Monday, 11 December 2017

Baby Steps

1 Peter 2: 2
“Like newborn babies, you must crave pure
spiritual milk
so that you will grow into a
the full experience of salvation.
Cry out for this nourishment,”

God is a true parent and He understands His children.  When I moved from Jo’burg to Witbank – in the country I isolated myself from people.  Big mistake, it caused me to become fearful and scared.  I didn’t want to go shopping or visit people.  I felt safe in my house and just couldn’t get myself to go out.

I decided to take baby steps to get out of this bad habit.  My first port of control was attending church and becoming part of the congregation. I am still taking baby steps here, I have joined the Bible study and next year will see what my future holds here.

Salvation is something we need to nurture when you neglect your faith, your heart becomes as hard as granite.  You don’t hear from God and life becomes very difficult.

It took me a very long time to actually get back on my feet again.  I still suffer from the fear of leaving my house, but I force myself and go to the shops.  I believe that God is dealing with me and that He is working in my life.


Lord God, help me to please stay focused and not go around fearful and scared.  You didn’t give me a spirit of fear but I am Your child.  Lord as I grow spiritually teach me each day.  Guide me and show me what You want me to see today in my own life.  As I take baby steps moving forward, thank You so much Holy Spirit for coming back into my life, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

Bouncing Back

Psalm 71: 20
“You who have shown me many
troubles and distresses
will revive me again,
and will bring me up again
from the depths of the earth.”

These couples of years have been a merry-go-round in my life.  Some days were good and some days were not so good.  I had to cope with stepchildren that didn’t understand me.  The challenge of rearing these kids was something else.  Can you believe 7 years down the line and I feel I haven’t made any inroads.  I am still persevering and will win them over.

Something that you don’t know is when you are used to being around people every day and even if you don’t talk to them they are there.  Then I found myself all alone, no one to talk to during the day, it was just me and my thoughts.

It’s during these quiet time you start reflecting on your life and then you became aware of the mistakes and sins in your life.  It took me such a long time to get over myself and bouncing back wasn’t that easy.  I have trusted in God to help me bounce back.

I am so glad I can call on God and He will help me going forward.


Lord God, thank You so much for this experience, I ask that You will open my eyes and help me to see what You want me to see. Lord God is there anything You want to say to me?  Please open my ears to Your voice, let me hear You please Lord.  In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

My dream

Genesis 6: 22
“Noah did everything just
as God commanded him.”

What an awesome God I serve, this morning when I woke up I asked God to surprise me with something.  My book Daily Devotional Ebenezer has just been released for publication.  I am super excited and overwhelmed - all in one.

You may think really?  Anyone can publish a book, how difficult can it be?  Sure enough, I do believe it is possible for other people to do this especially people with degrees and excellent writing skills, people that have studied the art or writing and who are checking their instruction manuals.

I struggle with grammar mistakes, my official language is Afrikaans and writing and speaking in English is difficult.  I also am dyslexic resulting in spelling mistakes.  Then there is this dream that I want to write a book, not any book but a daily devotional. 

When God gives you a dream you should do something about it, it took me so long to get this book written and to formulate all my thoughts and feelings.  I am so proud that I was able to listen to God’s instruction and go ahead and write my book.

If Noah didn’t listen to God’s command and go ahead and build the ark I wonder what would have happened to all of us, would we be here today?  God has a specific calling on your life, and when you know there is something driving you, you should go ahead and do it.  It starts with the first step, hearing from God, listening and doing it. 


O LORD God, Abba Father in humble expectation I come to You today and I want to say thank You so much for allowing my dream to come true.  Yes, there will be obstacles and I know that when they do arise You will help me overcome them. I give you praise and thank You, thank You, thank You for hearing my prayers.  I dedicate each and every person reading my blog today and ask that You will touch their lives with the Word and also with Your Holy Spirit creating a renewed interest and thirst for You Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Amen.

Daily Devotional Ebenezer

Dear Bloggers

This newsletter is to introduce you to my latest Daily Devotional Book just released, it is available digitally or hardcopy.

You will enjoy the short daily devotions for each day 365 days of the year.  It is my heart's desire that the Holy Spirit will touch your lives and create a thirst for Gods Word.

Warm regards

Yvette van Niekerk

Gospel Encore - Tonight at 18h00 GMT +2 South African Time Rainbow Gospel Radio

Good Morning

Come and join me tonight on Rainbow Gospel Radio where I will be playing all your favorite Christian songs, music that will lift your spirits and encourage you.

They say music is medicine for the soul.

Do come and listen to my selection of music, we will be playing a couple of Christmas Carols too.

