Wednesday, 20 March 2019


Galatians 6: 2 (DARBY)

“Bear one another burdens, and thus fulfil the law of the Christ.”

I work at a Power Station in Mpumalanga and we travel in a taxi from the town to the Power Station.

Our morning route is the same first me and then the next person and so on. This morning I heard something that made me take a second look at this very beautiful young woman. She said, “I was so very sad last night that I drank a couple of glasses of wine.” Wow, I was surprised, she is beautiful and it looks like her life is just perfect.

People have the ability to hide their hurt behind a smile or be angry and we wouldn’t know their personal pain. My husband and I have been arguing about something and we have not resolved the matter but you would never know I am upset. Unless of course you know me and look at my eyes, then you will pick up I am upset. My eyes turn a light green when I feel hurt and upset. I cannot hide my eyes but I know they actually reveal my emotional state of mind.

Life isn’t easy and I realised once again people all are carrying something around with them. One guy used to travel on the taxi with us committed suicide and it was a shock to all of us. He seemed so organised and happy, he always smiled and was friendly. None of us knew the pain he carried around with him. Smoke and mirrors.


Abba Father, today help us to listen to people and see if we can help them lighten their burdens. Guide us and show us the way forward. Lord give us the courage and wisdom to be mindful of other people and not add to their problems. I am praying this in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and my saviour. Amen
The Word for Today:
Ephesians 6: 8, “knowing that whatever good each shall do, this he shall receive of [the] Lord, whether bond or free.”
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