Genesis 2:21-22 (AMP)
21 "So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to
fall upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed up the
flesh at that place. 22 And the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man
He made (fashioned, formed) into a woman, and He brought her and presented
her to the man.”
Are you married? I am, and according to my husband,
we don't talk enough. The frightening part is for the next 21 days we are alone
at home. I have heard some guys have bought 3 cases of whiskey and loads of
cooldrink. The fear of staying at home with your husband or wife must be
I actually thought I do speak to my husband; I know
I have been complaining about the kids a lot. They really work on my nerves.
What I have come to realize is we are two different
people, his the total opposite to me. I like to chat, and I enjoy the
limelight. He's very conservative and never speaks his mind. I sometimes
believe his hiding things from me. So we need to focus on our verbal
communication, my emotional state of mind, and our physical state. The
challenge for me is actually putting my thoughts into words. I have become so
accustomed to keeping my mouth shut that when I really am upset, I am unable to
speak the words. I normally break down in tears and then run away. He truly is
frustrated with me, because he isn't sure what the hell is going on with me. I
do believe we have a sense of closeness in our marriage. Although, at times, we
are really far apart. I do feel taken aback when he says that I don't talk to
me. When all I do is tell him things that irritate me. This is a learning curve
for me, and I find it difficult to relate to him at times. He loves going to
bed very late, I, on the other hand, want to go to bed at least by 10 pm.
Well, I'm sure you can relate, some people are
night owls, and others are early birds. So I'm not really sure what is on my
husband's mind and sometimes he isn't sure what I'm thinking.
During this lockdown, I hope that I am able to
bridge the gap between myself and my husband when it comes to communication. I
believe God has put the marriage in place so that we can be in a relationship
with each other. Looking at Genesis 2, verses 18, "It is not good that man
should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." We both need
each other and, therefore, should at least understand each other. I used to
have a great body, and as time goes on, it is difficult to maintain that
excellent body. Especially when I have to cook so many meals and make sure
everybody is eating.
Well, from my point of view, communication is
difficult in general for me, I normally listen well, but when I need to speak
my mind. I seem to offend or say things uncut. To straight forward at times and
that is really bad, I feel my filters have fallen by the wayside. I realize
that God created Eve from Adams's rib and not any other part of his body. I
think this is the reason we are supposed to be equal. I realized when I went
away on Holiday overseas that I was truly missed. I realize my husband really
missed me and knew he loves me. The loneliness he felt when I was away and the
same for me. I was visiting with my family, but the man I love was at home.
So we are sitting together in the study, and I am
trying to build on our communication. Sometimes we have an argument and
disagreement. I am trying to improve my communication. Let's see how we fear
going forward.
Lord Jesus, today I want to
dedicate my marriage into Your hands. You know that we are learning to
communicate with each other. It’s not that easy, I do speak to my husband but
he truly doesn’t understand me at the best of time. I am sure he feels exactly
the same way. Lord please send the Holy Spirit and help me with my quest to
better my communication with my husband and guide me going forward. In the name
of Jesus Christ. Amen
van Niekerk
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