Proverbs 23: 7 NKJV “For as he thinks in his heart, so is
I have been thinking about a number of questions and what
the effects of these questions have on my life.
One of the questions that was raised is “how do you feel about yourself?” I feel good about myself; I have made changes
in my own life. I wanted to lose weight
and I managed to loose 11kg and I feel great.
I can see the difference and it makes me feel good.
The other question that I really don’t want to face is “when
do you feel the most negative about yourself?”
I think I feel negatively about myself when people “disregard me or
disrespect me.” I also take offense when
people lie to me. When I feel people are
rude and make an effort to make me mad.
This question is almost too close to home but here it is “what
causes the greatest problems when dealing with others?” I think this one is about resentment; you may
have done something to me thinking that I would not find out. The sad part is I did and because of your
actions I start to resent you and make it my business to show you what I feel.
Lord You know my heart and that I am truly trying to change
my life around. Yes there are problems I
cannot face today but I am asking Holy Spirit help me sort them out in the Name
of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen