Tuesday, 24 April 2018

At Which Age Will I Die?

Psalm 139: 16 NIV
“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

This subject is something that always fascinates me, I would like to know when I die, how it will happen and how old will I be. I cannot foretell the future so that will never happen I need to wait my turn just like everybody else. I also realized that God is infinitely in control over my life and thank goodness His been patient with me.

I thought about this and it struck me that I came into this world naked and I know that I am going to die and leave this world naked Job 1: 21.  It also struck me that God is in control over life and death 1 Samuel 2: 6.

I do not know at which age I will depart from this world but I do know without a doubt that God is in control and that He has ordained when I will leave this earth. I may live to be 84 years old or even older.


Lord, You are awesome, You know my heart's desire and all the questions in my heart around death. Lord thank You for the grace You have bestowed upon me and my family to wake up and enjoy yet another day. I am so grateful and happy that I have this opportunity. Lord please takes care of each person reading this blog of mine in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen

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