God Bless you and I hope you have a stunning day!

or hardcopy

Sunday, 10 December 2017

When I wake-up!

Psalm 119: 147
"I rise before dawn and cry
for help;
I hope in your words."

The first thought in my mind is "Good morning LORD."  I get up open the shower's hot water and get back into bed for another couple of minutes.  5 o'clock in the morning I feel just great, looking forward to a brand new day.

I think of the work that lay ahead of me and pray asking God to help me do my best job today.  I pray asking for a good and helpful attitude.

Sometimes I wake up during the night and my mind runs away with me, the devil reminds me of my past mistakes and then I struggle to fall asleep again.  In those early morning hours, I pray for help and trust my life into Gods hands.

Heavenly Father, tonight I dedicate all my friends and family into Your hands, protect each one of us and keep us from harm.  We love and adore You, in Jesus name, Amen

Prayer for expansion and growth

Romans 15: 5
"May the God of endurance
and encouragement grant you to
live in such harmony with one
another, in accord
with Christ Jesus,"

Today I want to pray that we all will live in harmony and peace with each other.  As a Christian, it is my God-given duty to pray for my Church and the community around me. 

Heavenly Father, Lord God I come humbly to You today asking that You will help me to stay the path.  Please give me the courage to endure and let me have an attitude that will bring glory to Your Holy Name.  Lord God I pray for expansion in our churches all around the world and I pray for growth spiritually.

Lord, I am asking let Your will be done as it is in Heaven so on earth.  In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I pray, Amen.

now for sale at Kellanpublishing

Gospel Encore - Yvette van Niekerk - 18h00 GMT +2

Come and join me tomorrow evening 18h00 South African time
we will be listening to your favorite Gospel songs
And a couple of Christmas Carols

Beloved check out my Daily devotional book Ebenezer
available for sale at:

Friday, 8 December 2017

Be realistic.

James 4: 8
“Draw near to God
and He will draw
near to you
Cleanse your hands,
you sinners;
and purify your hearts,
you double-minded.”

This is my last key component, helping me decide on my goal.  Too many goals make me undecided and then I feel that I have become double-minded.  The problem with being double-minded is that you lose focus.  I cannot get my attention to stay on one specific matter because I have 5 different goals and not either one of them are talking to each other.

I weight my options on each of the goals I have set for myself and see what I can reach and what I cannot.  I then put all my attention and time into the specific goal and work towards reaching my goal.  It takes time and practice and at the end of the day, I actually get to my desired goal.

I hope that you enjoyed reading my thoughts on living a successful life and hopefully being happy at the same time.  I would recommend you write down what is important to you.


O Lord God, thank You for Your loving kindness and the time I can come and spend with You.  Lord guide me so that I will do my best job now.  I don’t understand the difficulties I have to face each day but I pray please help me be realistic and do what You have designed me to do.  In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Write it down.

Habakkuk 2: 22
“And Jehovah answereth me and said:
“Write a vision,
and explain on the tables,
that he may run
who is reading it.”

Key component number six is something to consider when you want to attain success in your personal life.  I write down my goals but I try and keep them realistic and I also write a couple down which seem impossible and scare me.

I keep my eye on my goal and in my everyday life I try and focus on what I want to achieve.  You know my attitude is something I have been working on and because I struggle with a negative person I make sure I give my negative thoughts to God each and every day.

Once I have reached my goal I can check it off my list.  I feel that I have accomplished something and focus on my next goal.  I have learned in this year that in becoming good in something I make a point of practicing it every day.

Something I realized is that when writing down what I hope to achieve I really have to think about it.


Lord Thank You for reminding us to write down our vision gives us the necessary wisdom and understanding to attain our goals and visions.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Make obtainable goals for your life.

Hebrews 11: 27
“By faith, he left Egypt,
not fearing the king’s anger;
he persevered because
he saw him who is invisible.”

Key component six to succeed in life is setting goals for my own life.  We see Moses left Egypt and moving on with his life.

Setting goals for my life aren't easy and I struggle to see the future as other people do.  I try and visualize my life differently and I try and make goals that I can obtain most of which I do. 

I set goals for myself and trust that I am able to get there; if my dreams aren’t scaring me then they are too easy to get to.

Stretching myself each and every day is something I do, I work hard and make sure I do my best job now, with an expectation that I will meet my goals.

You are able to set goals and make it to them, you just have to make up your own mind as to what you want in life.


Lord Jesus help me set obtainable goals for my own life, show me where I should go and what You want me to do.  I cannot do this on my own or even in my own strength I need You in Jesus Name, Amen.

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