Thursday 14 December 2017

Hello World, Yvette's Inspirations - #Thursday#Rainbow Gospel Radio

Come and join me today and listen to the selection of my Christmas songs, my thoughts, and inspirations.

My book is now available from
I have been published!

Wednesday 13 December 2017

God’s Masterpiece

Genesis 6: 8
But Noah found favour in
the eyes of the LORD.

How did Noah find favour in the eyes of the LORD?  I believe Noah was obedient and he must have been talking to God each and every day.  You know he must have asked God what to do and how to do it.  I don’t believe Noah new everything.  God instructed him and think about this trees had to be planted and Noah had to wait for the trees to grow before he actually made the ark.

What do you have to prepare to get started with your own project?  Do you have to study and get your degree for a specific career path you dream about?  Perhaps you are thinking of starting your own business, you must have a business plan and present it to the Bank or specific people.

Do you want to write?  Do you want to be a seamstress?  All of these things need favour.  Where do you find your favour?  I find favour firstly with the LORD, God is my first call every day.  “Good morning LORD.”  Saying hello every day is part of my life.

Abba Father, LORD today I dedicate my life and my family and friends into Your hands.  LORD thank YOU for this scripture.  We know that it took Noah many years to build this ark but because of his obedience, we are here today.  LORD thank You for Jesus Christ, because of His obedience we are able to come to YOU.  LORD today I pray for my book and I pray asking YOU for the supernatural favour and I pray that You will bless each person who buys it.  Bless the lives of people who are obedient and follow You.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Bless the LORD

Psalm 103: 2 - 3
Psalm of David
Bless the LORD, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits,
who forgives all your iniquity,
who heals all your disease.

I believe that King David knew God very well.  When he felt that his life was meaningless he would search out the LORD.  He would praise the LORD with his whole heart and soul.

We really need to consider what an awesome God we serve.  God knows each of us by name and He is concerned about your state of mind, your health, and your well being.

As we meditate on the Word let us not lose sight of one very important component in this Psalm, "Bless the LORD, O my soul."

Heavenly Father, in humility I come before YOU bring You blessings and honor, praising Your Holy Name, I don't always have the right words but I love YOU, LORD.  I want to Bless You with my soul. In humility I praise YOUR Holy Name, You are my salvation, You are my helper.  I love You, LORD, in the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Change the way you pray

Joshua 7: 6
Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell to the earth
on his face before the ark of the
LORD until the evening,
he the elders of Israel.
And they put dust on their heads.

We pray in the car on the way to work, or we lay on our back in bed and say a quick prayer, "Good night Father, thank You, for today.  Amen."

When the pressure is on we really get serious about our prayers and walk around with a long face mumbling something.  We don't want anybody to see how desperate we are and say our prayers privately.

Fair enough, why don't we try a new way for a change.  Shake things up because we are facing a difficult situation and we desperately need an answer from God, actually, we need a way out.

Joshua was in a state, he felt so anxious that he actually tore his clothes and fell down on his face before the ark of the LORD putting dust on his face.

How serious is your request?  What kind of measures are you prepared to take to get an answer from God?  

Heavenly Father, as little children we fall down before You, on our faces, covering it and we humbly pray that You will hear our cry for help.  Thank You, Abba Father for the Word.  Teach us to read it every day and most of all open our eyes to what Yu want us to see in Your Word.  Help us to draw near to You, we ask this humbly in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

Jabez prayer

1 Chronicles 4: 10
Jabez called upon the God of Israel,
saying, "Oh that you would bless me and
enlarge my border,
and that your hand might be with me,
and that you would keep me
from harm so that it might
not bring me pain!
and God granted what he asked.

When reading 1 Chronicles 4 you will note that there is a number of names and then a little paragraph dedicated to Jabex.  God wanted us to notice that Jabez wasn't favoured.  But Jabez did something extraordinary.

Jabez assessed his life and most probably reflected on how things were going and he actually made a decision to boldly go before the God of Israel and seek His favour.  

I think its possible for God to stop time and change your life.  I also think and believe that if you genuinely believe that God is able to grant your request, you will have it.


God of Israel, O Father God, humbly I come before You this evening.  You know my life and You know me by name.  I want to remind You, Lord, that You have called me by name and that I am Yours. Lord, I also want to remind You that You know where I stay, You know my address and You know my current situation.  Lord, You gave me a dream and I have done whatever it took to attain it.  Lord, tonight I want to come before You with my giant size request asking that You will bless me and enlarge my borders.  I also want to pray asking that You will keep Your mighty hand on me and let no harm come my way, I cannot take any more pain.  Lord, we need You to intervene on our side.  You know what is wrong.  Lord thank You for answered prayers.  Thank You, in the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen

Joseph and Mary

Shocked and a little upset Joseph looked at Mary but didn’t say a word.  She had just confided in him that she was pregnant. “Mary, how did this happen?” Joseph asked.  Mary looked down and played with her apron, shaking her head.  “Joseph, I don’t know.  An angel of the Lord came to me and said that I would conceive a child.”

