Thursday, 23 July 2020

Only God's plans work out for us.

by Yvette van Niekerk

A long time ago, Augustine wrote: "You made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until it rests in You."

I believe we all are longing to know God intimately, our deepest desire, is to learn more about our God. Many times, I don't understand, the longing inside of me, my simple feeling of dissatisfaction with my life, the unfulfilled expectations, feelings of dejection, and many time I feel isolated. Directing me, to my main focus, I am hungry for God's Word. When we develop our relationship with God; and realize more about His holy character, which illuminates my mind, heart and soul.

Ezekiel 25: 6-7 MSG "God, the Master, says, Because you clapped and cheered, venting all your malicious contempt against the land Israel, I'll step in and, hand you out as loot - first come, first served. I'll cross you off the roster of nations. There'll be nothing left of you. And you'll realize that I am God."

It's clear, whatever I attained by my own will, and desires turned into to ashes, nothing to show for. Then God takes my hand, and things turn around. I realise, anew that while acquiring, anything outside of God's will, ultimately disappoint me, He fills me with truly satisfying "pleasures forever."


Lord God, now you've got my feet on the life path, all radiant from the shining of your face.  Ever since you took my hand, I'm on the right way. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Monday, 20 July 2020

Is your heart on fire for God? #heartonfire

by Yvette van Niekerk

2 Timothy 1: 5-7 MSG

"That precious memory triggers another: your honest faith - and what a rich faith it is, handed down from your grandmother Lois to your mother Eunice, and now to you! And the special gift of ministry you received when I laid hands on you and prayed - keep that ablaze! God doesn't want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible."

When I see fire, I am automatically interested and stare at it, the flames licking and flickering up and down. When we have a braai (barbeque) most of us like to gather around the fire and chat, it nice and warm and very inviting. Fire keeps us warm and illuminates our interactions, it is the focal point, that brings us together.

Thinking of fire as a metaphor, it reminds of passion, burning and consuming desire, which is unquenchable. And fire can also be associated with our faith, burning and consuming desire to learn more of Gods word. I pray my heart and yours catches fire. The Holy Spirit coming in blazing and cleansing our hearts, souls and minds. I am asking God for purpose, passion and a promise in my life, the Holy Spirit to move and shake me.

Looking to God to His Kingdom and His coming. I want to have a deep conviction, almost simple assumption. The only way, I can experience the power, in my life through the Holy Spirit, and my ministry will go deeper in practising prayer in my life.


Father, I want to come into Your presence with a joyful song of praise. I am asking You to ignite a passion in my spreading the gospel that is underscored by a sense of prophetic immediacy and urgency. I am praying for a powerful but natural merging of evangelism and compassion, of help and of hope and sharing the Word, Your Gospel with the kind assistance of a good friend. In Jesus Christs Name, Amen.

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Saturday, 18 July 2020

I believe GOD will show me, HIS Will.

by Yvette van Niekerk

2 Chronicles 20 : 10-12 MSG

"And now it's Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir have shown up. You didn't let Israel touch them when we got here at first - we detoured around them and didn't lay a hand on them. And now they've come to kick us out of the country you gave us. O, dear. God, won't you take care of them? We're helpless before this vandal horde ready to attack us. We don't know what to do; we're looking to you."

I believe God, will move heaven and earth to show me His will. I believe God always wants the best for me, He has a specific plan for my life. I am were God, wants me to be right now. The minute I feel frustrated and confused I realize that I am wandering off my chosen path. God will take all kinds of protective actions to keep me from harm's way.

I often suffer from a restless spirit, I just cannot seem to put my finger on it, but I'm uneasy with life at times. I feel I just can't quite identify what's wrong. I've prayed "please Lord help me, I'm not sure what You are trying to say to me."

This weekend was awesome, I have been in a bit of a dip lately, I don't want to go into details but I didn't feel great. I received a blessing word from my Stepdaughter, she made me feel so good and then Sunday, Pastor Kiewiet spoke the same blessing over our congregation, what an experience. The spoken Word of God works miracles in our lives. Awesome.

I know this seems too much, I even have been receiving undeserved blessings, my daughter and my stepdaughter have been blessing me in abundance. I am so grateful to both of them!!!

