Friday, 9 June 2017

Flowers or Weeds?

The Fall of Man:  Genesis 3: 2-3 NIV “The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, “You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.”

God said: “You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.”  Think on this for just a minute.  When you tell your children “do not touch that or stay away from that.”  What do they do?  It is human nature to actually see what will happen if you are prohibited to go and do something you are not allowed to.  Satan sows a seed, by saying “you will not surely die.” 

When I was watching the movie “The Shack” God showed Mack his personal garden.  It was a bit of a mess if you recall there were all kinds of flowers growing in his garden.  I believe that “Macks” garden actually represented his mind.  What thoughts he allowed to grow in his mind.  So what am I saying here?  Satan is wise and he knows each one of us, all he does is walk past you and sows a seed of doubt, jealousy or something malicious.  It’s normally just a word. 

The thing with words is we can meditate on them all day long, I mean looking at someone you would never know what is on their minds.  You cannot see them plotting and planning, they look happy and friendly.

Are you allowing “Weeds” to grow rampant in your garden and watering them all day long?  Or are you plucking them out the minute something pops up that has the ability to take you away from becoming what God intended you to be?

Like I said we need to stop dismantling every good thought God has placed in our mind and get rid of the rubbish we allow to grow.  This can only take place when we renew our minds. We stay focused on learning to become more and more like Jesus.  Meditating on what is pure, what is good, what is edifying and what bring joy to others.  Moving away from being angry and bitter.


Lord Jesus, it is my desire that You will send the Holy Spirit to touch each and every person's heart today.  As they read this page, Lord I pray that Your will be done in their lives.  I pray for removals of strongholds that are in our lives, bitterness, hatred and jealousy to name but a few.  Lord send Your Spirit like a fire and burn all the “weeds” that are in our lives.  Replacing them with love, peace, joy and friendliness and longsuffering.  In Your Holy Name, Jesus Christ, Amen

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