Tuesday, 17 October 2017

On Judgment day

1 Samuel 15: 24 KJV “And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice.”

A people pleaser, Saul admitted to Samuel he actually listened to the people. I also do that sometimes. I think it is because I want their approval or I want to please them, I may even be afraid of them and will obey just to keep the peace.

Picture this, I work in an office and we are audited every year. The Auditors will come to the office and ask to see a number of files.  The will go through the files and make copies of all the documents and then they will leave.  They do not say a word.  We wait to hear the outcome of the findings.  A meeting is called and we are asked to attend the meeting. The Auditors will bring their findings and tell us about the mistakes they have found. They will highlight problems they have identified and then they will give their thoughts and findings.
Good Audits are what we want and we don’t want to have to hear about mistakes and problems.  We worked hard to avoid these kinds of findings.  But human error does occur and we make mistakes.

I say God is going to call out your name, ask the angels to bring all your files and place them on the table.  God will go through your file and look at what you did, what you said and how you reacted and treated people. I believe that God will be doing an audit on each of our lives. Then God will give His finding and a judgment will be made.

None of us can escape death; we cannot get away from this appointment.  Reading Hebrews 9 verse 27 KJV “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”

On judgment day will you be found worthy to enter into heaven and enjoy a full and eternal life?


O LORD, we are people please at the best of times. We try to get the approval of man and we want to impress people we don’t even know. Why we act like that I believe is because we have forgotten who we are in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our identity is blurred and we struggle to maintain our true identity in Jesus Christ. We humble ourselves before You, LORD, forgive us if we have offended You. Forgive us if we haven’t obeyed You. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ.  Amen

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