Thursday, 16 March 2017

I tend to beat myself up often

Blows and wounds scrub away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.”  Proverbs 20: 30

Working on my attitude and my self-esteem is probably something I do daily.  I constantly check my words, I constantly watch what I say.  My thoughts are being trained not to wonder.  It has been a process I have been going through for a couple of years now.  To my mind, I believe that I am better and that I am getting better and better.  What I really want to say I have become more visual over my thinking.

It struck me when I was reading this book on Confidence that my self-esteem is really low.  I do not consider myself better than other people.  I feel that I should shrink back out of the limelight and wait for people to do their own thing.  Then I do enjoy writing and it gives me the ability to express myself but not enough because I live in the real world.

My biggest critic is myself.  I focus on attitudes and words that I feel are wrong and I constantly fight with myself to change them into more positive and good words.  I have never thought of myself as beautiful but has seen me as a “plain Jane” and would not like to compete with a woman my own age. 
So I can relate to the words in Proverbs 20 verse 30 “blows and wounds scrub away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.”  I constantly self-talk and am working on my inmost being.  It is my heart’s desire to be acceptable to the Lord my God. 

I constantly pray for wisdom and insight so that I am able to allow the Lord my God to give me paths to discipline my own thinking, heart and my body.   You can only grow spiritually when you dig deep into the Word of God, the Bible. 

What is your thoughts around verse 30 in Proverbs 20?

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Identify in what kind of relationship you are in.

Genesis 2: 22 Then the Lord God made a woman … and be brought her to the man.

Firstly, Let me give praise and honor to the Lord God of Israel my Abba Father, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.   Based on this verse I believe that God made a woman to be a “helper to her husband.”  When you get involved with people it is important to check the relationship and people you are getting involved with. 

According to 1 Corinthians 12 verse 10 “… the ability to distinguish between spirits.”  Is one of the gifts God has given us, and regarding distinguishing between spirits I believe it is imperative to check your mate.  Love is blind but the neighbors aren’t. 

Some interesting traits to be aware of are listed as follows: people with a negative spirit, they tend to draw you down.  You should beware of a person with a controlling spirit or vindictive spirit someone whom feels hurt and wants to get back at people or the world; and someone who shows resentment often.  This negative type of person is normally very arrogant and bossy.  I am almost tempted to state an abusive and domineering person.

Something to keep in mind is that this person is normally very charming and so charismatic but the devil lives right inside of them. 

My advice on this subject is speaking, to God about any person you want to get involved with, keep an open mind and listen to the Holy Spirit.  Pay attention to all the tell-tale signs.  Be careful.
Be safe and keep God first in your relationship.  You can never go wrong.  Blessings

Reminder! If you are able do listen

Hey Guys tomorrow I will be on the radio from 12h00pm to 13h00pm CAT (Central African Time).  I hope you will come and listen, I will be doing my regular book review, this week I will be reviewing Woman to Woman from Joyce Meyer and I am going tell you of two new releases I have spotted on the net.

Also some interesting things I find out.

So please please please  come and listen to me ;-)  thank you ;-)

It’s been a while since I have shared my testimony!

Philemon 1: 6
“The communication of thy faith [will] become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in Christ Jesus.”

Picture this a young woman in 1989 with short dark brown hair and green eyes, walking into an Apostolic Faith Mission Church.  In September of 1989, I was 25 years of age and had two children.  My son Jacques aged 7 and my daughter Odette aged 4.  I was a strict mommy and had thought I had high values.  When we sat in the pews I heard the Lord God speaking to me directly through the pastor.  Sorry, I forget his name, he loved to play the violin which was so beautiful.

God was speaking to me directly that when the pastor made the altar call I had to hold myself down with both my hands so that I would not get up and walk to the front of the church.  The next day I was watching TV with the kids and friends came along to see what we through of the service.  I told them what I experience and my friend then said: “Yvette, that was the Lord God speaking to you, all you need to do is to confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior.”  They left and I took a long hot bath.  As I lay in my bubble bath, I prayed the sinner's prayer.  “Oh dear Lord God, you know and understand me, I am stubborn, full of nonsense and not a believer.  I humbly come to You today and confess that I am in need of a brand new life.  Please Lord God forgive me, I am not worthy to come to You, but in the Name of Your only begotten Son Jesus Christ forgive me and accept my humble prayer.  Amen”

I prayed for forgiveness of sin that Monday evening and have never looked back.  Sometimes we make mistakes and I have made so many but by the Grace of God here I go.  Thank You, Lord God for being patient with me.  As I send my testimony out to the world today.  I confess and believe that every person believing or non-believing will come to You through the Holy Spirit’s anointing on my writing.

Be blessed in the Holy Name of my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Thursday, 9 March 2017

What do you think would make a great marriage?

