Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Why Worry?

Matthew 6: 27 (NASB)
“And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life?”

Sitting down my right leg automatically starts swinging; I am feeling impatient and playing with my ring on my left hand. I must bake a couple of cakes, the lounge needs a good clean. I want to write something for my blog. I feel worried that I won't have enough time to get to everything. It drives me crazy; you will never find me sitting around doing nothing.

I don't worry about money or things like that, I feel worried that I just never have enough time to do all my chores. When I go to bed I feel so tired it seems I didn't get around to do what I set out to do. What will become of me? It irritates me that I stay busy and other people can sit around doing nothing.


Heavenly Father, Lord thank You for today, thank You that we can come and sit at Your feet today. Lord helps me to relax and trust in You. You have graced me with a new day, and Your mercies are new every day. Thank You, Lord, let Your will be done today in my life as You wish. I worship and praise You, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen

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