Monday 24 October 2016

[Guidance] Please show me the way forward.

Malachi 2: 7 (LTB)

7 “Priests” lips should flow with the knowledge of God so the people will learn God’s laws.  The priests are the messengers of the Lord Almighty, and men should come to them for guidance.

Reminding me ~ God is in control and that I love God and that ‘all things work together for those who love the Lord’ I consider my future.  Today as I think and focus on the Word of God I am asking the Lord my God for guidance.  I will not fall into a pit with feelings of confusion or feelings of being lost, yes I know things aren’t clear this minute but I will not cling to feelings of perplexity.

Do not allow feelings of bewilderment or disorientation to drag you away from the Lord, go and speak to your Pastor or Priest and ask them to stand in the gap for you today, so that they can make a way for you by building a wall.  God is so good to each of us we don’t have to deal with these problems we have Him.

My encouragement for you today is; pray about it, ask for the guidance you need, thank the Lord Your God for answering You, then receive the outcome from the Lord.


Abba Father, Lord each of us are facing our own difficulties in life, because I believe and trust in You, I love and adore You, I am asking You to guide me and show me the way forward.  I cannot see any open doors right now, so here I pray for an open door; for good opportunities for me and my friends in Jesus Holy Name.  Amen

Friday 21 October 2016

Burning issue: Am I a stumbling block? [Jesus Christ is my Lord]

Psalm 69: 6 

6 O Lord God of the armies of heaven, don’t let me be a stumbling block to those who trust in You.  O God of Israel, don’t let me cause them to be confused, 

A constant checking and searching of my life I truly hope that I am not a stumbling block to any of my family and friends.  God knows my heart and I can be difficult and I don’t accept things just the way they are.

I have noticed people will place little notes around on Facebook for instance if you feel people have disappointed you, it is because you looked to people for guidance and not to God.  Seriously!  In all my ears have I come to realize that people are fickle and they will disappoint you?  I cannot say that I will trust people on face value; I have to get to know you before I will let you into my personal space.
I trust and believe in God, not matter what other people say or think.  To me if it is written in the Word of God then God said it and I believe it and that is that.


Lord God, it feels like I am born again, I believe and trust in You.  Thank You Lord Jesus that You died on the cross for my sins; washing me white as snow with Your Blood.  Lord and giving me the boldness to confess “I am the righteousness of God in Christ.”  Amen

Wednesday 19 October 2016

[Praise today] Lord we bring praises to Your Name

Psalm 9: 1

O LORD, I will praise you with all my heart and tell everyone about the marvelous things you do.

As we start our day let me encourage you by reminding you to say thank you for what you have, a job, a house, a car, clothes to wear, food to eat, and beautiful furniture.  Take a minute and stop and think about 5 things you want to say thank you for.

Good health, a steady income something you can be grateful for, there are so many sick people and so many people without a job.

Don’t forget to say thank you, keep on saying thank, say grateful and never forget what the Lord is doing for you each and every day.

Lord God, how awesome and wonderful are YOU.  We are so grateful for our jobs, we are so grateful for the clothes on our backs.  Lord God we are so grateful for our good health and steady income each month.  Lord we praise You for helping us each and every day.  Bless Your Holy Name and we worship You for the great future You have given each and every one of us, in Jesus Name,  Amen.

Your social position is unimportant [Christ is]

Romans 12: 2

Colossians 3: 11 (TLB)

11 In this new life one’s nationality or race or education or social position is unimportant; such things mean nothing. Whether a person has Christ is what matters, and he is equally available to all.

As ambassadors of the Living God through Christ, we are representatives our Lords kingdom.  We have accepted Christ into our lives and now we are being transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Life changes and people change all the time, we realize that God sees us through Jesus Christ, looking not our social position, our nationality or race, not even our education impresses God.  Reminding us that we are moral and nothing we do equals Gods love and grace and mercy.

As we stand before God today, He views us through the Lord Jesus Christ our advocate, making us acceptable to God.


Heavenly Father, we thank You Lord God for another day, thank You that You view us through Your Son Jesus Christ and that the Holy Spirit is helping us with the renewing of our minds as we read the Bible and pray each day.  In Jesus Name, Amen

Tuesday 18 October 2016

[I want to win this race.] How can we win the race here on earth right now?

1 Corinthians 9: 24
24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize?  Run in such a way as to take the prize.

I remind myself each day that ‘First is first, and second is nothing.’  Something my Dad reminded us of all the time.  

How can you win the race while one earth?  I believe you need to put something into perspective; you need to realize the race will be tough.  You need to be obedient when the Holy Spirit instructs you to do something.  You need to pray and mediate as often as possible.  Your relationship with the Lord Jesus is imperative and you need to stay connected to the vine.

You will need help, a coach always guides and helps his runners for the race.  Our coach and mentor is the Holy Spirit.  Without the Holy Spirit I doubt if any of us will make it to the finish line.

We need to stay connected and the only way to stay connected is by attending church and learning all we can each week.


Lord God, the Apostle Paul reminds each one of us that we are in a race and that if we intended to win we need to preserve.  Lord please send Your Holy Spirit so that we may preserve and that we can make it to the finish line.  We cannot do this on our own and we pray guide each one of us, teach us and help us as we take on this race today.  In the name of Jesus Christ Amen

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