Joseph pulled Mary into the yard and walked to the front door of his house.  Opening the door and allowing Mary to enter first.  He walked in just behind her and shut the door.  He walked over to the table and lit the candle.  “Sit down Mary,”  Joseph said and stood next to the table looking at her.  “We will work things out, but honestly you need to tell me the truth how did you fall pregnant?”  

Mary looked up at Joseph he was such a handsome man and she honestly didn’t know what to say.
Mary stood up from the table and walk to the door, “Joseph, I cannot explain how this happened but it did.  I am going to visit my aunt for a short while.  You need to decide what you want to do.” She opened the door and left.

Joseph let Mary leave, he needed time to think about this.  He walked over to the fireplace and started the fire. As he put the wood on the burning flames his thoughts were around Mary. She is with child, who is the father?  Why would she jeopardize their relationship in such a manner and she runs away to hide by her aunty?

Joseph made supper and sat at the table eating where he decided that he was going to divorce Mary.  Placing the plate in the dish and taking it outside to pour water over it he stood looking at the blue sky filled with beautiful white light, the stars were shining brightly tonight.

Josephs pride was hurt, he had such hopes and dreams.  It isn’t fair but he cannot carry on with this relationship.  He wouldn’t expose her but he was going to leave her, that is for sure.

It was a grueling day, it was hot and his customers were difficult they wanted their furniture almost immediately and he was doing the best he can.  It takes time to make a beautiful chair not to mention the lovely tables.  Joseph washed up and went to bed, the minute his head hit the pillow he was gone.

While Joseph was sleeping he saw an angel of the Lord appeared to him.  “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit.  She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

When Joseph awoke from his sleep he took Mary as his wife.  This was the fulfilling of the Lords promise to his people as written by the prophet: “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel!”

Stop putting yourself down.

Colossians 3: 17
“Whatever you do [no matter what it is] in word or deed,
do everything in the name of the
LORD Jesus [and independence
on Him], giving thanks to
God the Father through Him.”

As I reflect on my life I honestly need to say that I am my worst enemy.  Joyce Meyers wrote the book on “The Battlefield of the Mind.”  I think that most of my battles are in my mind.  I would be reminded of my past and it plagued me for months on end.

This year I decided enough!  I need to stop putting myself down, I need to accept who I am; I need to trust in Jesus and His process of the renewing of my mind.  I actually did start the process about three years ago and trusted in God to help me with my project.  It came to fruition.

I have reached a point in my life that I am able to understand life in general.  No one feels that good about themselves, we all walk around with some kind of mask.  I have a mask for the church, I have a mask for when family comes to visit and I have a mask for friend and colleagues.  I have decided to get rid of that mask and now I am faced with the possibility that people won’t like me.

It struck me that I am learning each and every day, how to relate to people around me, what I see people like and don’t like.  I am also noticing that yes, I have made mistakes but hey life goes on and other people just hide their mistakes better.

Do you remember this idiom:  “For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe, the horse was lost. For want of a horse, the rider was lost. For want of a rider, the message was lost. For want of a message, the battle was lost. For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost. And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.”

I will do my level best each and every day; I might be the nail that holds the horseshoe together.  Which carries the messenger? 


Heavenly Father, thank You, thank You, thank You for yet another day and the realization that I don’t have to keep putting myself down for each and every sin. Yes, I make mistakes and I slip up but I humbly pray give me the wisdom and insight not to keep putting myself down.  Help me to move forward and trust YOU, LORD.  In Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Monday 11 December 2017

Taste and see that the LORD is good.

God’s Orchid
Daily Devotional Ebenezer

My first book is published today, what an experience I have feelings of excitement and also feeling of being overwhelmed. A mixture I can hardly explain to you. I know it is cliché to say I feel butterflies in my stomach and my hands are clammy.  That's is my experience right now.

