Monday, 5 March 2018

I Want to Glorify You LORD

1 Corinthians 6: 20 (AMP)

“You were bought with a price [you were actually purchased with the precious blood of Jesus and made His own]. So then, honour and glorify God with your body.”

I wonder if you truly understand the concept of honouring and glorifying God with your body? Let us think of a couple, eating and weight. I have a weight problem not because I eat too much because I now am eating. I never used to eat in the morning or during the day and only eat a small portion in the evening. Constantly worried that I will get fat, but I was losing my strength.

I find when I eat 3 balanced meals in a day, I put on weight. This frustrates me and then I revert back to my old ways. Am I glorifying God with starving myself? I don’t believe I am God wants us to be happy, isn’t it?

I know Jesus Christ of Nazareth died on a cross for my sins, and I am trying to glorify my God. Am I succeeding in my task?


Heavenly Father, Lord help me to honour You with my body, I failed You so many times in the past. I want to bring You glory and honour with my body, I want to keep it Holy in Jesus Christ of Nazareth Name. Amen

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