Sunday, 29 November 2015

Why me?

Job 42: 1 – 2
“Then Job replied to the LORD:  ‘I know that YOU can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted.’

Each day comes with its own challenges and normal day to day living brings its own challenges.  I think of the story of this man named Job.  He was wealthy and had great children, then to change things up a little disaster struck him, his family and even in his body.

As I think of my life I recall something Job said to his wife Job 2: 10 But Job replied, “You talk like a foolish woman.  Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?”  So in all this, Job said nothing wrong.

Sitting here I ask the question, Why me?  Why do I suffer and why do I have pain, why is it that everything I put my hand to just doesn't work out the way I think it should.  I look at my surrounding and see the people around me, plain sailing. 

I am working and the job am doing isn't plain sailing, and there is no respect between the people I work with.  I feel like I have been thrown into a snake pit full of vipers and they are showing me their fangs.  The general feel and do of this position is negative, the people gossip and talk ill of others, I am constantly hearing bad reports and I am sure that when I leave they will say the same about me.  I feel the negativity around me.  I turn my face to the LORD my GOD, please help me.  Please show me another way.

I have asked people to help me and I am disappointed by their reactions, people I supposed were friends.  People in high powered positions and people I thought were Christians, man was I mistaken.
Just brings me back to one focal point in my own life, I cannot trust people, they will disappointment me on a regular basis.  They are not God, they cannot help me.  I cannot depend on people to come up for me.  Only God can and all in good time.

So it’s not ‘Why me?’  Its ‘Why not me’.

LORD JESUS please send Your angels to protect me, I pray place a hedge around me and guide me Help me face tomorrow.  In Jesus Name Amen

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Daily Devotion

Please pray with me and help me identify the right name for my Daily Devotion book I am currently writing.  I need God's, wisdom and insight and most of all understanding.  I want to ask that you will pray with me, asking God to reveal to me What the name of my book should be and also that it will be words of wisdom, that God wants to reveal through me to you and other people.

Abba Father, Lord God, You know my hearts desires and Lord You know what is best for me, I pray and with friends on Blogger I am asking You, Lord please guide me and show me what the name of my Daily Devotion should be.  This I pray humbly in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen

Lord! Help me not to sit with scornful people!

 “If you love someone, you will … always believe in him.”  1 Corinthians 13: 7

David a young shepherded boy came to see his brothers who were in battle against the Philistines.  David believed in God and I felt so sure that God would help him stand up against Goliath.

Now David’s brother Eliab was upset that this youngster came along, being full of himself he must have thought.  Telling everybody that he (David) was going to get this Philistine, and Eliab confronted David saying “Why have you come down?  And with whom have you left those few sheep in the wilderness?  I know your insolence and the wickedness of your heart; for you have come down in order to see the battle.’

Eliab’s name actually means “God is my Father” so in actual fact I believe Eliab has great authority over the Philistine, he just didn’t believe that it was the case.  David on the other had felt he was circumcised and because of the covenant with God, David knew that God would be on David’s side.

This whole episode reminds us of knowing who we are in Christ, we should make it our business to find out what it means to be a true Christian.  We should study God’s Word.  We could sit around like Eliab and know that we are Christians but not act on it because we struggle with cynicisms, believing that most people are generally selfish and dishonest.   The problem with cynics is that once one person’s chimes off the rest will follow suit.

Turning a positive situation quickly into a negative which ends badly, now be careful you don’t become the cynic.


Abba Father, Lord we pray that You will strengthen us as we face a new day, guiding us and teaching us.  Most of all Lord God, take our lives and renew our minds to become true Christians.  Help us not to sit in the seats with scornful people but to be courageous as David and to stand on Your Word, the Bible.  We pray in Jesus Name, Amen.

"Thorn in my side"

As I sit here today I am thinking about a famous person someone you also know, perhaps even better than I do.  The Apostle Paul, and as I think about this man who done so many wonderful things and wonders in the name of the Lord Jesus I am reminded of something he had to deal with on a daily basis.  “The thorn in his side”, we do not know what the so called “thorn” was, but we do know it kept Paul on his knees.

Each person’s life is different and we do not know the journey we need to take in getting to our destination.  My journey right now is really not that easy, I seem to embark on the most difficult of tasks and so many times very humbling too. 

My “thorn” right now is really a part time job I have taken to supplement my income.  I have seen and it is really funny how God has been working miracles for me each day.  The one thing I am sure of is that God keeps His eye on me.  Some days I find that this job really tests my patience and other days I stand amazed at how things move around to accommodate me.

If you pray for patience, be sure God is going to take you on a trip you will never forget and you will learn patience.  If you pray for humility, hmmmm be sure God is going to teach you to become humble.

My weakest link right now is my humility and patience and I am learning to deal with these to issue and as time goes I find I am able to work through each one of these lessons.

I was praying the other morning asking the Lord what it was that He wanted me to do?  The answer was Psalm 150, Praise the Lord God.

Well in facing all the difficulty, humbling situations I find myself in and the constant waiting on people that disregard me.  I want to say thank You Lord, I will praise You for I believe that You will open the right doors at the right time.

It is my desire to say as the Apostle Paul said ‘I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.’


Abba Father, Lord each one of us has a ‘thorn’ in our sides, we all have difficulties that we need to deal with.  Give each one of us the courage and strength to face it each day, let us never forget to humble ourselves before You and know that You are still in control.  Lord we will praise and worshop at Your feet.  We know that You will open the right doors at the right time.  In the Holy and wonderful Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

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