Thursday 7 December 2017

Put God First

Genesis 39: 23
“The chief jailer did not supervise anything
under Joseph’s charge
because the LORD was with him;
and whatever he did,
the LORD made to prosper.”

A key component in my life is putting God first in my life which I believe will help me in becoming successful.  Something that is close to my heart is the fact that I also need to work on my personal relationship with the LORD.  How can I expect to become successful if I don’t have a personal relationship with the most important person in my life?

Job 22: 21 “Now yield and submit yourself to Him [agree with God and be conformed to His will] and be at peace; in this way [you will prosper and great] good will come to you.”  Another key component in succeeding in life is by submitting yourself to God and agreeing with Him so that we can conform to His will. 

I believe that when I am in agreement with God my life is on another level, I feel that I am able to face anything that comes my way.  It doesn’t help me when I keep on looking back at my past mistakes and constantly beating myself up.  I need to look up and trust the only person who is able to help me, the LORD God.

This Christmas season I want to encourage you to stay focused on God and look forward to purposes and good future.  God is still on the throne and He knows what is good for each one of us.


Heavenly Father as we embark on our lives journey each and every day, help us to stay connected to You.  Lord, I want to ask that You will be with each one of us as You were with Joseph.  We need Your supernatural favour in our own lives, here at work and at home with our family.  Lord bless the people we come into contact with and show them Your supernatural favour in their lives.  Bless the people we work for so that they will keep us, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

The fear of the LORD

Psalms 33: 18
“Behold, the eye of the LORD is on
those who fear him,
on those who hope in
His steadfast love,”

When you wake up each morning what goes through your mind?  “Good morning LORD.” Is something I say each morning but some morning I don’t feel like saying anything, I still say “Good morning LORD.”

I have been accused of being a fanatic and obsessed with the LORD and the Bible and that it is impossible to have a decent conversation with me because I don’t know what to say.

Many people think it is ridiculous when I bring something out of what I read the Bible and say this or that reminds me of this scripture or passage I read this morning.  It seems they are put off by my speaking of the LORD.

I believe that the eye of the LORD is on me, I do fear the LORD and I believe that my hope is in HIS steadfast love.  I am nothing without the LORD, I am what God decided to make me.

There is strength in the LORD and I believe with my whole heart that the LORD is working in my life each and every day.  Some days my past plagues me and I feel dreadful and it feels like my life isn’t worth living but the LORD is faithful and He reminds me that I am loved.  I am His child, He has called me by my name, I am valuable because the LORD Jesus Christ died on a cross to save my life.

Heavenly Father, LORD God Almighty in humility I come to You today, thank You for today, thank You for looking after me.  Thank You that I am able to think of You day and night.  Thank You for the supernatural favour in my life with YOU LORD as well as with people.  LORD, YOU are my everything, yes I talk to YOU constantly and it does irritate people but I do love You in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and saviour.  Amen 

Being forged like a sword!

James 1: 2-4
“Consider it nothing but joy,
my brothers and sisters,
whenever you fall into various trials.
Be assured that the testing of your faith
[through experience]
produces endurance
[leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace].
And let endurance have its perfect result and do a
through work, so that you may be
perfect and completely developed
[in your faith],
lacking in nothing.”

As I reflect on my life I believe in a sense my life is like an ore-bearing stone.  For the magic to come out of me something needs to take place so that a sword and a scabbard and chain can be forged.
The ore-bearing stone needs to be melted and then it is poured out into narrow molds.   Now the forging takes place.  First waiting for the melted glowing metal to cool down and the craftsman takes a little water and pours it over the still hot metal.

Breaking open the molds and taking them with tongs the rods are now ready to be forged.  You know the trails and tribulations you have faced and the pain you endured. Going through the fire and coming out changed.  Each process in our lives is to refine us and help us change.

The sword is the Word of God and God is the craftsman carefully knocking out all the blemishes and tiny little cracks.  It takes time and you are changing each day.  One day I will be that shiny bright beautiful sword that a trained knight can use in battle.


O Lord, we don’t always consider it all joy when we need to face difficulties, sometimes we murmur and complain.  In humility we say thank You, You know what You are doing and these little knocks and bumps we experience are to forge us into the instrument You have decided for each of our life.  Open our eyes Lord so that we may see what it is You want us to see.  

Help us understand the life You have in mind for us.  I live with purpose and a life worthy of You.  Thank You so much, Lord, for keeping us safe.  I love You Lord in Jesus Christ's name, Amen.

