Sunday, 15 February 2015

Love - God first loved me

1 John 4:10The Voice (VOICE)

10 This is the embodiment of true love: not that we have loved God first, but that He loved us and sent His unique Son on a special mission to become an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
This is supposedly the month of Love, February with Valentine’s day and the beautiful flowers and chocolates and promises of love and all the affection of this world.  As I think of all of this it reminds me of something more precious and more spectacular.

Looking down from heaven the angels and God are in conversation about the world that is lost and struggling to survive a difficult and dark time.  God looks at the angels and His son and they discuss the plight of the world.  A saviour is needed to help a people in difficult times.  The first Adam slipped up and now the sin of man is spreading like a virus that can only be stopped by the blood of another Adam.

The maiden Mary has given birth to the Lord Jesus, life on earth will never be the same again.  The child is beautiful and both Mary and Joseph love the Lord Jesus.  As time progresses other children are also born to the carpenter and his wife.  Jesus looks like a normal child but in his 12th year he starts to stand out from his peers.  The love of the Father God is upon Jesus and He is showing it to all around Him.
Love is a natural phenomenon and the Lord Jesus just has this ability and when He is around people they are naturally drawn to Him.  Mary love’s Jesus really and she adores her son and watches Him and listens to what He says.

A sad time befalls the family of Joseph and Mary their Son Jesus Christ is being crucified.  Mary’s heart is broken and she follows Him from the courts to the hill on which He is too die.
They bury Jesus and a huge stone is rolled in front of his tomb.  On their arrival that the tomb they find a young man dressed in white sitting on the right side of the tomb, ‘are you looking for Jesus?’  He asks them.  Nodding they look frightened and worried.  He tells them not to be afraid and to take heart the Lord Jesus is risen from the dead.  His alive!  They run out with fear and anxiety not sure what to make of this new.  He is a live!

The love of our Lord is so great we cannot know how difficult it must have been to watch and see His only begotten son die on a cross for mortal man.

Thank You Abba Father, in Jesus Name.

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