Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Standing on the edge of a cliff!

I almost fell over the cliff!

Psalm 73: 2 TLB “I came so close to the edge.”

One thing is for sure we all face trials and tribulations in our own lives.  The secret to dealing with these trials and tribulations are “your attitude.”

No one really knows what I face and how I approach life, you may think I have it plain sailings when in fact my life is quite the opposite.

Asaph is the author of this Psalm 73 and a number of other Psalms. When you read the Psalms closely you will note that Asaph had his own set of trials and tribulations.  He fell sick, he had personal problems. So to my mind Asaph was a guy just like anyone we know. 

Something I realized is that if you allow circumstances to take over your life, you are going to fall over the cliff.  If you do not take a stand and not allow these things to carry on, you would have won the battle raging against you. Yes, of course life happens to everybody, the thing is are you going to take a positive stand and make the necessary decisions or let it just happen?

By not making a decision, you actually made a decision.  


Lord each time I feel that I am too close to the edge, please take my hand and pull me closer to You.  My life is so full of little things, I forget about the big important one.  Lord here I am an open book, look through my life, help me change and become more like the Lord Jesus. Amen

#Keep #your #heart

Proverbs 4: 23 "Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life."
What is important to you? Is a question that has been on my mind for a number of days and it comes to mind “keep watch over my own heart.” Don’t laugh it is very important, we find people all around us and each person is facing some difficult situation. 

If I don’t watch my own heart and allow other people to say things which may influence me and unknowingly allow them access to my heart, they may just hurt me.  Nowadays I place a guard over my mouth and also my heart.  I also tend to hurt people and it isn’t my intention but I do.  

Proverbs 3: 5 – 6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."

I realize that I am not perfect and because of the same reason I need to continually reflect over my actions and bring my life before the Lord.  My heart is open to You Lord, check it and help me to focus and lean on You. I cannot see away forward without the Lord, I am to afraid these days.  Everything seems to challenge me and I am uncertain.  I place my trust in the Lord and I am leaning on Him.

Proverbs 28: 13 "Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy."

If I catch myself sinning, I pray for forgiveness right there and then.  I believe that if I truly meant what I prayed God in His mercy has forgiven me.  Remember I still make mistakes and I don’t always think about what I say or do.  Many of the times I am reactive and go with my gut or the spur of the moment.


Lord God, thank You, for keeping watch over my life, You know that I am unable to work out my own life.  I need Your guidance, I need Your help each and every day. I also want to say thank You, for keeping watch over me.  I love and adore You so much Lord.  Amen

Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Hello World Yvette's Inspiration's

Romans 12: 2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Good day

Today I want to invite you to come along and listen to my program on Rainbow Gospel Radio at 12 past midday GMT +2.

Come along and listen to my Program “Hello World, Yvette’s Inspiration's” my focus today will be on a Reading from "Stormy Omartian – The Power of a Praying woman."

I believe we all fall into the trap of being mislead by the devil and he sure knows your weakness.  I am sure you have read Stormie's prayers and I hope that this will inspire and ignite your prayer life once more.

I tried to place the right music at the right intervals and I would love to hear from you.  Do join me on Thursday 17 August 2017 at 12 GMT +2.

May God bless you as you listen to my program.

Blessing 100%

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Are you single-minded and totally devoted to God?

Matthew 6: 24a “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.  & Matthew 22: 37 You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”

This is the second part to our question “Is God the center of all we do?”  Many times people say things like “you are so consumed with talking about God, isn’t there any other topic that interest you?”  Yes, I have other interesting topics I can talk to you about but I love to bring God into the picture.  It is natural for me to talk about God and how I see the situation from a bible perspective.  

It frustrates many people and it also irritates them, they feel disconnected and angry with me at times.

Do you know what I am talking about?  Are you able to relate to my thinking, I love the LORD and it comes out in my conversations and I am constantly trying to teach you something?  So being friends with me might frustrate you because I am seen as a freak and total nut-case.  

I want to take this time and encourage you to stay focused and trust in God, He knows what is best for you.  So hang in there and do not back down on placing God first.  If you are like me, single-minded and totally devoted to God then you will find push-back from people.


