Monday 29 January 2018

#Insurance Cover – The Blood of Jesus

Matthew 6: 33
“But first and most importantly seek
(aim at, strive after) His kingdom
and His righteousness [His way of doing
and being right – the attitude and character of God],
and all these things will be given to you also.”

If you are like most people you would have insurance coverage in your homes, your vehicles and many other items of value. Have you considered that you are valuable? Yes, of course, you are. You are covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. The minute you have received the Lord Jesus Christ as your own salvation and started a personal relationship with Him, you are covered.

We are reminded to first seek God’s kingdom and His righteousness, in doing this we do not have to worry about anything. As Children of God, we are covered, the Blood of Jesus Christ is our cover.
Think about this, you know your insurance will pay out if the house you live in burns down, or if your car is stolen.  In a way it doesn’t worry you because you know you are fine, it is covered.

Do you agree with me that both you and I are bought and cleansed with the precious blood of Jesus Christ the price of sin was paid for you and me?  Precious items have a cover with the Lord, I am a Child of God.


O Lord my God I want to say thank You for the knowledge that I am covered by the precious blood of Jesus Christ which is constantly cleansing my life. I have the assurance that as Your child I am heir with the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise and Honor and Glory to Your holy Name, in Jesus Christ Name. Amen

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Getting it right.

John 14: 26 AMP
“But the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor –
Counsellor, Straightener, Standby),
the Holy Spirit, whom the Father
will send in My name [in My place,
to represent Me and act on My behalf],
He will teach you all things.
 And He will help you remember
 everything that I have told you.”

You know when you always aspire to do your best job now. I do not procrastinate when an assignment is given to me I do it when I receive it. Because I feel that I want to do my best job now, I check my work all the time. It was difficult in the beginning but now I know that whatever I am doing is 100% correct.

I have come to realize that I can only do my best job now with the help of the Holy Spirit. I cannot do anything on my or even in my own strength.

I think it's not so easy becoming a doer when other just say "yes" and walk away. The "doing" is what makes the difference in today's life.

Prayer: Holy Spirit in my weakness I stand before You please come alongside me and help me with every aspect of my life. I cannot do anything in my own strength. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

Tuesday 23 January 2018

#doers not just hearers.

James 1: 22 AMP

“But prove yourselves doers of the word [actively
and continually obeying God’s precepts],
and not merely listeners [who hear the word but
fail to internalize its meaning],
deluding yourselves [by unsound
reasoning contrary to the truth].”

You know when you get that bright idea and it keeps you out of sleep almost the whole night? The next day you feel like a train hit you. I know those thoughts and then I forget all about my great idea.

Or someone is constantly telling you what they are going to do, “I’m going to write this very good story and then I’m going to be a rich as “Castle” on TV. I also used to talk about all the wonderful things I was going to do. The sad part is I never put action to my talking. I never actually did anything about it. I just talked about it.

It is the same with serving God, we have all this information at hand and we supposed to be sharing with the World. I write because I enjoy writing and I believe someone is reading what I think and may agree or disagree with me. I don’t know but now I have their attention and they want to see what else I am saying. It is my hope that the Holy Spirit will touch each person’s life when they read my short daily devotional.


Lord, humbly I pray that You will create a thirst in our lives to help us chase after Your Word. Help me be a doer of Your Word in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Monday 22 January 2018

I feel like the odds are stacked against me.

Exodus 14: 14 AMP
“The LORD will fight for you while you
[only need to] keep silent
and remain calm.”

We all go through life with all kinds of “hang-ups” I am no different. Today it feels like the odds are stacked against me and that there is no way forward for me. I didn’t plan on things to work like this but again I am reminded of something called consequences.

If you think you can get away from this little word “consequences” I want to give you a short message, you will reap what you sow. Good or bad, whatever you say will catch up with you and whatever you do will impact you going into your future. Be warned.

Because I feel that all the odds are stacked against me my only refuges is the LORD. I cannot change my past, I made mistakes and have to live with them. It drives me up the wall at times but I want to say this much. I pray for God’s hand over my life.

I feel that God is reminding me to “be still and trust in HIM.” My only way out is through God and no other way.


LORD humbly I come into Your presence today, please bear with me. I feel that the odds are stacked against me, I am struggling to relax and I feel all alone. I need Your help today. I need You to help me, in my quiet time I am waiting for You to help me. Please LORD, I need You to stand up in my defence and rescue me in Jesus Christs name. Amen

Friday 19 January 2018

Waiting for my breakthrough

Daniel 10: 12 AMP
Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid,
Daniel, for from the first day that you set
your heart on understanding this and on humbling
yourself before your God,
your words were heard,
and I have come in response to your words.”

I am waiting for my breakthrough and I am trusting in the Lord, I know God hears my prayers. I have been praying for a number of people in my life and I believe God has touched each person’s life.
I pray for my family and friends and I see that God is with them. I am so grateful for that because it inspires me to keep on praying.

Lord, I want to come into Your presence and say thank You, I believe that You have answered my prayers. Yes, Lord, You are awesome, wonderful and I adore You. Thank You, thank You, thank You for answered prayers, I know that nothing is impossible with You. I see my breakthrough and I praise You for it.

In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen


Jeremiah 15: 1 AMP
“Then the LORD said to me,
“Even though Moses and Samuel were to stand
before Me[interceding for them],
My heart would still not be
[turned with favour]
towards this people[Judah].
Send them away from My presence and out of My sight
and let them go!”

The LORD said even if Moses and Samuel came and prayed about this people, I will not change my mind God is truly angry. We know that Samuel prayed for rain and it rained. We also know that the LORD Jesus used to get up early in the morning and pray.

It is my desire to pray as often as possible but that’s not the point, I want my prayers to count, I don’t have ‘clout’ like Moses or Samuel. I don’t have the ability to move mountains but I can ask for help.
We need to be saturated with our prayer life so that when something happens we don’t have to quickly come and say a rushed prayer. No, we should also make the time to pray and ask God to be our protection, our helper and our salvation.


Abba Father, O Lord, please teach us to pray in all humility and with honest hearts, check our motives and help us come to You in humble prayer. Holy Spirit please help us because You know what we are trying to say, speak on our behalf in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen

God weighs your actions

2 Samuel 2: 3
“Talk no more so exceeding proudly;
let not arrogance come out of your mouth:
for the LORD is a God of knowledge,
and by him actions are weighted.”

What are your motives? What drives you? Where do you find yourself? Who do you look out for? I think the motive is something that drives many people. I want to be this, that or the other. I am this, that or the other. All clichés and to be honest God is weighing our actions.

In honouring God, what do you do? I read that it is our duty to look after the homeless and widows and orphan children. Or do you just pull up your nose and ignore the plea for help? I think we all have the ability to help someone.

In writing to you every day, I want to learn more and for me to learn I need to study God’s Word. I like to read everything I can about God. The Bible, good novels based on Biblical characters. What drives me? I feel I am lacking in wisdom and knowledge so I try and read as much I can to grow my knowledge. Wisdom comes from God and I ask for this each and every day.

I don’t want to dishonour God, I want to do my best job every day.


Abba Father, I know that You eight our actions, You know what we boast about, how we treat people all around us. O Lord, please send the Holy Spirit and touch the lives of people that need a revelation today. You are weighing our actions, what we do and why we are doing it. Let us not exalt our own lives but always exalt You I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen

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