November 9
Jesus’ friend
John 15:15 (TLB)
15I no longer call you slaves, for a master, doesn’t confide in his slaves; now you are my friends, proved by the fact that I have told you everything the Father told me.
We are no longer slaves the Lord Jesus has confided in each of us and we have a relationship with the Lord. As a friend, we can now come and sit with the Lord Jesus and talk to Him about everything in our lives. We know this because the Word states it very clearly and we can come into His presence.
Think about your friends around you, you call them constantly telling them little things of importance in your lives. You share all the funny jokes and laugh about good things taking place and when you feel sad you also share with your friends. Hopefully, they are there to cheer you up again. Prayer
O Lord, thank You, for the knowledge we have in knowing You are our friend. Lord Jesus as a friend today I pray for You supernatural blessings in my life and that of my friend with me. Thank You, I praise You, Lord Jesus. Amen ~ November 9

Daily Devotional Ebenezer is aimed at people who want to spend a couple of minutes reading scripture and taking in someone’s personal experience for that day with a short prayer. 

Yvette van Niekerk

Get your copy of

My blog at God’s Orchid

Baby Steps

1 Peter 2: 2
“Like newborn babies, you must crave pure
spiritual milk
so that you will grow into a
the full experience of salvation.
Cry out for this nourishment,”

God is a true parent and He understands His children.  When I moved from Jo’burg to Witbank – in the country I isolated myself from people.  Big mistake, it caused me to become fearful and scared.  I didn’t want to go shopping or visit people.  I felt safe in my house and just couldn’t get myself to go out.

I decided to take baby steps to get out of this bad habit.  My first port of control was attending church and becoming part of the congregation. I am still taking baby steps here, I have joined the Bible study and next year will see what my future holds here.

Salvation is something we need to nurture when you neglect your faith, your heart becomes as hard as granite.  You don’t hear from God and life becomes very difficult.

It took me a very long time to actually get back on my feet again.  I still suffer from the fear of leaving my house, but I force myself and go to the shops.  I believe that God is dealing with me and that He is working in my life.


Lord God, help me to please stay focused and not go around fearful and scared.  You didn’t give me a spirit of fear but I am Your child.  Lord as I grow spiritually teach me each day.  Guide me and show me what You want me to see today in my own life.  As I take baby steps moving forward, thank You so much Holy Spirit for coming back into my life, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

Bouncing Back

Psalm 71: 20
“You who have shown me many
troubles and distresses
will revive me again,
and will bring me up again
from the depths of the earth.”

These couples of years have been a merry-go-round in my life.  Some days were good and some days were not so good.  I had to cope with stepchildren that didn’t understand me.  The challenge of rearing these kids was something else.  Can you believe 7 years down the line and I feel I haven’t made any inroads.  I am still persevering and will win them over.

Something that you don’t know is when you are used to being around people every day and even if you don’t talk to them they are there.  Then I found myself all alone, no one to talk to during the day, it was just me and my thoughts.

It’s during these quiet time you start reflecting on your life and then you became aware of the mistakes and sins in your life.  It took me such a long time to get over myself and bouncing back wasn’t that easy.  I have trusted in God to help me bounce back.

I am so glad I can call on God and He will help me going forward.


Lord God, thank You so much for this experience, I ask that You will open my eyes and help me to see what You want me to see. Lord God is there anything You want to say to me?  Please open my ears to Your voice, let me hear You please Lord.  In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

My dream

Genesis 6: 22
“Noah did everything just
as God commanded him.”

What an awesome God I serve, this morning when I woke up I asked God to surprise me with something.  My book Daily Devotional Ebenezer has just been released for publication.  I am super excited and overwhelmed - all in one.

You may think really?  Anyone can publish a book, how difficult can it be?  Sure enough, I do believe it is possible for other people to do this especially people with degrees and excellent writing skills, people that have studied the art or writing and who are checking their instruction manuals.

I struggle with grammar mistakes, my official language is Afrikaans and writing and speaking in English is difficult.  I also am dyslexic resulting in spelling mistakes.  Then there is this dream that I want to write a book, not any book but a daily devotional. 

When God gives you a dream you should do something about it, it took me so long to get this book written and to formulate all my thoughts and feelings.  I am so proud that I was able to listen to God’s instruction and go ahead and write my book.

If Noah didn’t listen to God’s command and go ahead and build the ark I wonder what would have happened to all of us, would we be here today?  God has a specific calling on your life, and when you know there is something driving you, you should go ahead and do it.  It starts with the first step, hearing from God, listening and doing it. 


O LORD God, Abba Father in humble expectation I come to You today and I want to say thank You so much for allowing my dream to come true.  Yes, there will be obstacles and I know that when they do arise You will help me overcome them. I give you praise and thank You, thank You, thank You for hearing my prayers.  I dedicate each and every person reading my blog today and ask that You will touch their lives with the Word and also with Your Holy Spirit creating a renewed interest and thirst for You Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Amen.

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