Monday, 3 July 2017

Redeemed or Condemned?

Psalm 34: 22 AMP “The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who take refuge in Him will be condemned.”

Early in the morning, you lay in your bed listening to the birds chirping and singing outside your window.  It’s winter here right now and I can feel the cold sneaking in.  As a child of God, it is my heart's desire to serve God, I believe that I am redeemed and that God had chosen me.  When life feels tough and I sometimes feel I cannot cope I turn my focus on to the LORD because I believe that He is my Redeemer.  I feel that I am able to take refuge in Him and that He has freely pardoned me.

Sometimes the devil will come and stand behind you shouting in your ear, “you did this and that last night, and today you want to act all holy than thou.”  The minute you hear this little voice of condemnation shut it up with words “The LORD redeems my soul, I am His servant, you have no right to condemn me because the LORD is my refuge.”

In counteracting against this little voice in your head you are moving away from a negative thought and renewing your mind with a positive thought.  God called you and you are His.


Heavenly Father, please will you help me focusing on my thought life, watching my thoughts and not allowing any negative thoughts to come and take residence in my mind.  I am in the process of learning to stay focused and working hard to keep my thoughts in para with Your word.  In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

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