Reading Hebrew 13 verses 1 to 4 in the Message “Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love.  Be ready for a meal or a bed when it’s needed.  Why some have extended hospitality to angels without ever knowing it! Regard prisoners as if you were in prison with them.  Look on victims of abuse as if what happened to them had happened to you.  Honor marriage, and guard the sacredness of sexual intimacy between wife and husband.  God draws a firm line against casual and illicit sex.”

1)     God said “Honor marriage”  I believe this means we must stay faithful to each other as a couple.  No one, not mother, father, sister, brother or children should interfere with the marriage between two people.
2)     My body is a temple of God, which means I need to take good care of my body and not fill it up with loads of junk.
3)     Husband and family always the priority.  Then the rest.  Never allow work to override your responsibilities as a husband or wife.  Don’t make your family strangers.
4)     Cleanliness is close to Godliness.  Wash, need I say more?
5)     Share, share and share nothing belongs only to you, share with your spouse.
6)     I love you, don’t forget to say those important words to each other every day.
7)     Do not assume you have rights, check with your spouse and make sure the both of you are on the same page.
8)     Look after your home, keep it clean, tidy and when something is broken fix it and most importantly, have some peace in the home.  Using foul language is not permitted as it is abusive.
9)     After fighting, kiss and makeup, don’t harbor bitterness or keep any grudges.  Let it go and see how you will grow in the marriage.

10) Always honor the Lord your God, keeping the Lord Jesus Christ first is always the best policy and you can never go wrong.  Love the Lord Jesus with all of your heart.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

Coming into agreement with Abba Father

Amos 3:3 (AMPC)
Do two walk together except they make an appointment and have agreed?

As I sit in my study today it is my heart’s desire to come into agreement with my Father God, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I am going to use these affirmations today and going forward to create my life and abundance so that I too may be a blessing to my Church and people who are in need.

I affirm with my mouth and believe in my heart that  “I can do all things through Christ Jesus of Nazareth which strengthens me.”  Philippians 4 verse 13.  I also believe an confess that “my God will supply all [my] needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus of Nazareth.”  Philippians 4 verse 19.  I further confess and believe that God did not give me a spirit of fear, but of power and of love, and of a sound mind.”  2 Timothy 1 verse 7.

I confess and believe that “God has dealt with every man the measure of faith.” Romans 12 verse 3.  I also believe and confess with my mouth that “the Lord is the strength of my life” Psalm 27 verse 1 and that “the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”  Daniel 11 verse 32.

I stand in agreement with Abba Father in that “because greater is he that is to [me] than he that is in the world.” 1 John 4 verse 4 and I believe that “God… always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus of Nazareth.” 2 Corinthians 2 verse 14.

I confirm and agree with my God Abba Father today that “Christ Jesus of Nazareth … has become for [me] us wisdom from God.”  1 Corinthians 1 verse 30 and I believe and agree with God that “with his stripes [I] we are healed.” Isaiah 53 verse 5.

Furthermore, I agree and confess with my God Abba Father today that “Casting all [my] cares upon him; for he cares for [me].’  1 Peter 5 verse 7

Lord God I also agree and stand firm in Your word on “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”  2 Corinthians 3 verse 17 and finally, Lord, I confirm and agree with You today that “there is therefore now no condemnation to [me] them which are in Christ Jesus of Nazareth.”  Romans 8 verse 1.

As I speak their affirmations today I confess and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth sitting on the right hand of our Father God in heaven.  May Your Words come true today in my life as well as each person reading these affirmations, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Amen

According to the Spoken Word by Don Gossett.

Book Review : The Secret Code of the Dead

Name of the Book                          :           The Secret code of the Dead
Author                                                :           Charlie Purple
Personal Quality Rating             :           5
[My personal quality rating is a 5, the score that I give to the book on a scale of 0 to 5 based on my personal liking/disliking of the book.  0 is bad and 5’s are great!]
A Science fiction Novel is written using the setting of Dulwich, London as well as some travel to Karbala, Iraq.  This short story of 80 pages is beautifully written and tells a story of four friends.  The main character in the story is David who has been in love with Jen forever.  As a reporter, he has been assigned to travel to Karbala to report on the atrocities that have been taking place in Iraq.  On his travels to Iraq, Karbala he makes friends with Mustafa a taxi driver.
While back in London Hadrian his other friend who is a psychic and or medium is dabbling with some funky stuff.  As I read the story I cried and laughed and cried, the unraveling of this story is so amazing I enjoyed it once I sat down to read it.  The writer has probably some insights into the supernatural and is using this in his book. 
The characters in the book are so interesting, I enjoyed the four main characters and definitely loved David and Jen.  Mustafa was funny and I can picture him in real live as well as his beautiful wife Layla.
Social / Historical Content
This is a modern day story which depicts real life events taking place in the world of today.  I believe the purpose of the story is to enlighten the reader of perhaps a supernatural realm.  A mystic and dream world that would be so wonderful, which in away made me wish it could happen.  The reality of the story is that we are dealing with some strange people around us.
People all over the world are basically the same, and we all go through different stages of life.  I felt David’s pain and I also felt his joy. 
Writing Style
The writing style as I see it is evocative and commonplace.  It was an easy read and I loved the characters depicted in the story.  The writer knew what he wanted to share with his readers.  I also enjoyed telling the story. 
The story narrates a circle of friends and their experience which intertwines with each other.  How they deal with something that comes into play unexpectedly.  The fact that they stand together was amazing.
My Thoughts
This science fiction novel is a real page-turner, I enjoyed all the characters depicted in the story and there was time I laughed and times that I cried.  I could picture some of the events and it was well written.   To be honest I believe the writer enjoyed telling the story.  He knew what he wanted to share and it was truly a lovely story. 
The fiction was almost real; you have to read the story to get the gist of it.  I hope to see more of his books.