Hello World, Yvette's Inspirations - 12h00 GMT+2

Good Morning Guys

Please join me today on Rainbow Gospel Radio at 12h00 midday South African Time. 

Let's have fun and enjoy the program together.

You are a blessing .... thank you for joining me today.

Tuesday 5 December 2017

#Tuesday #prayer

1 Samuel 1: 11
“And she vowed a vow and said,
“O LORD of hosts, if you will
indeed look on the affliction of
your servant and remember me
and not forget your servant,
but will give to your servant a son,
then I will give him to the
LORD all the days of his life,
and no razor shall touch his head.”

Praying should be part of our Christian walk each and every day.  We see Hannah praying asking God to bless her life with a son.  Her earnest prayer is answered and she does bear a child.

It is no secret I have been really praying for my attitude and the way I view people.  The people that disappointed me is now in the past and I am moving forward.

My prayer today is asking the LORD of hosts if there is anything He wants to say to me.  I want to know if there is anything I need to know that I’m not thinking about. 

I am also praying that the LORD of hosts will open my eyes so that I may see the wonderful truth in the LORD of host’s law. (Psalm 119: 18)

I believe you also need to pray about the things in your own life as well as your family and friends.


Heavenly Father, LORD of hosts, I want to humbly pray and ask You is there anything You want to say to me.  LORD of hosts, is there anything I need to know that I’m not thinking about.  Because I feel that I cannot do anything without Your hand of protection and guidance in my own life, I am asking You today.  LORD hears my call, open my eyes and let me see what You want me to see. 

You know my heart LORD and I come humbly before YOU today and thank YOU for Your loving-kindness and generosity towards someone like me in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  Amen

Gospel Encore - Rainbow Gospel Radio - Internet Radio

Hello Guys

What an awesome weekend, and look its Monday again.  Thank you so much for taking a look at my blog, I want to invite you to come and listen to my selection of Gospel Music this evening at 18h00 South African Time.

If you want to chat to me feel free to see me on Rainbow Gospel Radio Brick Wall. 

Do you want me to present anything specific?  Do drop me a note and I will see how I can accommodate you.

May the Lord of lights bless You richly, thank you for l looking forward to hearing from you.
God bless you, in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

Monday 4 December 2017

Light my way Lord.

Psalm 119: 5
“Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path.”

Guarding my heart and mind is a choice, the decision not to ponder and think about people that are acrimonious in nature. The aphorism “what goes around, comes around,” plagues my mind today.

Yes I was humbled not once but twice this weekend. I don’t want to tell you about my humbling experience but I must say it wasn’t a nice feeling. So when you pray humble me o Lord, be careful what you ask for.

The mature thing I should do is drop this whole saga and move on with my life. Yes, I was humbled and the person took me one hundred percent for a ride.  The lesson I learned is that people will disappoint you and only God is true.

Lady I forgive you, I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will forgive you too. I set you free and hope that what your heart desire will be given to you. I also pray about the other person I set you free and ask that the Lord will give you what you so desire.


Lord these people I bring humbly before you, I know they both judged me and that they believe I got what I deserve. I forgive both of them. Lord I pray that You will bless them today, that whatever it is they desire give it to them, money, men, food whatever.  Give it to them in abundance.
I forgive them in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ and I ask forgive me for harboring a grudge the whole of Sunday.  Amen

What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!

Zechariah 3: 1
“Then he showed me Joshua the high priest
standing before the angel of the
and Satan standing
at his right hand to accuse him.”

In reflection over the past couple of weeks I feel like I am being accused and that I am under the spice glass.  I see how my husband has been acting for more than two weeks, I see how people I do not know have been treating me.  It makes me angry because I don’t know what I did to get them to be so negative towards me.

My thoughts are they believe they are righteous and that I don’t sit well with them.  I feel disappointed in the fact that I am constantly accused of all strange things.  I don’t want to air my views but I feel hurt by these accusations.

My seamstress is a big disappointment, her initial price for the dress was R1,300.  She charged me R2,000 for a straight dress with no support and the bling was a big disappointment.  On this point I feel that I would never support her business ever again and I wish her all the luck in the world because she is going to need it.

So do I feel that I am under attack damn straight I am and I realized there isn’t anything I can do about it.


Lord Jesus You know my husband and the seamstress, their motives and their fears and what they both are going through.  Lord please keep Your hand of protection over them, bless them today with abundance and let them have supernatural favor with You as well as with people.  In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Friday 1 December 2017

Prayer for thanksgiving.