Abba Father, You know that I am single-minded and that I cannot always discuss matters of the world because I am not interested in what’s happening in the world.  I confess that I feel in adequate when it comes to worldly matters but I feel comfortable when speaking about You.  Help me understand people, and see them through Your eyes.  Bless them and keep each one of them safe.  In Jesus Christ’s Name Amen

Is God the Center of all we do?

Matthew 6: 33 TLB “and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to.”

How much of your time do you dedicate to the Lord?  I mean sitting down in your “war room” praying, reading your Bible and studying God’s word.  Let us be honest we start early most of us in any case, as you jump out of bed run around getting everything read to leave the house for your job you think, I will break this afternoon and spend some time in God’s presence.

Truth be told, if you didn’t wake up a little earlier and spent the first couple of minutes with God your day will erupt into an avalanche with deadlines to meet etc.  I know, juggling washing, cleaning and ironing and running errand’s takes up a lot of your time.  

Did you find that 10 minutes to spend with God?  Did you sit down and read the Word of God, meditated on it and the prayed for your family and friends?  We are so tired that many of the time we just hop into bed, turn the light out and say a quick prayer, and off to sleep.

As I think about the words of Matthew “and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life …” It is clear even in Matthew’s time they needed to make a definite commitment in coming into the LORD’s presence.  Making the LORD first place in my life is something I am working on, are you?


Lord thank You, for being kind and compassionate towards each one of us today.  Thank You, that we may meditate and focus on Your word.  Thank You, for helping each one of us and showing us the way forward.  As we start our day, LORD help us to make You, the primary go-to person in our lives, help us commit to You 100%.  Please help us today in Jesus Christ’s Name Amen

Thursday, 13 July 2017

#Grandmother #Faith

#Grandmother #Faith

2 Timothy 1 : 5 AMP “I remember your sincere and unqualified faith [the surrendering of your entire self to God in Christ with confident trust in His power, wisdom, and goodness, a faith] which first lived in [the heart of] your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice, and I am confident that it is in you as well.”

We see the Apostle Paul speaking to Timothy and reminding him of his sincere and unqualified faith in the Lord and how it also spring forth from his grandmother and own mother.  Which brings me to the point in my own life.  We are examples to our children and remember they are constantly watching our movements and seeing how we react.  Taking me to my next point.

I saw an article about children and I must tell you that I didn’t know that but as I read it, I knew whatever I was doing in my younger years my children were watching me and would be doing the same thing going forward.
Not sure of the exact details but according to Dr. James Dobson, a case study was conducted on 10 thousand children and this was their findings:  1)  The most critical period of a child's mental development was between the ages of eight and eighteen months.  2)  The mother is viewed as the most important part of the child's environment. 3)  The amount of “live” language directed to the child between twelve and eighteen months is absolutely critical.  4) The free access to living areas of the child's home progressed much faster than those whose movements were restricted.  5) The family is the most important educational delivery system.  6)  Best parents are those who excel at three key functions:  Being superb designers and organizers of the child's environment, allowing their children to interrupt them for brief intervals of thirty seconds which allow them to comfort and exchange information; and being firm in disciplining their children also simultaneously showing great affection for the child.  So they love their kids, they talk to their kids, they treat their kids with respect, exposing them to interesting things, organizing their kids time and disciplining them fairly and raising them in a strong stable family environment.  You cannot go wrong with these vital keys to a successful and happy childhood.


Lord God, when I sit here and think about how I taught my own children I pray that YOU will help them with their children.  As far as I know, I did the best I could at the time.  I want to encourage and pray for young mothers today asking that You LORD will teach them and Guide them going forward with their own children.  Bless the homes of the parents who cannot do everything they want for their children and bless the grandmothers and mothers who are praying for the grandchildren.  I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

Good Morning and Hello World

Today I want to invite you to come and join me on Rainbow Gospel Radio at 12 o'clock today GMT +2.  Should you like to chat to me on Facebook go to Rainbow Chat Room and one of the administrators will give you access.  Or if all else fails; contact me through my web page “ yvettevanniekerk.com”  Go to contact us and send me a message and I will respond to you.

Do you want to discuss anything over the air?  Let me know and let's see what you are interested in hearing.  

my personal email is yvettevn007@gmail.com

Do have a blessed wonderful day!


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