Saturday 25 May 2024

A Morning Prayer of Gratitude and Protection

Good morning, Father God,
Lord, I thank You for this new day and for the opportunity to travel to Joburg. I praise Your Holy Name and give You all the glory and honor. You are my King and my Lord, and I worship You. Today, I come before You, asking for Your protection over us. Thank You, Lord, for Your loving kindness and for watching over me and my family. I am grateful for Your goodness and mercy towards each one of us. Lord, I love You, I need You, and I worship You. Today, I dedicate my family and friends to You, and I speak the Name of Jesus Christ over each of them. I declare Your Word from Numbers 6:24-26 over every person: "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace." I lift up Jacques, Didi, Gizel, Cuba, Devan, Johan, Odette, Anabelle, Briana, Jean, Jacklyn, Andus, me, Alezandra, Pieter, Andus Jnr., Mom, Oom Frik, Elsa, Llewelyn, Zelda, Sean, Patrick, Duane, Nikita, Matthew, Elijah, Paul, Carla, Jadyn, Adam, Jocelyn, Arthur, Dante, Benjamin, Violette, Alison, Elma, Peet, Elmarie, Ben, kids, Douw, Zayeen, Megan, Josh, Hannelie, Alan, Rina, Karina, Petro, Wilma, Koos, Saddika, Kevin, Moosa, Aneesa, Lorraine, Kiewiet, Deon, and Veronica. Today, I declare that we remain focused and continue in the things we have learned. I pray for supernatural favor over each name on my list. Lord, I ask for Your favor with You and with people. Keep us safe and protect us from harm. When we pass through the waters, You will be with us; through the rivers, they will not overwhelm us; when we walk through fire, we shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume us (Isaiah 43:2). Lord, I confess my sins and ask for Your forgiveness for known and unknown sins. I repent and pray for Your hand to rest on me today. I want to draw near to You and pray for the lives of each family member and friend. Keep us safe and protect us. I dedicate each of us into Your hands today. Let Your will be done in our lives. Thank You, Lord, for providing for us and for keeping us. Thank You for the good things You give us each day, for opening doors that are otherwise closed, and for allowing us to call on You daily. Thank You for blessing the work of our hands, for blessing our efforts, and for making our paths smooth. Lord, let Your Holy Spirit surround us and keep us safe. I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over each person. I bring each person to You, believing that You are our God and King, and You have called each of us by name. I love You, Lord. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

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