Friday, 30 September 2016

# 2 favourite scriptures confirming; who really loves you? [Christ Jesus]

John 3:16Living Bible (TLB)
16 For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

Romans 5:8Living Bible (TLB)
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. 

Who really loves you?  God really loves you and me, why?  Well thinking about the fact that God gave His only begotten Son to die on a cross for both you and my sins.  I wonder if we really can comprehend the true meaning of God’s love for us.

The Greatest love being shown to us through the death of God’s Son Jesus Christ while we were still sinners.  How awesome is that, we cannot begin to understand God’s thinking.  We do know that God really truly love us.

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving each one of us before we even thought of loving You.  Thank You that we have the Lord Jesus Christ who can stand in the gap for us.  Thank You Lord for watching over each one of us today.  Amen

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

# Discovering the Secret to Isaac’s blessing?

Genesis 26:12 Living Bible (TLB)

12 That year Isaac’s crops were tremendous—100 times the grain he sowed. For Jehovah blessed him.

As I read Genesis 26 I have noticed that God spoke to Isaac and instructed him not to go down to Egypt but to stay in the city of Gerar where Abimeleck was the king of the Philistines.

# Promise:   Did you notice that God made a promise to Isaac?  Where in Genesis 26: 3 ‘Do as I say and stay here in this land.  If you do, I will be with you and bless you, and I will give all this land to you and to your descendant, just as I promised Abraham your father.

# Promise:  God also promised more verse 4 ‘And I will cause your descendants to become to as numerous as the stars!  And I will give them all of these lands; and they shall be a blessing to all the nations of the earth.

# WHY?  Why would God this for Isaac?  Verse 5 ‘I will do this because Abraham obeyed my commandments and laws.

Oops! Isaac told a white lie, referring to Rebekah as his sister to king Abimelech, and the king spotted Isaac and Rebekah making love.  Calling Isaac and confronting him about the matter Isaac said he was afraid that the king might have killed him for Rebekah.  Then king Abimelech mad a public proclamation:  Anyone harming this man or his wife shall die.’

# Blessings In the drought Isaac’s crops were tremendous 100 time the grain he sowed.  For the LORD GOD blessed him.  Very soon Isaac became a man of great wealth and richer and richer.  What an awesome testimony for Isaac, obedience for God ~ blessings for you!

Heavenly Father, thank YOU LORD God, please Lord teach us to always obey YOU and help us to listen for Your instructions today.  Bless each person with these words in Jesus Name.  Amen

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

# Help me ~ What can I improve on my Blog?

I have heard not to change my profile picture on my blog so I have gone with the picture.  I keep my content Christian because that is what I feel comfortable with.

I would love to have people ask me to ‘Write for me’ on put their content on my blog.  So how on earth will I be able to attract this kind of people?  Question hanging in the air for me right now.

I love to see my stats pick up but I just don’t have the ‘know how’ to keep it up.

So I put this out there, what can I do to improve my blog?

Thank you for reading; you are a blessing

Translated for English readers (Afrikaans Joke)

Not sure it will have the same results but it was funny to me.

At Bible Study the teacher thought she would discuss love.  She asked the ladies present how many times a day they tell their husband that they love them.  Some said once a week, other said in the morning and others said never. 

The teacher asked the ladies to send their husbands a text message just saying ‘I love you very much.”

Immediately they received messages.

This is the reaction from their husbands:

1. Mother of my children, are you sick?
2. Have you wrecked the car?
3. Don’t understand what you mean, what have you done?
4. Am I dreaming?
5. Tell me how much you need!
6. Who was the message mean for?
7. So your mothers is coming to visit again, right?
8. You promise not by drinking during the day!

Afrikaanse Grappie

Die Studieleier besluit om oor die liefde te gesel tydens die Bybelstudie groepie.  Sy vra toe vir die dames hoeveel keer op ‘n dag die dames vir hul mans sê dat hulle, hul lief het.  Party sê hulle kannie onthou nie, somige sê vanoggend, en ander sê verlede week.

Die Studieleier raai toe aan dat al die dames gou a sms stuur waarin hulle sê ‘ek is baie lief vir jou’.
Die sms is gestuur en dadelik reaksie terug ontvang.

Sy vra toe lees somer hard op wat hulle reaksie is.


Reaksie van mans:

1.        Ma van my kinders, is jy siek?
2.       Het jy die kar gestamp?
3.       Verstaan nie wat jy bedoel nie, wat het jy nou aangevang?
4.       Droom ek?
5.       Sê net hoevell jy nodig het!
6.       Vir wie was die boodskap bedoel?
7.       Jou ma kom alweer kuier né?
8.       Jy het belowe om nie deur die dag te drink nie!
9.       Waar is jy?  Word jy ge-hijack?

  Tee hee goeie een nê!

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