Monday, 24 April 2017

Winter or my Wilderness Experience

Exodus 2 verse 11 to 15 says:  “One day after Moses had grown [into adulthood], it happened that he went to his countrymen and looked [with compassion] at their hard labors; and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his countrymen.  He turned to look around, and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.  He went out the next day and saw two Hebrew men fighting with each other; and he said to the aggressor, “why are you striking your friend?”  But the man said:  “Who made you a prince and a judge over us?  Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?”  Then Moses was afraid and said:  “Certainly this incident is known.”  When Pharaoh heard about this matter, he tried to kill Moses.  Then Moses fled from Pharaoh’s presence and took refuge in the land of Midian, where he sat down by a well.”

When I read these words, I can almost relate to what Moses had been going through when watching the people and seeing what they were doing to the Hebrews [his family].  Have you made any mistakes which you wish on many occasions you could change but just don’t get round to it?  I have made an epic mess of my own life on more than one occasion.  Here by the grace of God, go I.
I never really considered that I was making any mistakes at the time and in fact was adamant about my statements etc.  Today it seems really rude and uncalled for.  Now I believe God has brought me to my wilderness experience so that God can work on my attitude, my words, my thoughts and my way of thinking.  God let me go through these difficult times to teach me to honor and have compassion for other people.  I feel that God has brought me to this place to show me that I cannot rely on my own good self but that He was my pillar of strength and that I should always trust in Him.

Do you know how difficult it is to understand life when you are opinionated and judgmental and of the thinking, no one has any brains?  O dear, you are in trouble.  I am still dealing with some issue and it is taking some time to sort them all out.  But God’s Grace is awesome and He is delivering me each and every day. 


O my Lord God Jehovah today I pray for guidance, help, and understanding going forward, as I enter my spring period I dedicate my life into Your hands.  Lord thank You for opportunities You have created for me, bless my book and help me be an inspiration to all who I get into contact with.  Amen

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