Saturday 11 May 2024

Looking up to God, I need YOU LORD Jesus

Lately, I've been struggling with a heavy feeling in my heart. It's like my own thoughts keep attacking me, accusing me of doing wrong things. I know as a Christian that these attacks come from Satan, but it's hard not to give in to them. It feels like Satan is always trying to hurt me, reminding me of my mistakes and making me feel guilty. I wonder why he's so determined to ruin my life. What does he gain if I give up?
But as I think about it, I realize that there's only one who can truly save me: Jesus Christ. He's always there for me, ready to fight for me. Just like in the story where Jesus defended a woman who was accused of doing wrong, he stands up for me against my accuser. I believe that sometimes my accuser disguises himself as someone who seems righteous. The accusations I hear in my heart seem true most of the time, and it's easy to believe them. But just like Jesus told the woman who was caught in sin, he doesn't condemn me either. He wants me to leave behind my mistakes and live a better life. As a believer in Jesus, he reminds me that I am righteous in his eyes. He doesn't see my flaws; he sees me as perfect. And with him by my side, I can overcome any attack on my heart. Jesus went to a special place called the Mount of Olives. One morning, he went to the temple where lots of people were gathered. He sat down and started teaching them. While Jesus was teaching, some religious leaders brought a woman to him. They said she had done something wrong called adultery, which means being unfaithful in marriage. They wanted to know what Jesus thought they should do to her because their law said she should be punished by being hit with stones. They were trying to trick Jesus, so he bent down and started writing something on the ground. When they kept asking him, he stood up and said, "The person who has never done anything wrong can throw the first stone at her." After hearing that, the religious leaders left one by one, starting with the older ones. Soon, only Jesus and the woman were left. Jesus asked her if anyone was left to accuse her. She said no. Then Jesus said he wouldn't punish her either, but he told her to stop doing wrong things. Dear Heavenly Father, I feel trapped in this situation, unsure of where to turn or how to escape. It seems like there's no way out, and I long for relief. Is there a way, Lord? Do you hear me, Jesus? I feel worthless, like I'm not good enough. My life feels like a constant disappointment to you. These days, even praying feels like a struggle. I'm exhausted and overwhelmed, consumed by feelings of disgust with myself. Yet, deep down, I know that you, Jesus, don't condemn me. It's me, judging myself relentlessly. I'm filled with anger and can't seem to align my thoughts with your Word. I humbly come to you, Father, asking for forgiveness. My sins feel like they reach the heavens, and I desperately need your mercy and pardon, Lord Jesus. I am lost without you. Please forgive me. I feel even lower than the woman caught in adultery, unable to even approach your presence. I feel dirty and unworthy of your love and faithfulness. Please, Lord, forgive me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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