Tuesday, 29 September 2020

@bout Fighting and Arguing


by Yvette van Niekerk

Proverbs 13: 10 "arrogant know-it-alls stir up discord, but wise men and women listen to each other's counsel."

We both are at fault many a time our fights start if I feel inferior, and think I'm it unfair. I feel exhausted, tired and unappreciated, and then I am ready for a fight. I react quickly, and my ears go shut.

I have become mindful of the words I use lately I find the worst thing I can do is to cuss or swear. My husband shuts down and ignores anything I am fighting or arguing. I am currently doing something I never thought about, try and see things from his perspective. He has told me on numerous occasions that I ignore him and never listen. So now I have become intentional on listening to what he says, honestly, it is paying off on my side. I'm forcing my ears open to hear him speak to me.

I do feel that when he's wrong, he should say "I was wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive me."  It does hurt my feelings, but I cannot implement these words into his vocabulary, he needs to think about them.

So I hope you have learned something from my life experience:

One: try and see things from your spouses point of view.

Two: make sure you use both your ears and listen to what is said.

Three: it won't harm you if you say things like "I was wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive me." By acting like in such a way, you don't leave scars.


Heavenly Father, O Papa, You know both my spouse and me. We do have fights and arguments, please place a guard before my mouth and open my ears to hear when he speaks to me. Guide me through the Holy Spirit and show me how I can be a better wife. Thank You, Lord, in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Follow me: Kellan Publishing; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Instagram; Pinterest; Stumble Upon; God’s Orchid  Get your copy of Daily Devotional Ebenezer

Friday, 18 September 2020

Focus on one thing

 by Yvette van Niekerk

Mark 10: 21 "One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."

I multitask all the time and lately, I find that I am dropping things, not being as focused as I would like to be. I find that my thoughts are captured and taken somewhere else leaving me to be distracted. It's important to stay focused and concentrate on one thing at a time. I have been spreading myself thin lately, and this has a negative impact on my life. I am exhausted and irritated, not focusing on one thing but being double-minded.

I seem to fight to gain control over everything and everyone around me. The last couple of weeks I have decided to become more focused, keep my attention on one specific thing. This has resulted in my problems starting to free me for specific things. In the course of a conversation with Jesus, a certain man explained to the Lord all the great things he accomplished and how exceptional he was. Telling the Lord Jesus that he was diligently doing this since he was a young man. I wish I was perfect and diligent to the extent that nothing was lacking.

The Lord Jesus told the man "one thing you lack." When the Lord told him to sell off everything he had and give it to the poor the man left very unhappy.

It's true we don't focus on one thing we deal with so much thinking we accomplished so much more.


Papa, I am grateful that I can come to You today, I need to focus on one thing, to my thinking I believe I should be focusing more on You. Lord thank You for Your word, I am asking You forgive me for being so full of pride and so rebellious. I am in need of Your Holy Spirit. Amen

Follow me: Kellan Publishing; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Instagram; Pinterest; Stumble Upon; God’s Orchid  Get your copy of Daily Devotional Ebenezer



Wednesday, 9 September 2020


 by Yvette van Niekerk

Genesis 2: 8 "The LORD God planted a garden and there He put the man whom He had formed."

We see the LORD God starts off with a garden and then He made a man and a woman. I read that this is the law of location. I realised something the other day you will succeed when you are where God wants you to be.

About two weeks ago I hurt my wrist and I was in agony, my hand was constantly in pain. I wonder if this would be the same for us if we are not in a place where God wants us. It will be a constant pain. We will not succeed and things will be wearing us down. I want to do God's will for my life, not my own.

One person I think brings me back to my roots is Jonah, boy was he stubborn, he received an assignment from God. God said Jonah go to Nineveh and preach to the people. He didn't want to do that, he wanted harm to come to them. What happened afterwards makes me think. Jonah ran away from God, jumped onto a ship and tried to go into another direction. The fact of the matter is God, stop him on the sea, the people he was travelling with lost everything, and in fear after praying about it, threw Jonah overboard. Jonah ended up in the belly of a great fish and later was spewed out onto the shore of Nineveh.

I believe the harder the circumstances the more God is making you sit up and take notice. It’s time for you to see the bigger picture. I don't want to be foolish and follow in Jonah's footsteps; I am praying God will lead me.

I believe God has placed me here and I am working hard at it, I am succeeding at most things I do. God is blessing me because of the Lord Jesus Christ, not because I am a good person. I read Paul prayed for relief, God told him, "My grace is sufficient for thee ... 2 Corinthians 12L 9 KJV"


O Lord, humbly I come to You today, please bless my work, my projects and the people in my life. Restore my relationships; please may I receive Your supernatural favour in my life with You as well as with people. My fasting is for restoration in my relationships, for peace in my heart and supernatural favour with You Lord and people. Lord, You know where I am and what I feel, I pray let me see and understand how Your grace works for me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Follow me: Kellan Publishing; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Instagram; Pinterest; Stumble Upon; God’s Orchid  Get your copy of Daily Devotional Ebenezer



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