Philippians 1: 3-10
 I thank my God in every remembrance of you,
 always offering every prayer of mine with joy
[and with specific requests] for all of you,  [thanking God]
for your participation and partnership
[both your comforting fellowship and gracious contributions]
in [advancing] the good news [regarding salvation]
from the first day [you heard it] until now.
I am convinced and confident of this very thing,
that He who has begun a good work in you will
[continue to] perfect and complete it until the
day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].
It is right for me to feel this way about you,
because [you have me in your heart as]
I have you in my heart,
since both in my imprisonment and in
the defence and confirmation of the
good news [regarding salvation],
all of you share in [His matchless] grace with me. 

Today it is my prayer that you will receive the Holy Spirit into your life and that all supernatural favor will rest over you.  I pray that God will ignite a flame in your heart that will burn for the love of Jesus Christ.

I pray for supernatural favor in your life with God and people, I thank God for people like you, constantly reading my blog.  I pray the Lord will touch your lives and bless you with supernatural riches and blessings.

I thank the Lord my God for this opportunity in sharing my thoughts and feeling with you.  I want to encourage you to keep reading knowing that I am praying for you as well.

You are more than a conquer in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Love and blessings are prayed over your lives.

Thursday 30 November 2017

A great woman!

2 Kings 4: 8
“One day Elisha went to Shunem and a well-to-do woman was there,
who urged him to stay for a meal.
So whenever he came by,
he stopped there to eat.”

In this day and age I must be honest I really don’t know too many woman that are great in my eyes.  I doubt if they are true Christian woman their actions speak for them.  I am striving each and every day to become great, it is my heart’s desire to place God first in my life.

The Shunem woman was a great woman; she saw Elisha and knew who he was.  She prepared a room for him and invited him to stay there whenever he came past her house.  So from my point of view she place God first in her life.

Did she lack anything?  No she was a “well-to-do” woman and it is she had lack of nothing but there was something so dearly wanted.  She didn’t have children and her heart’s desire was to have a child.  Do you think she asked Elisha for a child?  No, Elisha found out she wanted a child and prayed for her.

A tragedy hits her house hold and her son dies.  She places him on his bed and goes in search of Elisha she doesn’t go around crying and telling everybody her kid died.  She looks for the source who is able to help her.

Elisha revives the child from death and he lives her prayers were answered.

I feel that I am standing in a room and my dream looks like it is dead, I need to have it revived, I need a God breath over my dream. 


Heavenly Father, Lord You know what my dream is all about, I bring it before You and I pray for a revival of my dream.  Lord I need You to breathe life into my dream, You are my first port of contact in the morning and my last one in the evening.  I am asking You humbly breathe life into my dream.  In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen 

Hello World, Yvette’s Inspirations

Good morning, it’s a Thursday here in sunny South Africa, Witbank, Mpumalanga.  I want to take this opportunity to invite you to come and join me today at 12h00 South African Time.

I will be chatting about confessions of secret sins, telling a joke and some general inspiring information.  Talking about top albums and Christian bands.
Do not miss this slot today:

Be blessed and thank you for tuning in to Rainbow Gospel Radio.
Blessings Yvette

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Wednesday 29 November 2017


Philippians 4: 19
And my God will supply every need of yours
according to his riches in
glory in Christ Jesus.

I believe God knows what we need and when we need it.  Sometimes we don’t know what we need and we also don’t know how to ask for it.

The Apostle Paul reminds us that God will supply every need of ours.  We think it needs to be money, clothes and material wealth.

What about our spiritual lives?  Don’t we need guidance, supernatural favor with God and with people?  What about being able to study and read our bibles?

I want so many things in my life and I seem to want more and more and it seem that it isn’t enough.  What I do realize is at some stage it is a total waste and many of the things I have is sitting on my shelves and I used it only once.

It is my heart’s desire to change and become more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ, perhaps I should focus my time and energy on the Word of God and learn more from it.  Praying for the necessary wisdom and insight to be given to me, asking God for the necessary wisdom and understanding for each and every day.  Helping people around me and encouraging them with the Word.


O Lord God, thank You that You know my needs, today I saw how You speak to me through other people.  You know what I need and You supply according to my needs.  Awesome and wonderful God thank You.  Lord I want to pray asking that You will help me and guide me in my personal life.  I think of someone special in my life, and I pray for an anointing in their lives.  Lord touching each and every one I love.  In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


2 Kings 5: 9 – 10
“So Naaman came with his horses and chariots and stood at the
door of Elisha’s house.  And Elisha sent a messenger to him,
saying, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times,
and your flesh shall be restored,
and you shall be clean.”

