Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Sealed with a kiss

Mark 14: 44 – 46 AMP

“Now the betrayer had given them a signal, saying, “Whomever I kiss, He is the one; seize Him and lead Him away safely [under guard].”  When Judas came, immediately he went up to Jesus and said, “Rabbi (Master)!” and he kissed Him [forcefully]. They laid hands on Him and seized Him.”

Judas walked into the garden of Gethsemane and saw the Lord Jesus. He walked up the Lord Jesus and kissed Him. The sign was given and Jesus was arrested. Sometimes we don’t even see how treacherous people are. We trust them and believe they have our best at heart when they actually are plotting against us.

The Lord knew Judas was going to betray Him. He spoke about it and was actually waiting for Judas. I wonder what Judas was thinking when he walked up to the Lord Jesus. You deserve everything that is coming your way? Afterwards, we read Judas felt terrible about the whole matter and ran back to the chief priests and threw them with the money they paid him. Too little too late, you might say. He hung himself out of remorse. He didn’t know things were going to turn out so badly. Judas loved money and now he despised it. It changed him and made him into a true betrayer.


Heavenly Father, humbly we pray that You will help us face each day. Forgive us if we have sinned against You knowingly or unknowingly. If we have betrayed You or any of our friends. Please, Lord, forgive us, help us to repent and make the right choices. We cannot face today without You Lord Jesus. Amen

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