Isaiah 30: 19-22 MSG "Oh yes, people of Zion, citizens of Jerusalem, your time of tears is over. Cry for help and you'll find it's grace and more grace. The moment he hears, he'll answer. Just as the Master kept you alive during the hard times, he'll keep your teacher alive and present among you. Your teacher will be right there, local and on the job urging you on whenever you wander left or right: "This is the right road. Walk down this road." You'll scrap your expensive and fashionable god-images. You'll throw them in the trash as so much garbage saying, "Good riddance!"


Lord, my God, thank You, I appreciate everything You do for me. Bless my family and all my children

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Friday, 17 July 2020

Condemnation - why do we allow it?

by Yvette van Niekerk

Romans 8: 1 - 2 MSG "With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ's being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death."

I struggled to comprehend God does not remember my sins. It seemed impossible for my finite mind to see and understand.

It blows my mind to think, God who is an omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, being doesn't remember my sins. He is the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-present God, who can rightly know, every single detail of every sin, that I committed. God's declaration, "For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more." Hebrew 8 verse 12. I want to encourage you, if you feel you cannot approach God, because of your sin, you are able because He is waiting for you.  By simply believing, God's Word that through the provision of Jesus' sacrifice; God has indeed remembered my sins no more.

The impact of Jesus' sacrifice means I can start living without a cloud of shame, guilt, condemnation and any judgement over my life. I will stand bold and righteous in Christ today, I expect to receive Jesus Christ' best!


Abba, Father, forgive me for holding onto past sins, I am standing firmly, boldly and righteously, in Jesus Christ today. Lord, I expect to receive, Jesus Christ's best in my life right now. I expect Your Supernatural favour in my life, I am Your child, You have called me by my name. Amen

Follow me: Kellan Publishing; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Instagram; Pinterest; Stumble Upon; God’s Orchid  Get your copy of Daily Devotional Ebenezer



Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Anger Management

by Yvette van Niekerk

I think anger affects our lives, regardless of origin. When I’m angry I feel upset and under a lot of pressure. I’m not one to keep my anger locked up and pretend nothing is wrong, I explode there and then. My husband, on the other hand, suppresses his anger, I fear he might even have a stroke or heart tack.

Ecclesiastes 7: 9 MSG “Don’t be quick to fly off the handle. Anger boomerangs. You can spot a fool by the lumps on his head.”

I know it is important to look for a positive way in dealing with my anger and I really try but sometime I just can’t manage it. I submit my feeling to God and try and not take it back because it’s not under control right away. Taking responsibility for my anger is a way I feel I am managing my anger. I cry in the shower when very angry to relieve myself of the pain I feel at that time. I try to process my feeling and get closure but not always successful. 

Angry people are destructive and can hurt themselves and others in the process.

Prayer Father please help me to be more positive and stop my angry outburst, I know You know my heart and see my frustration. I pray to ask to take this fear away from me and heal me in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Thursday, 9 July 2020


by Yvette van Niekerk

Isaiah 64: 4

A Prayer for God’s Power

“When You did awesome works that we did not expect, You came down, and the mountains trembled at Your presence. From ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God buy you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. You welcome those who gladly do right, who remember Your ways. Surely You were angry, for we sinned. How can we be saved if we remain in our sin.”

When I say words like “I’ll never get through this situation or find that perfect job.” I have given into my fears and do not trust in God. I am the most negative person on this earth, so words spoken and said like “never” I try and avoid at all costs. I want to dream a dream and live my life fulfilled. It seems I’ll be taking action before I say never.

Today I want to encourage you and me too, lets keep watching and waiting for God to come into our movie. I want His blessings in my life and I am trusting in Him. God gave me a wonderful husband and great and wonderful kids and grandkids. My life is full of possibilities.

Today do not allow the nevers to infiltrate your life and destroy your hope, God is still in control He knows more that you or i.

Lord I know I am failing everytime I focus all my time and engery on nevers. Please help me see the tree before the forest, help me focus on You Lord Jesus not allowing my fear of failure to cloud my judgement.


Lord Jesus according to Your Word, God will never let me down. Deut. 31 verses 6 and 8. No matter what is happening in my life today I believe that You God are in control and I do not have to fear. You are my light, my way, my hope and I trust in You in Jesus name. amen.

Follow me: Kellan Publishing; Facebook; Twitter; LinkedIn; Instagram; Pinterest; Stumble Upon; God’s Orchid  Get your copy of Daily Devotional Ebenezer



Waiting – what's next?

by Yvette van Niekerk

Psalm 37 verse 7 "Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him."

When last have you visited your dr? I was there on Tuesday, many people sitting and waiting for their turn to see the dr. I wonder when looking at them what problems they have. Are they very sick, or are they just not feeling well. Then are there any people that go to the dr on a whim?

