  My words and my thoughts; I am taking my words and thoughts captive to the Lord Jesus Christ.

I know someone, this person has really got a vulgar attitude.  This person really cannot speak edifying words whatsoever.  I can see what is in their heart just by listening to their talking.  The bad thing is I believe that it will rub off on other people.  Something I also noticed is not many people like this person because of their vulgar mannerism.

Proverbs 21 verse 23 reminds us that “Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.”  Now, this is food for thought wouldn’t you say?  Yes, so in the meantime, I have made it my business to watch my thoughts, I also have made it my business to watch my words.
Psalms 19 verse 14 reminds us to “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”  On this point, I truly have been going out of my way to check my words.  I have decided to pray about my attitude and to bring it into the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.  I not only want my heart to change but also my attitude and most of all my mind, heart and everything about me.  I desire to become a confident person, with words spoken which look like golden apples.

Psalms 141 verse 3 says “Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.”  This is on my mind constantly because I have been struggling with major negativity.  I really have to watch my words, my lips spring open and words roll out like thorns and sharp knives especially when I am angry.

I hope that this will be of some encouragement to you, as I share my journey going forward with my words and my attitude.  Life is too short for a negative view and I want to live a positive life, with great dreams and a wonderful future.

Thank you for joining me, you are a blessing.

Think before you speak.

Proverbs 25: 11 – 12 MSG “The right word at the right time is like a custom-made piece of jewelry, and a wise friend's timely reprimand is like a gold ring slipped on your finger.”
As you know by now that I am struggling to keep a positive attitude and one of my main problems is that I allow my thoughts to run riot with me.  So the main focus for a couple of days on my blog will be on changing my words so that I will be able to attract the right kind of people into my own life.  Working on my vocabulary changing.
I realize that God is working each day on me and I need to learn what questions to ask so that I can identify the wrong attitudes within me and bring them to God to change.
The questions I am asking myself right now is “What would it take to have a positive attitude?”  Then I also need to identify “What is right about my attitude, which I am missing.”  “What is possible?  What have I not considered?”  It has never been my practice to ask any question since I was a child but the older I get the more I want to know.  I want to know and learn but I want to do this to grow spiritually and to overcome my negative words.
So I want to try out words that will be lovely, beautiful word, something that is able to lift people and be encouraging to them.  Wouldn’t it be nice to speak to someone that is genuinely kind, caring and friendly?

Makes one think.

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