Monday, 19 August 2013

Behind the scenes

Sitting in my study busying myself with this and that unaware that there are forces at work all around us.  I come into the presence of my Lord and Saviour dedicating my life back into His hands.  Another Monday morning, the months are almost over, I cannot see how things are going to work out.  In the back of my mind I know without a doubt that the Lord God is busy behind the scenes.  

Let imagine:  The trumpets blow and all the Angels gather around the thrown of God, on God’s right hand the Lord Jesus Christ is seated.  As the prayer requests pour in from all over the earth, the Angels gather them up and place them before the Lord God.  

Instructions are given to Angels to make sure that the right people come into contact with James and that he will be in the right place at the right time.  More instructions are put into place to make sure that Mary whose husband left her with 3 small children are kept safe and that a person be placed in her path that they would help her, comfort and guide her.  Giving her the right skills and building her up to look after the children.  The integrate web of information is sorted and place in the right place.  Looking down on the earth it seems that every one is searching for answers looking for something.  Sending out the right missionaries to the right places, speaking into people’s hearts and coming into their dreams.
This continues night and day, not one prayer is left unanswered.  The problem people have is we have a sense of how it should take place and when we want it answered.

God is talking to the Lord Jesus and also the Angles and prophets.

Romans 8: 28 “We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Friday, 16 August 2013

An overcomer

Psalm 37:24
The Voice (VOICE)
24 And even though you trip up, you will not fall on your face
    because He holds you by the hand.
What an awesome God we serve.  Even though you and I trip we will not fall on our faces because God holds us by the hand.

I have to confess without God I cannot see my way forward.  Life just seems to be too difficult and the older I get the more I feel inadequate.  Looking at the people around me I realise we all need God in our lives and He can help us face each day.

Bless you today and know that even if you trip up, you won’t fall on your face because our God is an awesome God.  He holds you by the hand.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Our daily Bread

Things are not always as they seem in most people’s lives and believe me it seems the same way looking into my own life.  I must tell you that as far as I am concerned God is so faithful in supplying our ‘daily bread’ you cannot believe.

I have not been working many months and really it has been so difficult but I can tell you that not once have me or my family gone to bed without a good meal.

Exodus 16 : 4 ‘Then the LORD said to Moses, “I will rain down bread from heaven for you.  The people are to go out each day and gather enough for that day.  In this way I will test them and see whether they will follow my instructions. 3 On the sixth day they are to prepare what they bring in, and that is to be twice as much as they gather on the other days.”

Speaking to people I realised that we are all depended on our LORD God.  We can only go and say thank You for our daily Bread.  LORD God in the name of my LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ ‘Thank You.’

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Happy Birthday Mommy - 68 years young today!!

Your 68 years young today

A beautiful and gracious lady mommy, at your age you have seen and lived through so much.  God has blessed you with two daughters and a son and seven grandchildren, two great grandchildren.  Awesome!  What a crown to wear around your head knowing that you have been able to see your great grandchildren.

Facing each day as it comes along keeping your head up and working through your own problems, checking on your children and their children.  Listening to all the complaints and giving good advice.  A well balanced life with loads of fun and laughter, you are so blessed mommy.

This year wasn’t easy for any of us and we have made it this far, how great it is to know you are able to face another year with all of us.  We absolutely love and adore you, you have so much going for you and we know God is in control keeping you healthy and looking out for your every day.

My sister is a star, she looks after our mother very nicely, without her help I am sure life would have turned out really badly for mommy.  Zelda you are really a pillar of support to mommy and oom Frik.  Without you their lives would be a disaster, praise the Lord that you have such a generous heart and that you are always looking for ways to help and support them.

God will provide according to your needs and He will bless you richly Zelda, thank you so much.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Kill that snake

I had a dream last night and in my dream I saw a snake crawling into my bird’s cage and swallowed the little bird.  I was so made that I ran to the cage opened the little door pulled the snake out by its head and with my two hands gripped it by the head.  I put my fingers under its chin and over its head and started to squeeze its head until I saw the snake’s eye pop.

To me I feel that God has confirmed to me that I am dealing with stuff in my life and I have the victory.  I believe God loves me and that He sent his only son to die on the cross for my sins.  In Luke 12: 27 ‘consider the lilies how they grow:  they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.’  

Colossians 4: 6 Your words should always be with grace, as if seasoned with salt, and be aware how it is appropriate for you to answer each man.

Let’s consider each other, dealing with people in a gentle and kind way.  I find that we all have issues and some of us are such drama queens.  Take control over your thoughts, and remember that you can overcome whatever is in your life right now.  Asking the Lord Jesus Christ to help you, face your problems and kill them one by one and you will see the victory at hand.

God bless you and may you also be victorious today.

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