When I start reading what Elisha was doing I feel encouraged and I believe that we serve an awesome God.  Now Naaman was a commander in the army of the king of Syria and he was a leper.  They had captured a little girl from Israel and she told her master to go to the King of Israel because she knew that Naaman could be healed.

On hearing this King of Syria sent Naaman with a letter to the king of Israel with gifts asking that Naaman be healed.  Well, the King of Israel was super angry because he didn’t have the ability to heal anybody.  Elisha heard about the king tearing his clothes and Elisha said “why have you torn your clothes?”  Send Naaman to me.

Naaman came to the prophet and a messenger came out of Elisha’s house telling Naaman to go and wash seven times in the Jordan.  The man was enraged and couldn’t believe the odasity in being told to take a wash.  But Naaman’s servants said “try it what have you to lose?”

Naaman went and dipped in the Jordan seven times, he became as a little child, all the leprosy gone.


O Lord God, we can be so obnoxious and full of it, we believe that we are able to do whatever we put our minds to.  A simple instruction seems so silly and why listen, but in being obedient You are able to do far more than what we know or imagine.  Thank You, Lord God, for supernatural blessings in our lives when we listen and obey You.  I love You, I Love You Lord, in the Holy Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen


2 Kings 6: 11 – 14
“And the mind of the king of Syria was greatly troubled
because of this thing, and he called his servants and said to them,
“Will you not show me who of us is for the king of Israel?”
And one of his servants said, “None, my lord, O king;
but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel
the words that you speak in your bedroom.”
And he said, “Go and see where he is, that I may send and seize him.”
It was told him, “Behold, he is in Dothan.”
So he sent there horses and chariots
and a great army, and they came by night
and surrounded the city.”

When I was reading this passage in 2 Kings 6 I had to laugh.  Imagine talking to your wife or husband confidentially and everything you told them come to light?  I would believe that someone was standing by the door and eavesdropping.

The Syrian King was upset and he even asked his servants who was telling all his secret plans to seize the King of Israel, was there a snitch in the place?

I must be honest and tell you that I would love to know what the enemy is planning against me so that I know how to get away from it.  Elisha was a voice of God speaking to the King of Israel warning him against disaster and sudden attacks.

I believe the moment we come into sink with God the Holy Spirit creates awareness within us against disaster and sudden attack.


Heavenly Father, O LORD my God, thank You for the Holy Spirit that creates awareness within us of any dangers that may come our way.  Thank You for keeping us save and watching over us.  Thank You for keeping me under the umbrella of your loving kindness and supernatural favor in our lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Tuesday 28 November 2017

He is able to do immeasurably more than I can imagine.

Ephesians 3: 20-21
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine,
according to his power that is at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus
throughout all generations,
for ever and ever! Amen”

Again I am in hopeful expectation for something immeasurably more than I can ask for or even imagine.  God is in control of my life and I am expecting His supernatural favor in my own life, can you feel it?

I feel excited and looking forward to something spectacular to happen in my life and I am waiting in anticipation.

I am coming out of my comfort zone and trusting in God to open the right doors at the right time, I am waiting for a unexpected shift in my own life. You know the suddenly experiences, one thing after another after another.

When I was expecting my daughter the night before she was born I knew that she was going to make her appearance the next day.  I could feel her adjusting and moving around in my tummy.  I was both excited and scared.  I knew what was waiting for me and to top it off I was glad the time was now.


Lord in believing and trusting that You are able to do immeasurably more than what I can ask for or imagine, I bring my personal life before You.  Touch my life and heal my brokenness and guide me.  In the holy name of Jesus Christ Amen


Judges 7: 1 – 3
Gideon Defeats the Midianites
“Early in the morning, Jerub-Baal (that is, Gideon)
and all his men camped at the spring of Harod.
The camp of Midian was north of them in the valley near
the hill of Moreh. The Lord said to Gideon,
“You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands,
or Israel would boast against me,
‘My own strength has saved me.’
Now announce to the army, ‘Anyone who trembles
with fear may turn back and leave Mount Gilead.’”
So twenty-two thousand men left,
while ten thousand remained.”

This is so awesome God used 300 men to beat the Army of the Midianites, the Amalekites and other eastern people.  They were as tick as locusts and their camels could no more be counted than the sand on the seashore.  Do you get it?  They were in multitudes and Gideon was to take 300 men.

What struck me was that God spoke to Gideon and told him to go and spy on the Midianites.  As they approached the tents on the outskirts of the camp they overhead the one of the men saying “I had a dream I saw a round loaf of barley bread come tumbling into the Midianite camp.  It struck the ten with such force that the tent overturned and collapsed.”