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Why are you Grumbling! Stop it!

Just thinking about this past couple of weeks I do believe I have been grumbling all the time, I am like a growling dog.  In Exodus 15 verse 24 we read “so the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What are we to drink?””  Because life this past couple of weeks have really been trying and difficult I have been walking around with a stiff neck, and a headache too.
You know those feelings of abandonment, being left out and disappointed and feelings of uselessness and not being able to stay focused or even function properly?  These are all that I have been dealing with the past couple of days.  Then this morning I am preparing for a Sunday School lesson and it struck me that I should stop my grumbling immediately.
Looking back now made me realize that I have so much to be grateful of and yes I find myself in an almost impossible situation but why should I allow all these negative feelings to overwhelm and take hold of my life.
The truth of the matter is I am not in control over everything in my own life and because I cannot control lives events, I must remember and trust and believe that the Holy God of Israel, my God, the  God of Lights is always in control. 
It is imperative that we grow spiritually and by growing we are also being pruned many times, I do believe that I am being pruned and it is painful and I don’t enjoy the discomfort but because I am faithful and trust and believe in the Lord I am sure that His words will not come back void to me.
I am reminded in Isaiah 46 verse 11 that “I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass.”  God isn’t a person that He would lie to me, and I can trust and believe that He will come through for me.  I don’t always understand my circumstances and I am not sure I understand why things work out the way they do.
Now I need to find God’s promises in my own life, look for the conditions and persistently pray over them believing that the Lord God will keep His word to me.  My struggle is being patient and now it is time to learn to be patient. 
May I ask you as my Blogger friends please keep me in your prayers today, help me deal with my circumstance and help me focus on the Word of God.  You are a blessing to me.  Thank you for letting me share my life with you today.  In the Holy name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Amen

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Building my own Website - hair raising experience ;-)

This is truly a challenge, I have managed to put social media buttons in on one of the pages, and I also have managed to put a contact me email shot in as well.  There is still a number of nitty gritty goodies I need to do and learn.

The main reason for building my Website is to promote my upcoming book which is going to be published this year.  I am looking forward to this because it is my first book that will be published.  I cannot wait.

My Book is a Daily Devotional for 365 days of the year.  I anticipate it will be ready very soon.  Once I have the book published I will, of course, let you know.

It has been a wonderful experience and I am so grateful and happy that the Lord my God has allowed this to happen.  I believe my time is now and I want to grab it with both my hands.  You know we all face difficulties and life can come with some serious curve balls, but I am so grateful that the Lord is here for me.

Financial Increase

2 Corinthians 9: 10 CEV “He will increase what you have.”

Sometimes we have difficulties that we just can do nothing about, for instance, I am jobless currently and I have no resources to assist my husband.  I feel helpless and sometimes I feel so guilty because he needs to carry the burned of looking after me too. 

I was thinking about this verse and you know God is faithful and He is dependable and I believe that He will provide when it’s the right time.  My thoughts on this matter is that God is telling us that He will increase what we have.  I also believe that God know our hearts and minds, He also knows what we can handle at what time in our lives.

The thing is we need to come into agreement with God’s word and stay focused on what we know He is capable of doing in our lives.  The main focus is to also get God involved with our finances, I am trusting God to do something miraculously in my life.

Yes, I am out of a job but hey that doesn’t stop God of helping.  I sometimes wonder why I am in this position and yet God knows best for my life.  I trust and believe that He will give in abundance at the right time, I must trust and have faith in his capabilities and know that He will provide.  In so doing I would be able to help someone else in need.

You know that it’s the best possible reason to get God involved in your live especially your finances.  Calling on Him now while you are still doing well, don’t wait for the day when you are running on empty.

You are a blessing to me and others.  We love you ;-)

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Thoughts around my radio program

I am getting so excited my Radio program on Rainbow Gospel Radio is starting to become known.  It is my hope that I can cover many inspirational topics.  This week I was focusing on “Woman of Excellence.” 

So let me put it to you this way, I want to speak about topics that would interest you the listener, if you have anything that you want me to talk about please click on my page and send me an email.  I am ready for taking on new fresh ideas.

Let me know what your thoughts are on my program and help me become the best radio presenter on this radio station.  I am looking forward to all your good advice and inspiration.
Thank you

Cheers Yvette

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