by Yvette van Niekerk
May 14
God has been with us since birth.
Psalm 22: 10 – 11 (AMP)
10 "I was cast upon You from my very birth; from my mother's womb, You have been my God. 11 Be not far from me, for trouble, is near, and there is none to help."
Sometimes it's hard to believe that the Lord knew me when I was still in my mother's womb. God has been with me since my birth. He knows me inside out. He knows where I am, where I will be, and what I am doing. I believe my life can be victorious when I draw on God's power moment by moment ~ focusing my attention on God.
I realized that my biggest problem was my thoughts and impulses. I am very reactive, and then I make mistakes.
In 2 Peter 1 verse 3 to 4, we read "By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. He has given us great and precious promises [so we can] share his divine nature and escape the Worlds corruption." God knew me before I was born, and He knows where I am right now.
Father God, please help us to focus our lives on drawing from Your divine power, giving us everything we need to live a godly life and give us a great and precious promise in sharing Your divine nature and help us escape the world's corruption. In Jesus' Name, amen.