Friday, 13 October 2017

Deliver me – LORD!

Psalm 119: 153 Resh “Look on my suffering and deliver me, for I have not forgotten your law. Defend my cause and redeem me; preserve my life according to your promise.”

It’s Friday and I am excited and looking forward to the weekend but I am also feeling apprehensive and concerned.

I am worried about so many things, God knows my heart and understands my fears but I need His help today. I am reminding God that I am in need of deliverance at the moment and I need Him today. I also feel that I am being attacked and I need someone to stand up for me.

God knows my heart and understands where I am coming from. I am bring this matter to him today and I want to ask Him for deliverance on a situation. 


Please Lord I need Your hand of protection over my life, I am feeling desperate today. You know what I am concerned about and You know that I cannot do this on my own.  Where I am standing things really look grim and I need Your help.  Only You Lord can open this door for me and bring something forward.
I am asking that You please defend my cause and redeem me, preserve my life according to Your promises. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I am asking.  Amen

Thursday, 12 October 2017

What do you feel like today?

Hebrews 4: 12 “His word can cut through our spirits.”

I always crave something nice to eat and I love sweeties.  Chocolates and all kinds of candy, I know that it is bad for me but I just love it all the same. Reading my Bible takes time and I had to pray to God to create an appetite for God’s Word in my own life.

You know I get up really early in the morning my alarm goes off at 5 am and my lift picks me up at 5H40.  I need to shower every day, wash my hair, make lunch for my husband get dressed and put on some make up.  Then I don’t leave my house if my bed isn’t made. I cannot come home tonight at 5H50 pm and find my bed’s not made. I think I would lose it.

So where on earth do I find time to read my Bible? I have to read my Bible I feel this is my spiritual food and I need encouragement each and every day. You don’t know me I am very needy especially when it comes to God. I always want to know stuff and I want to grow spiritually.

I have come to a place in my life and I know how things work, if I really want something, I make it my business in obtaining it. Nothing will stand in my way and I get what I want. You may say that you just don’t have time for Bible each day, besides you are busy with all kinds of things and yes you have to also clean your own house. So do I, but I have come to realise the hour travelling to work gives me ample time to read God’s Bible. I learn from it, there are times I am just to tired and sleep on my way to work but most of the time I read my Bible and I feel that I am growing spiritually.

Today I want to encourage you to “feel like reading your Bible” start with a page a day and see how far you get. Before you realise it you would have read more than you anticipated.


O Lord create in me an appetite to read the Bible more and more and create a spirit within me to crave Your word. Nourishing my soul and teaching me what I need for each day. Lord without You I fear I will not make it. Bless my friends today and watch over each and every one of us, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Hebrews 11: 5-8 (Saw this scripture in my dream)

* Rapture * - Enoch also trusted God. Therefore, he does not die like other men, but God brought him to heaven. They sought him everywhere, but could not find him, because God took him away. Before it happened, however, everyone spoke of the fact that God was proud of the way in which Enoch lived.
This cannot happen if one does not trust in God. And there is a good reason: one will only seek God and go to Him if you are convinced and trust that he is there and that He receives people who come to Him with open arms.

* Salvation * - Also think of Noah. He believed what God had said to him, and had seriously built a ship to save his family. Believers listened and did, even though there was no sign of rain or floods that would come. His faith clearly showed how unbelieving the other people were, and therefore they cannot make excuses now. Noah showed that trust in God frees one before God.

* Receive Eternal Life by Obedience * - God told Abraham that he should take his good and go to a far-away place that God would give him as a place of rest. Abraham did not know where it was, but obeyed his goodness and went.
Hebrews 11: 5-8 DB

Good morning Yvette,
That is how I see it:
We live in the last days. Just about all the prophecies of the Bible have already been fulfilled.
The rapture is for those who walk with God
Salvation comes through faith and the blood of Jesus. We flee in it and are saved as Noah in the ark.
Eternal Life - after that we receive eternal life because we have obedience in obedience.
The Lord is busy revealing things to you.
Nice day for you.

What is on your mind?

Philippians 4: 8 “Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.”

Good question, “what is on your mind?” Each morning I wake up and the first thing that comes to mind is “Thank You LORD, for today.” I moan and groan when I turn and jump out of my bed, turn on the hot water in the shower and jump back into bed.  Of course I lay there waiting for the water to warm up a bit and then you can see the seam on the bathroom mirror from my bed.  I don’t have much on my mind that time of day and once I get into the shower I still say “Thank You, Lord.” 

I have heard it said that we can change our lives through our thinking.  I have been listening to Caroline Leaf, I love her way of explaining how one’s brain works.  The magic behind the renewing of the mind is a constant meditating on God’s Word.  It brings light into our dull lives.  I am constantly reminded of Proverbs 23 verse 7 “as a man thinks within himself, so he is.” To see how this really works I decided to say to myself each and every morning “you, Yvette are gorgeous.” Not only do I feel gorgeous but I see people look at me and I believe they think I am gorgeous.  You know how low my self-esteem really is and this is one step into the right direction.

Stop feeding bad thoughts that spring up in your mind. Start thinking about good things, beautiful things and focus your energy on these thoughts. 


Heavenly Father, Lord You know my thoughts and understand my way of thinking. Lord You know that I have been struggling my whole life with negative thoughts and actions. As I start today I want to pray asking You to help me with the renewing process. Help me to think positive thoughts and to focus my time and energy on staying focused. In Jesus Christs Name Amen

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

I am Learning to Conquer my fears every day.

1 Samuel 17: 34 but David said to Saul, “Your servant was tending his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and took a lamb from the flock,”

I was so fearful and worried yesterday and I needed God’s word to strengthen and help me. As I opened my devotional that I read every day the messages were clearly written for me. “I will strengthen you and help you!” Isaiah 41: 10 

Look I am not someone who fears people but there are somethings I feel I don’t have the strength to fight against and yesterday was one of those days.

I felt intimidated and unworthy and I felt that I would not be able to rise above the circumstances. The lion was looking me in the eye and I could feel his breath in my neck. I realized by focusing on God’s Word I became stronger and I felt that God was helping me.

I don’t want to blame my hormones and say it’s because I am struggling with all kinds of emotions no, I believe at that very moment my courage was gone. I cannot say the same as King David who conquered a lion and a bear and then finally Goliath.

My adversaries aren’t in a physical form and I really do not fear people, I fear God. I learned yesterday my fear is the unknown and what the outcome of a certain problem would bring. As I meditated on God’s Word I felt comfort and was able to face the challenge. I also am reminding myself of God’s Word “God did not give us a spirit of timidity.” 2 Timothy 1: 7 I am learning to conquer my fear, I cannot control what happens around me but I can cry out to God in my hour of uncertainty and fear. God strengthened me and I believe God helped me.


Lord God today I pray help me face the lion and bear and Goliath in my own life.  Please strengthen me and show me the way forward. I bring my challenges to You in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and I pray for a discerning spirit and ask that You will help me in recognizing my fear.  Lord helps me rise up in faith and conquer the problems that come my way.  In Jesus Christs Name I pray Amen.

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