Friday 27 February 2015

3 Hurdles Christian face

Romans 12 : 11 – 12 “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulations, be constant in prayer.”

1.      Hope

For a moment or a couple of days I was not focusing on the Lord and I was looking at my circumstances.  I was fearful of the situation and worried about the consequences of this circumstances I was facing.  Most of which of course was in my mind and not truly in the physical.  

After a while it struck me that I had to face the situation and believe and trust in the Lord I serve.  I let go of my emotional uncertainty and decided to focus on the Lord.  I have no idea what will happen but in the meantime I am trusting in the Lord to sort this situation and circumstances out for me.  Now I am rejoicing in the hope.

2.      Tribulation – Trying experience

‘Be patient in tribulation’ to my mind I have mastered this part in my working world to such an extent I don’t know when to let go.  I have been in such difficult circumstances that I believe it was meant that I was to resign my position but was just not focused on the difficulties I was facing.  I stood on the ‘Word of God’ and never allowed it to hurt or harm me.

Thinking about it reminds of a saying ‘if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen’.  To mind I have been in really heated situations and just stood fast.

I was steadfast in that I didn’t allow the person or persons bringing the tribulation or trying times on my work situation to get the better of me.  I kept on trusting and focusing on the Lord my God.

3.      Prayer

‘Be constant in prayer’ is one of the other hurdles as a Christian I learned the hard way.  We have to train ourselves to pray and when things go wrong we want to start praying.  The problem with that is we don’t get the results we wish for and then give up in praying.

Pray while I walk in the shopping center, pray while I am deciding on what to buy for dinner and pray for my family and friends.  I pray for the lives of the people I feel are important to me.

To recap, we all need hope and yes we all face difficult and trying time which activates our prayer lives.  Take up the challenge with me and start praying don’t give up.

You are a blessing to me, thank you for reading my thoughts around hurdles I face many times.



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Tuesday 24 February 2015

The Duty Fulfiller

 this is me .... can you believe it.

You are responsible, reliable, and hardworking - you get the job done.
You prefer productive hobbies, like woodworking or knitting.
Quiet and serious, you are well prepared for whatever life hands you.
You are conservative and down-to-earth. You hardly ever do anything crazy.

In love, you are loyal and honest. If you commit yourself to someone, then you're fully committed.
For you, love is something that happens naturally. And you don't need romantic gestures to feel loved.

At work, you remember details well and are happy to take on any responsibility.
You would make a great business executive, accountant, or lawyer.

How you see yourself: Decisive, stable, and dependable

When other people don't get you, they see you as: Boring, conservative, and egotistical
God chose your birthday for a reason. Instantly learn 12 shocking secrets your birthday reveals about your future!

LORD Always before me

Psalm 16: 8 ‘I have set the LORD always before me.  Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.’

I just cannot start my day without going in prayer to the Father.  I don’t know how to get started, every morning in my waking the first thoughts in my mind is ‘thank You Lord, for another day.’
Thinking about my life it is clear to me that in my heart and mind I cannot betray the LORD my God, I believe in my heart that the Lord is my Father.  I wake up each morning and the first thing on my mind is the Lord.

Thinking about the picture I have in my head right now I feel like a little child walking with her Daddy and he takes my right hand to show me the way.  I look up at my Daddy and I know that my Dad has only good things in mind.  We are walking and while we are walking He is teaching me, looking at the beautiful flowers along the road I believe in my heart I am learning.  Laughing and talking about the lovely day and we are on our way to sit in the park.  Its beautiful outside the sun is shining and the playground is ahead of me.

I look around and all of a sudden I see evil men walking towards us.  My Daddy holds my hand and tells me not to be afraid.  They approach him and he says something to them.  They look frightened and run away.  Seeing them run makes me feel at peace, I have my daddy with me.  He will always protect me from harm no one can snatch me from his hand.


Heavenly Father, Lord my God in humbleness I come into Your presence today and pray Lord for the protecting and lovely hand in my life and the lives of the people around me.  Lord give me the strength to stand and always turn my face to You.  Like a sunflower I turn my face to You Lord my God to be filled with Your Holy Spirit.  Keep me from evil and watch over me in the Holy name of Your beautiful son Jesus Christ amen

Sunday 22 February 2015

Lord God illuminate my mind = give me a good idea

Psalm 19 New Life Version (NLV)
The Laws of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The Word of the Lord is pure, giving light to the eyes.

In total humility and total need I come to You Lord, I am asking You to please fill my heart with total joy.  Give me the creativity I need to life a full and interesting life.  Lord I want to pray and ask You to help me and enlighten my eyes.  Lord let Your radiance come into my life, help me become more and more like You.  I want to ask You boldly to please give me something good that I can use to honor You and I want to pray for a creative and good idea.  Lord people all around me are so inventive they seem to prosper and go forward, I feel that I am in total lack.

Lord my God I pray for great and wonderful ideas, so that I am able to make them work.  I want to do something that will make other people sit up and know that I have supernatural favour with the Living God I serve.  I want to have people see that Your hand is on my life Lord I want to ask You to give me a light in my eyes.  Something that I am able to do as it would be for You. 
I want to also build and make sure I leave a great legacy for my own children. 

Lord help me to prosper in whatever I do, help me to become a successful person and help me to build on my creativity.  Lord give me a great idea that I can use and help me make this part of my life going forward.  Lord take me under Your wings and lead me.  I need Your guidance.  Help me please father God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I ask this.


How to ....

Sunday 15 February 2015

Be Tenacious

I the LORD search the mind, I try the heart, even to give to every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his doings.  Jeremiah 17:10 Amp

Have you ever thought about your life?  What you are doing and where you are going?  Is there someone watching and does anybody know what you are up too?  O yes, believe me the LORD our God is searching our minds, trying our hearts and seeing what each and every one of us are doing on our way and letting us pick the fruits of our doings.

Nothing is in vain and we will pick the fruits of our doings, good or bad.  The thing is where are you standing with the LORD your God?  Are you working towards the renewing of your mind?  Are you learning and staying focused on the LORD your God?

I find people get totally irritated with me because my main focus in life is on the LORD my God, it is so easy for me to speak about Him or bring Him into a conversation.  I find it difficult for people to get used to me.  It’s not like I want to judge you but they get irritated by my constant referrals to the LORD my God.

Then I read my daily devotions and I see words like ‘be tenacious’ and Acts 20: 24 NKJV ‘But none of these things move me.’  Don’t quit – I will never give up and I will keep on keeping on until I make it.   Isaiah 40: 29 NIV ‘He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.’  I hold onto my Lord God and I won’t give up.

Ephesians 6: 10 NIV ‘ Be strong in the LORD and in His mighty power.’  As I start my evening and ready myself for bed, it is my hope and my desire to remain strong in the LORD and in His mighty power.  I believe that when I awaken every morning I have the strength to face the day not because I think I am strong but because I have a power source no one else has.  LORD my God, strengthens me and gives me His mighty power.


Humbly I come to You Lord my God and Father I pray for a good night’s rest, for peace of mind and rest in body and soul.  Lord I dedicate my life into Your hands and pray that You will lift me up and teach me going forward.  Guiding me and showing me the way forward.  I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over myself and each person in my family and all my friends reading my blog.  In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen 

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