Monday, 16 August 2021

Blessings or curses?

by Yvette van Niekerk
August 16 Blessings or curses? Deuteronomy 30:19 (AMP) 19 "I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse; therefore, you shall choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants." Our words have so much power I have heard it said: "You will have what you say." My daughter's favourite phrases. Here we see the Lord God speaking to Moses and in turn, Moses relays the message to the Israelites. God is faithful and always give each one of us the option to choose. Do you also go and weighs the pro's and con's or do you jump in and go with the flow? God is in the position to bless you and in abundance too. You need to watch your words, seek the blessings and live an abundant life. Our lives are blessed so that we may be a blessing to other people. Living a life of abundance means we need to think of the less fortunate. The Lord gives us wisdom and insight to make the right decision every day. Prayer O Lord God, I am so grateful for the opportunity in coming to You this morning. Lord God, I choose You, and I choose life, I want to have supernatural blessings in my life. So that my children and their children will receive the benefits, Lord as I declare this into my personal experience I believe Your promise will flow into my own life. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen

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