Jesus said, "while we are waiting, God is working." My life has been hectic, and I am trying to accommodate everybody these days. There seems to be a lot going on, and tempers are flying off the handle left and right and centre. It frustrates me when people continuously bicker and carry on, not letting the thing go. It's like I all of a sudden have four small children in my home, two adult kids and two babies. The adult kids should be at work, but because of lockdown, they stay home. They are driving me nuts.

My husband is at his wit's end, and I have had it.

Psalm 27 verse 14 "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart."

I read that God gave the Israelites a new command: "Three times a year all your men are to appear before the Sovereign Lord, the God of Israel. I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your territory, and no one will covet your land when you go up three times each year to appear before the Lord." Exodus 34: 23 – 24. 

God is going to enlarge our territory, not make it smaller. God will drive out nations before me, and you. While I worship God, He will fight for me and have my back. I don't have to worry about competitive people because God is before me. 


Abba Father, my heart is broken today, I am crying out to You from the depths of my soul. I am desperate for You today, I need Your guidance, and I need Your help. I am struggling with all kinds of emotion. Abandonment feelings, isolations and much more. I know that Your word teaches "When I wait on You in Worship, You will work on my behalf. Your word also says that "If I wait on You Lord that You shall renew my strength; I will mount up with wings like an eagle, I will run and not be weary, I will walk and not faith." I pray to be patient today with me, and I am calling out to You, in Jesus Name, I pray. Amen

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Sunday, 5 July 2020

Why am I so exhausted?

by Yvette van Niekerk

Luke 10: 42 "There is only one thing worth being concerned about."

I have been really very busy this past couple of weeks, I have been taking care of two little children, not making time to spend in the LORD’s presence. It struck me this morning that my time has been consumed by these two kids. I love the baby and little boy to bits.

I do spend time at night reading, and then I wake up realizing I fell off to sleep and I don’t know what my devotions and my meditation were all about. Its time I need to do the most important thing first. I know Romans 7 verses 6 says that I am to be led by the prompting of the Spirit. I know I need to rest and take a break and sit down, which I never seem to do, and I suffer for it in the evening when going to bed.

I realize that I am not bored, and I am busy to busy to think straight at times. I know it is most rewarding walking with God, so I have to make a decision, making time to spend with God. Psalm 16 verse 11 reminds me “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures always.” I need to sit at the feet of the Lord Jesus, I need to learn how to relax and enjoy being with the Lord Jesus again. 


Abba Father, I want to pray as David prayed: “ The one thing I ask of the Lord – the thing I seek most – is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his temple.” Please Abba Father, help me to get the one thing You have for me, spending time in Your presence. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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Are you a Doormat?

by Yvette van Niekerk

Galatians 1: 10 Berean Study Bible "Am I now seeking the approval of men or God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ."

Are you striving to please men, as Paul wrote to the Galatians? Or are you striving to live according to God's Word and be a God-Pleaser? Someone who chooses to be a person God created us to be - unique and different than most people; constant criticism is coming your way because of your peculiarity.

It seems I have been going upstream my entire life, never going along with the rest of the crowd. I want to be different and be something God created me to be. I never knew my self-worth, and people could manipulate me to do things as they pleased, I was a people-pleaser. I was concerned that I didn’t make good decisions and people would think I was stupid. I wanted the approval of people constantly at any cost.  Proverbs remind us that the fear of people is a dangerous trap (Proverbs 29: 25 NTL). I ended constantly feeling disappointed with myself.

King Saul was a people-pleaser let’s see what 1 Samuel 15 verse 24 Saul Pleads for Forgiveness Then Saul admitted to Samuel, “Yes, I have sinned. I have disobeyed your instructions and the LORD’s command, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded. But now, please forgive my sin and come back with me so that I may worship the LORD.” The Apostle Paul wrote that “I’m not trying to win the approval of people but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.”

I believe that I wanted to be loving, considerate, and patient and then I allowed myself to be intimidated and manipulated by allowing people to manoeuvre me. I yielded to fear of others allowing them to be my boss.

2 Timothy 1 verse 7 says “God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power.” I took my stand in the LORD, holding onto His Word, and taking my chances with God.


Heavenly Father, please help me, I do not want to be a servant to people out of fear but because I love them. I also want to pray give me the strength to stand up and be You, servant. Not fearing people. In the Name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

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