1 Peter 4: 19 DARBY “Wherefore also let them who suffer according to
the will of God commit their souls in well-doing to a faithful Creator.”
Before I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I heard
people tell me stories of wealth and an easy life. Then the reality of the situation came,
suffering is a process that each and every Christian needs to go through. It’s like the purifying of gold, in order to
get to the gold it goes through fire.
In the many years that I have been following and serving the Lord
Jesus Christ, it has been some ride. The times when I felt I just couldn’t make
it, those were the times that the Lord
carried me through. Do not be mislead! We
actually all have some kind of suffering, even the non-Christians and atheist endure suffering in their lives.
One thing I truly am grateful about is that I don’t have to suffer
the same way the Lord Jesus Christ suffered when He died on the cross for our
sins. I doubt I would have been able to
endure so much.
Looking at our passage we see that Peter reminds us that “who
suffer according to God’s will are to commit themselves to their faithful
Creator and continue to do good.” Doing
good is expected of each one of us. Let’s
take up our cross and bear the suffering and keep up the good work.
Abba Father, please help us stay strong during the times we suffer
according to Your will, guide us and teach us.
Please help us to do good as You will it for our lives. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.