On hearing this dream Gideon took courage and summons his troops and they attacked the Midianites.  With only 300 men and God in charge they beat the Midianites. 

This just goes to show that God is in control over our lives and yes, small things matter.  We need God to help us in our live struggles and once we think we have the upper hand we forget about what God has done for us.


Abba Father, in humility help me to accept the changes in my life and the small things, You can see the big picture and You are able to do the impossible for me. I praise and worship You Lord, in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

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2 Kings 6: 17
“And Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.”
Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes,
and he looked and saw the hills full of
horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.”

Elisha was mentored by Elijah and he received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.  Now these two prophets in the Old Testament are also my top favorites. 

I know that I am living in a physical world; I need to touch and see and hear.  I honestly would love to also experience the same things Elisha and Elijah experience but I am not a prophet and my eyes cannot see into the Spiritual realm.
Elisha’s servant was concerned when he saw the number of people in the army that was planning an attack on their city.

Elisha prayed and asked the LORD “Open his eyes, so that he may see.” In that moment God opened the servant’s eyes and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.  You know the enemy was embarking upon Elisha and he prayed to the LORD: “Strike this army with blindness.” God struck them with blindness and then Elisha told the arm to follow him.  Elisha led them to the city Samaria and there the LORD opened their eyes.

I believe that God has instructed His angels to keep watch over us.  I would love to have access into the spiritual world.  You know see what is happening behind the scenes.

That is why we are encouraged to believe in things we cannot see.  So do you see it?


LORD I want to pray today open my eyes so that I am able to see it.  Lord keep Your hand of protection over my life and guide me in the days ahead of me. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen

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James 1: 2
“Consider it all joy,
my brethren,
when you encounter various trials,”

You know you are under attack when your stomach is knotted and you can feel your nerves stretched as tight as bowstrings.  It seems every time you decide to fast the enemy decides to send someone to upset your day.

James must have been a really strong Christian telling us to “consider it all joy when we encounter various trials.”  As the people file into the office each with a specific complaint concerning hours not booked or not paid, I take a deep breath and say a prayer.

Smiling and listening to each person’s complaint I let them vent and say what they needed to say and go through the process checking the Time sheets with the hours book and whether they correspond on the system.  They do, then what happened?  Where is the money for the hours work?

I am at the right place at the right time, I have the answers and I feel that I can assist them.  Calm them down and assure them of their pay the next month.


Heavenly Father, You know we desire to be in the right place at the right time, we are all looking for the right opportunity to move forward.  But we want to ask You to guide us today and show us the way forward.  Thank You Lord for Your loving kindness and give us the courage to consider it all joy, when we encounter various trials in our own lives in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Monday 27 November 2017

Gospel Encore - 18h00 Rainbow Gospel Radio

Come join me tonight here at Rainbow Gospel Radio, we are going to listen to some beautiful Christian music.

Bring yourself and a nice cup of hot coffee its cold here in Witbank this evening. 

God bless you

God please turn back the clock for me.

2 Kings 20: 11
“So Isaiah the prophet called out to the LORD,
and He brought the shadow of the steps ten steps
backward by which it had gone down
on the sundial of Ahaz.”

I believe God gives all of us a choice and we need to make the right decisions.  When reading 2 Kings 20 you will see that King Hezekiah is deadly sick.  Isaiah the prophet comes and tells the King, you are going to die, get your house in order.

One we have to keep our house in order because we do not know when the appointed time is.  For all we know today may be our last day and then we leave our homes in a mess.  I have been worried about my home for some time and am constantly trying to keep everything in order.

King Hezekiah asked that the clock be turned back 10 steps because he knew this would be a challenge.  I was reading this and God is so faithful He moves the dial back ten steps. 

Now this inspires me because I believe God is able to restore my life, I am asking God to help me with lost opportunities, you know I am struggling to deal with past mistakes, I believe God will sort them out.

I believe God to restore the lost relationships with my family and friends, I am believing God to restore what had been taken from me.  I believe God is moving things into place for me.  I am holding on to a hopeful expectation that God is in control and I can trust in Him.


Abba Father, I am calling out to You today asking that LORD God You please restore my life.  I admit that I had sinned and I have been praying about this for so long.  I am expecting a hopeful future and I am expecting that YOU will deal with my lost opportunities and that You are able to turn back time.  Here is my life, I am asking Lord help me.  I pray this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.  Amen

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Looking up to God, I need YOU LORD Jesus

Lately, I've been struggling with a heavy feeling in my heart. It's like my own thoughts keep attacking me, accusing me of doing wro...