Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Are you in God’s business?

Galatians 6: 10So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

Are you open to a personal question today? If you are in God’s business what exactly are you doing? I see that your parents are struggling and they cannot keep their heads above water. They pay the rent and that is that. You ask yourself why I struggle financially. I give my tithes and I go to church each week. Still I just am not making it these days.

God wants you to get into His business by helping your parents firstly and then looking after the widows and orphans. While you get busy doing God’s business God will start getting busy doing your business.

There are so many people going through so much these days but the sad part we are building our own little empires. Gathering all these things here on earth and when we die, tell me who is going to receive all your riches?  If you do not have children it goes to the Government. 

It is my heart’s desire to leave a legacy behind for my children and I am doing everything possible to make this happen. 

I want to ask that we all rethink our situations. God I am calling out to You open our eyes and lift the veil off our eyes so that we can see. Give each one of us the wisdom and insight and understanding in looking firstly for Your kingdom.  We are all calling out to you.

Lord God, I am asking that the Holy Spirit will work today in the lives of each person I am sharing my blog with. Please Lord soften the peoples hearts towards their parents, let them help them. We cannot survive without the roots and our parents are our roots. The branches are drying up because they are neglecting to water the roots. Holy Spirit will you speak into the hearts of the people all around us, let us be more compassionate towards our parents and people in need. I call this into life in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen

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