Monday, 27 November 2017

God please turn back the clock for me.

2 Kings 20: 11
“So Isaiah the prophet called out to the LORD,
and He brought the shadow of the steps ten steps
backward by which it had gone down
on the sundial of Ahaz.”

I believe God gives all of us a choice and we need to make the right decisions.  When reading 2 Kings 20 you will see that King Hezekiah is deadly sick.  Isaiah the prophet comes and tells the King, you are going to die, get your house in order.

One we have to keep our house in order because we do not know when the appointed time is.  For all we know today may be our last day and then we leave our homes in a mess.  I have been worried about my home for some time and am constantly trying to keep everything in order.

King Hezekiah asked that the clock be turned back 10 steps because he knew this would be a challenge.  I was reading this and God is so faithful He moves the dial back ten steps. 

Now this inspires me because I believe God is able to restore my life, I am asking God to help me with lost opportunities, you know I am struggling to deal with past mistakes, I believe God will sort them out.

I believe God to restore the lost relationships with my family and friends, I am believing God to restore what had been taken from me.  I believe God is moving things into place for me.  I am holding on to a hopeful expectation that God is in control and I can trust in Him.


Abba Father, I am calling out to You today asking that LORD God You please restore my life.  I admit that I had sinned and I have been praying about this for so long.  I am expecting a hopeful future and I am expecting that YOU will deal with my lost opportunities and that You are able to turn back time.  Here is my life, I am asking Lord help me.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.  Amen

I have hopeful expectations for every day of my life, do you?

Romans 4: 18-20
“In hope he believed against hope,
that he should become the father of many nations,
as he had been told,
“So shall your offspring be.”
He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body,
which was as good as dead
(since he was about a hundred years old),
or when he considered the barrenness of Sarah’s womb.
No unbelief made him waver
concerning the promise of God,
but he grew strong in his faith
as he gave glory to God”

I cannot believe this year is drawing to a close and it seems that time is slipping away like sands in a hourglass. When this year started I didn’t know how it would end but I believed and hoped that God will hear my cry and help me.

I must be honest my hopeful expectations have been met and I am still hopeful each and every day. I am learning to control my attitude with the help of the Holy Spirit.

I strive to draw near to God each day and I feel that I am making progress each and every day.  My heart’s desire is to hear God’s voice again and that I may obey Him.

I fall but I get up and try again, yes the locust has eaten what I had but I still have a hopeful expectation that God is busy restoring and replacing the years that the locust have eaten (Joel 2: 25).


Heavenly Father in humbly prayer I come to You this morning, please clothe me with the Lord Jesus Christ.  I clothe myself in humility today, I pray Lord that I will hear Your voice again and that I will obey You when You speak to me.  Lord I am hopeful and I expect that today will be a blessed day, that You Lord will keep Your hand of protection over my life. Lord bless each person reading my blog and Holy Spirit speak into their lives.  In the Holy Name of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Amen.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

I am being plagued by my past transgressions.

Proverbs 28: 13
“He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,
But he who confesses and forsakes them
Will find compassion.”

As a Christian I have to say that I have sinned badly and it plagues my mind day and night, to such an extent that I feel miserable and really bad about who I am.  The truth is I have confessed my sins, to the person involved as well as confession to the LORD.

The devil is sly and will come around on days when my mood is really low, my self-esteem is nonexistent.  I will get these kinds of messages “Ah, please Yvette, you can’t whitewash your sins and think you are able to get away with it.”

I have been a Christian for many years and I believe that I definitely didn’t arrive and that I am still on my life’s journey.

I have honestly and earnestly confessed my sins; I have spoken to the people concerned and was told to carry on with my life.

I know that when I confess my sins, God is faithful and He forgives me time and time again.  I have come to a place in my life were I need to trust in Jesus and allow Him to transform my thought patterns and help me in doing what is right.  Oh my goodness I fail on a regular basis and I believe that Jesus Christ is faithful He forgive me and lifts me up again.

I want to remind you that Jesus is the key to solving your past sins and mistakes.  You only need to confess and believe and trust in Him.


O Lord, the truth is that I always worry about my past mistakes and the decisions I took.  You have been there every step of the way, warning me and I chose to sin anyway.  I humble myself and I say thank You Lord for the forgiveness of past sins.  Thank You that I can come and ask You to help me keep on the straight and narrow.  I am grateful that I am able to still sit at Your feet and confess the sins I feel is clouding my spirit and keeping me away from You.  I trust and believe that You have a better plan in place and the design of my life is in the palm of Your hands. I praise and worship You for hearing my humble prayers.  I pray for friends and family going through the same things, I pray for wisdom and insight to deal with difficult circumstances.  In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Work each day to the best of your ability.

2 Timothy 2:15(ESV)
15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,
a worker who has no need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the word of truth.

I have really been working on my own attitude, the way I approach my job and the way I deal with people each day.  The folks closest to me are the one that make me angry and I slip up many times with them.  God is patient with me so I believe it will improve as time passes.

I sat thinking why should I even do half the job I am doing to the best of my ability, think about it, I am only a contractor and no one even notices.  Then I decided no, I must do my best job now.  I can do this and do it to the best of my ability.

I want to encourage you to do your best job now, you wont get another chance and life is to short to have too many regrets.  I think it is important that I can present my best to the Lord and get His approval and I don’t want to stand ashamed of my work.


O Lord I am trusting You to open the right doors for my life, I know You have designed something specific for my life.  Help me be patient and stay focused and trust in You.  I am doing my best job now hoping and trusting in You for the future.
In the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Prayers to God, not to idols

1 Corinthians 8: 4 "Therefore, as to the eating of food offered to idols, we know that "an idol has no real existence," and that "there is no God but one."

Drawing closer to God is one of the highest priorities in my life today. Without God I am nothing.

Idols are stone or wooden objects and I know so many people idolize someone too. My thoughts around idols are they cannot help me in my hour of need, I need to have someone I can call on, that someone is God.

I want to remind you that God is real and can take you from strength to strength.

Praise God for being real and really loving you for who you are.


Lord You have given us the opportunity to have the Word at our finger tips and as we meditate and read through Your word today.  Bless each one of us.  Lord I have taken the stand to trust in You with each and every aspect of my life, I have made so many mistakes and I don't know how to rectify them on my own.  I dedicate my life back into Your hands declaring that I do trust in You with the knowledge that You have a great plan in place for my life, I hand over the reins to my life into Your hands.  In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Amen


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