Monday, 21 November 2016

Justice and Mercy, Not Fasting [Fasting]

Zechariah 7:8-10 (TLB)
8-9 Then this message from the Lord came to Zechariah. “Tell them, to be honest, and fair—and not to take bribes—and to be merciful and kind to everyone. 10 Tell them to stop oppressing widows and orphans, foreigners and poor people, and to stop plotting evil against each other.

As I reflect on my journey of fast; these couple of weeks, I need to confirm how humbling it has been for me.  I have come to realize that I am so spoilt and that I actually am very blessed in being able to enjoy any kind of food.

I have been reminded on so many occasions that I should not think evil of other people, believe that all people are good and that I should not allow my temper to rule my head.  I have also come to learn that by focusing my thoughts on the Lord for the day changed my entire perspective of the people around me.

It is my heart’s desire, to draw closer to the Lord my God, I don’t want to be a disappointment and I have come to a point in my life that I cannot fix any of my past mistakes.  Going forward I can only do my best.  I have also come to realize God has a great future for me even in my older years. 


Heavenly Father, tonight I pray that You will show me through the Holy Spirit how to administer true justice; teach me to show mercy and compassion to one another.   Remind me not to oppress the widow or the fatherless, the alien or the poor; and stricken the evil thoughts that come out of my heart.  In Jesus Name; Amen

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